the social structure of open source software development

The Social Structure of Open Source Software Development Authors: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Social Structure of Open Source Software Development Authors: Kevin Crowston and James Howison Presented by Bill Shenk What is social structure? Control Coordination Socialization Continuity Why study social structure for

  1. The Social Structure of Open Source Software Development Authors: Kevin Crowston and James Howison Presented by Bill Shenk

  2. What is social structure? ● Control ● Coordination ● Socialization ● Continuity

  3. Why study social structure for OSSE? “little is known about how people in these communities coordinate software development … or about what software processes, work practices, and organizational contexts are necessary to their success.” Walt Scacchi, “Software Development Practices in Open Software Development Communities: A Comparative Case Study”, 2002

  4. Why does this matter? Understanding social structure can help with: ● Development planning ● Predictable relationships between code structure and social structure ● Risk management ● Team members that are vital to the success of a project

  5. What's important when studying social structure? ● Individuals – Group size: small, large? constant, growing, shrinking? ● Their actions – How is the work divided? Who contributes what? ● Their interactions – Who talks to whom, how often, where? – Is the communication funneled somehow?

  6. Centralization and decentralization: Development ● Actions: code is written ● Centralized: a small core group of code contributors – cathedral ● Decentralized: contributions from a larger portion of project individuals – bazaar

  7. Centralization and decentralization: Communication ● Interactions between project members (via email, IM, wiki, bug-tracking, etc.) ● Centralized: small group who speak to the larger group, and large group talks only to small group ● Decentralized: project members speak to each other as a whole

  8. Decentralized development and communication Raymond (1998), Kuwabara (2000), Cox (1998) suggest that most OSS projects are decentralized in development, communication, or both ● Decentralized development and planning are a good indication of decentralized communication ● “decentralized development” surrounded in “clamor … anyone is welcome – the more people, the louder the clamor, the better it is.” - Kuwabara (2000) ● The more the merrier!

  9. Decentralized communication and OSS Alan Cox argues that bazaar projects can lead to “clique” formation ● Linux for 8086: noise from inexperienced programmers prompted the core developers to form a secluded group ● Discussions should focus on existing code rather than opinions and ideas, avoid “town councilors”

  10. Centralized communication and OSS ● Centralized social structures can sometimes lead to “ownership” of a project ● Informal ownership often goes to founding member(s) – e.g., Linux ● Raymond (1998) believes that some centralization is vital to OSS success

  11. Authors' Study ● Examined communication centralization during bug- fixing stage ● Chosen because there are a “microcosm of coordination problems” (Crowston 1997) and collaboration across many individuals and roles ● Data taken from SourceForge through spiders and parsers ● Criteria: at least seven developers with at least 100 bugs per project from relatively active projects

  12. How the data was analyzed ● SourceForge ID was used as an individual's identifier ● Each message tied to a bug counts as one interaction from one sender to another sender, starting with reporter ● 23% of messages were sent anonymously, considered extraneous and therefore not utilized (“nobody interactions”)

  13. Some raw figures ● 120 projects (out of 50,000 at the time) were analyzed that fit criteria and had available bug- tracking data ● 61,068 bug reports, avg. of 509 per project – bugs with at least one reply were counted ● 14,922 total unique users (posters) with avg. of 140 users per project

  14. Centralization scores ● Central project individuals are those who send and receive greater number of messages ● Members who send messages (out-degree centrality) are measured for centrality ● In a very centralized project, a single individual will have a high out-degree; in decentralized, no one person stands out

  15. Pretty graph – interaction plot Figure 5 – openrpg

  16. Pretty graph – interaction plot Figure 9 – curl, centralization = 0.922

  17. Pretty graph – interaction plot Figure 10 – squirrelmail, centralization = 0.377

  18. Distribution Figure 8 – centralization scores for projects

  19. Project size vs. centralization ● Authors discovered large projects are typically less centralized ● Possible interpretation: in a large project, it is difficult for a single individual to fix every bug ● Growing projects lead to modularity and formation of smaller groups

  20. What does it all mean?! ● Data and graphs show that the bug-tracking communication, on the whole, was neither centralized nor decentralized ● Average centralization: 0.56 ± 0.20

  21. Questions & Further Analysis ● Projects that changed leaders? (centralized → decentralized) ● Posters with high out-degree might be verbose/unclear and score artificially higher? ● Mailing list communication centralization also measured for 52 projects showed similar results. What about other ways of measuring communication centralization? ● Communication centralization vs. development centralization? Would it show similar results?

  22. Thank you!

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