the role and value of making data inventories

The role and value of making data inventories a key step towards - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The role and value of making data inventories a key step towards mature data governance #openbelgium Louvain-la-Neuve,12 March 2018 Ton Zijlstra, @ton_zylstra,, slides: The role and value of making data

  1. The role and value of making data inventories a key step towards mature data governance #openbelgium Louvain-la-Neuve,12 March 2018 Ton Zijlstra, @ton_zylstra,, slides:

  2. The role and value of making data inventories City Leeuwarden Province Fryslân Province Utrecht City Eindhoven Province North-Holland City Delft

  3. 1 high time for mature data governance

  4. digital isn’t paper redone

  5. digital changes how we look at • openness: access is di ff erent from re-use • privacy: di ff erent types of usage • security: non-binary • archiving: earlier in information processes

  6. three fences

  7. security three fences

  8. security openness three fences

  9. security openness privacy three fences

  10. security fence • ‘baseline information security’ for local/regional govs determines what data is critical • Uptime: IT infrastructure, dependencies, service levels • Quality: tamper free, audit processes, checks on inputs, knowing sources • Uptime fits the fence tactic, quality doesn’t

  11. openness fence • at request, additional process • stated end game is ‘actively open by design’ • open data is becoming infrastructure (e.g. ‘omgevingswet’ ) • fence tactic is ine ffi cient

  12. openness fence • data sovereignty is under threat • not enough attention at data level • fence tactic is ine ff ective

  13. openness fence • complaints about compliance costs • house not in order • PSI Directive Review confirms

  14. privacy fence • done on level of organisation or system • GDPR is here, creates uncertainty • excuse for ‘closed by design’ • making lists for the fence, not processes

  15. • right to review • right to portability • right to be forgotten (archiving) • “by design, and state of the art”, and is enforced • can only be done at data level, and processes tapping into data • the fence tactic fails completely

  16. • GDPR demands ‘by design’ • no sense on its own • openness, archiving, security (Q) as well • focus on data GDPR opportunity for ‘everything by design’

  17. person related open business critical 30 yr limit 3rd party rights data focus & ‘everything by design’, not fences

  18. 2 local data inventories a first step

  19. local is where you are, but not the data pro’s

  20. policy issue value, impact people open data connecting people and issues needs data knowledge

  21. Actief uitnodigend published inventory triggers demand

  22. new local data means new relations & choices

  23. policy maker 3rd party internal stakeholders domain specialist legal person external stakeholders data person inventories help having the right conversations

  24. 3 process and results

  25. starting points • list structured data sets only • up to 80 facets • policy domain, internal usage, current availability, technical details, legal aspects, and concerns

  26. don’t make assumptions, because house not in order • don’t assume your list of applications will tell you • don’t assume IM knows • don’t assume people know • don’t assume people know details, look inside with them • don’t assume it is what it says on the tin

  27. • actually used applications • all units, actual work • data structures and content • large projects / programs • external communications • cross reference it all deep dive

  28. tactic 1: external team • consistent, no • client buy-in can be low assumptions • hand-over can be hard • experience • the work is not an • re-use of results intervention itself

  29. tactic 2: ext./client team • needs more scripted approach • train client team • quality can be issue • consistency • client team continuity • experience & re-use • islands likely remain

  30. tactic 3: client team / employees • train client team • work shifted to colleagues • very scripted approach • general buy-in critical • process facilitators • quality output trade-o ff • adoption designed into • no guaranteed adoption process

  31. Data inventory Province Fryslân 2016 • 1055 data sets found (767 geo) • 201 public (19%), of which 151 (14%) open data (all geo) • 841 more could be public (79%), after changes (304, 29%) • 17 (2%) must stay closed Typical situation (local 67%, <5%, 33%) 28

  32. allows filtering on all relevant questions

  33. published, and used to select next publication round

  34. involving all from start helps handover Data people (data q, openness) Legal (GDPR, infosec) IT/architecture (infosec) Archiving Policy people (openness as instrument)

  35. summary • information household is often of poor quality • tear down the ‘fences’ • inventories help make a start, if you see it as a conversation tool not just another list • helps connect ‘everything’ by design, as step towards mature data governance • articulates demand, allows data as policy instrument

  36. Thank you. Merci. Hartelijk dank. All photos: Ton Zijlstra, by 
 Except screenshots, and where mentioned on the photo. Slides: Ton Zijlstra / The Green Land, by nc sa Slides: Site: Contact: @ton_zylstra


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