The Sacramento Political and Policy Landscape Around Equitable Supports for Children Ted Lempert, President Children Now Santa Clara Challenge Team
2018 CALIFORNIA CHILDREN’S REPORT CARD A review of kids’ well -being & roadmap for the future.
The cost of child care Infant & Toddler Care Grade: D+ is out of reach for many families.
Preschool & Transitional Too few California Kindergarten 3- and 4-year-olds Grade: B have access to preschool.
Early Learning Workforce Compensation & Training Grade: C- Early child care providers are responsible for kids during the period of their lives with the most rapid brain development, yet they are poorly compensated.
TK-12 Funding Grade: C- The ratio of teachers and other trained adults to students is a prominent factor in education quality.
Academic Outcomes Grade: D California has large disparities in academic achievement.
STEM Education Grade: C California students are not meeting grade-level expectations in math and science, and the performance gap is most pronounced for students who are Black and Latino.
Suspensions School Climate & disproportionately Discipline affect kids of color. Grade: B-
Chronic Absence Grade: B- Low-income schools have higher rates of chronic absence.
California needs to Access to Higher expand college Education access for high Grade: C school graduates.
Home Visiting Home Visiting programs reach Grade: D+ fewer than 3% of California families.
California is making Health Insurance steady progress towards Grade: A ensuring all kids have health insurance.
Mental Health & California kids aren’t Building Resilience getting the mental health services they need. Grade: D+
Oral Health Grade: C- While cavities, tooth decay, and associated tooth pain are nearly 100% preventable, poor oral health is one of the leading causes of school absences.
The American Academy of School-Based Pediatrics recommends 1 Health Services nurse per school, but CA is Grade: D+ far from that goal.
Too many kids in foster Placement Stability care experience frequent & Permanent Connections placement changes, Grade: C adding to their trauma.
Health coverage helps Health Care for Kids ensure critical supports for in Foster Care kids aging out of care. Grade: C-
Education Support for School transitions and trauma Students in Foster Care cause students in foster care to Grade: D+ struggle to stay on track in school and graduate on time.
Why are kids Because they losing out? lack power.
1 Cover the Full Range of The Pro-Kid Advocacy Issues Affecting Children Model to Give Kids Power 2 Two-Word Messaging All 4 of the following components are essential for “Inside” Research & 3 successful kids’ advocacy at Policy Expertise any level (national, state, and local). 4 “Outside” Grassroots Pressure
Healthier Kids Foundation Krause Center for Innovation Parents Helping Parents Child Advocates of Silicon Valley Advocacy: Educare California at FIRST 5 Santa Clara Outside Grassroots Silicon Valley County Pressure Silicon Valley Children's Fund Kids in Common, a Mountain View/Los Altos/ program of Planned Los Altos Hills Challenge Team Parenthood Mar Monte More than 2,400 organizations have joined the Movement Silicon Valley Council already, including 183 in Santa of Nonprofits Clara County: Valley Medical Center Santa Clara County Foundation Board of Education Silicon Valley Leadership Group The Tech Museum Hispanic Foundation of of Innovation Silicon Valley YMCA of Silicon Valley
Pro-Kid Model in Action: Passing Historic School Equity Reform
Pro-Kid Model in Action: Multi-Year Effort (2015- 2017) Led to Nearly $1.1 Billion in Early Learning Funding
Pro-Kid Model in Action: Protecting Former Foster Youth Health Care (2017 & ongoing)
Protecting CHIP and achieving near- Pro-Kid Model universal health care coverage for kids in Action: (2015 & ongoing)
Pro-Kid Model in Action: Protecting the DREAMers
Thank You! Children Now Los Angeles • Oakland • Sacramento Join the Movement
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