the spectroscopic study of m31 globular clusters with

The Spectroscopic Study of M31 Globular Clusters with Xinglong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Spectroscopic Study of M31 Globular Clusters with Xinglong 2.16m Telescope Zhou Fan, Ya-Fang Huang, Jin-Zeng Li, et al. July 10, 2012 NAOC A601 Descriptions of Globular Clusters 1. They are densely packed, gravitationally bound spherical

  1. The Spectroscopic Study of M31 Globular Clusters with Xinglong 2.16m Telescope Zhou Fan, Ya-Fang Huang, Jin-Zeng Li, et al. July 10, 2012 NAOC A601

  2. Descriptions of Globular Clusters 1. They are densely packed, gravitationally bound spherical systems containing several thousands to approximately one million stars; 2. They formed at the very beginning of the host galaxy and it provides improtant information of the galaxy formation and evolution; 3. Simple stellar population, single age, single abundance; 4. It is compact and luminous, which can be probed in the extragalaxies. (Coma cluster GCs, d=108 Mpc, z=0.023). M31GC -- G1

  3. Andromeda (M31) Located at a distance of ~780 kpc, M31 is the nearest and largest spiral galaxy in our Local Group. It contains >700 GCs and is considered an ideal laboratory for studies of star clusters in external galaxies. NGC205 M32

  4. Metallicity as a funtion of distance from M31 center Perrett et al. (2002) Fan et al. (2008) Metal-rich clusters: b=0.000±0.001 Metal-poor clusters: b=-0.006±0.001 This gradient in the metal-poor clusters is not inconsistent with a single collapse scenario, yet we recognize that a metallicity gradient, is not sufficient to confirm an early dissipational collapse. Such a gradient could be mimicked by a hierarchical halo formation if the metallicity of the accreting fragments correlates with their mass and mean density.

  5. Dose the radial metallicity gradient still exist for a larger distance from the galaxy center?

  6. The observations of 2010 1. Observations: Sep 10-13, 2010 2. Facility: An OMR spectrograph and a PI 1340×400 CCD detector were used during this run with a dispersion of 200 A ̊ mm−1, 4.8 A ̊ pixel−1, and a 3.0 ′′slit. 3. Exposure: of 3 × 1800 seconds were taken with seeing typically ∼ 2.5 ′′. 4. Our spectra cover the wavelength range of 3500 − 8100 A ̊ at 4 A ̊ resolution. 5. All our spectra have S/N ≥ 40.

  7. Lick indices and spectrum of B023

  8. SSP model 1.Thomas et al. (2003) provided stellar population models including Lick absorption line indices for various elemental-abundance ratios, covering ages from 1 to 15 Gyr and metallicities from 1/200 to 3.5× solar abundance. 2.These models are based on the standard models of Maraston (1998), with input stellar evolutionary tracks from Cassisi et al. (1997) and Bono et al. (1997) and a Salpeter (1955) stellar initial mass function. 3.The latest stellar population model for Lick absorption-line indices (Thomas et al., 2010) is an improvement on Thomas et al. (2003) and Thomas et al. (2004). They were derived from the MILES stellar library, which provides a higher spectral resolution appropriate for MILES and SDSS spectroscopy, as well as flux calibration. 4.The models cover ages from 0.1 to 15 Gyr, [Z/H] from � 2.25 to 0.67 dex, and [� /Fe] from � 0.3 to 0.5 dex.

  9. The Metallicity Gradient We found the metallicity gradient for all the confirmed clusters exists with a slope of −0.028 ± 0.001 dex kpc −1 . However, the slope turns to be −0.018 ± 0.001 dex kpc −1 for all the halo clusters

  10. Outer Halo Clusters The slope k= −0.010 ± 0.002 dex kpc −1 and if one cluster G001 is excluded from the outer halo sample, k= −0.004 ± 0.002 dex kpc −1

  11. Vr Vs. distance along major axis (X)

  12. The observations of 2011 1. Observations: from Aug 28 to Sep1, 2011 2. Facility: An OMR spectrograph and a PI 1340×400 CCD detector were used during this run with a dispersion of 200 A ̊ mm−1, 4.8 A ̊ pixel−1, and a 3.0 ′′slit. 3. Exposure: of 3 × 1800 seconds were taken with seeing typically ∼ 2.5 ′′. 4. Our spectra cover the wavelength range of 3500 − 8100 A ̊ at 4 A ̊ resolution. 5. All our spectra have S/N ≥ 40.

  13. Outer Halo Clusters The slope of the linear fitting is −0.005 ± 0.005 dex kpc−1 (black solid line). However, if the two highest metallicity GCs G001 and H11 are excluded, the slope turns out to be −0.002 ± 0.003 dex kpc −1

  14. Metallicity Vs. age

  15. Spatial Distributions

  16. Publications 1.Fan, Zhou; Huang, Ya-Fang; Li, Jin-Zeng; Zhou, Xu; Ma, Jun; Zhao, Yong-Heng, 2012, RAA, 12,829, “Spectroscopic study of globular clusters in the halo of M31 with the Xinglong 2.16 m telescope II: dynamics, metallicity and age” 2.Fan, Zhou; Huang, Ya-Fang; Li, Jin-Zeng; Zhou, Xu; Ma, Jun; Wu, Hong; Zhang, Tian-Meng; Zhao, Yong-Heng, 2011, RAA, 11,1298, “Spectroscopic study of globular clusters in the halo of M31 with the Xinglong 2.16 m telescope”

  17. Thanks a lot ! The work is supported by NFSC No.11003021 "Obervational Study on Formation and Evolution of Andromeda Galaxy" (PI: Fan Zhou, 2011-2013) Homepage:


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