The RES ESUL ULTS TS Na Nati tional onal Webin binar ar Welcom ome!
2 Our Anti ti-Oppr Oppression ession Val alues es RESULTS is a movement of passionate, committed everyday people. Together we use our voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. Poverty cannot end as long as oppression exists. We commit to opposing all forms of oppression, including racism, classism, colonialism, white saviorism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, and religious discrimination. At RESULTS we pledge to create space for all voices, including those of us who are currently experiencing poverty. We will address oppressive behavior in our interactions, families, communities, work, and world. Our strength is rooted in our diversity of experiences, not in our assumptions. With unearned privilege comes the responsibility to act so the burden to educate and change doesn’t fall solely on those experiencing oppression. When we miss the mark on our values, we will acknowledge our mistake, seek forgiveness, learn, and work together as a community to pursue equity. There are no saviors — only partners, advocates, and allies. We agree to help make the RESULTS movement a respectful, inclusive space. Find all our anti-oppression resources at:
3 Guest st Spea eaker: er: Dr. Megan an San ande del Co-Lead Principal Investigator with Children’s HealthWatch , the Co- • Director of the GROW clinic at Boston Medical Center, and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health. Nationally recognized expert on housing and child health • Published the DOC4Kids report, a national report on how housing • affected child health, the first of its kind 2001 became first medical director of Medical-Legal Partnership- • Boston, and served as the Medical Director of the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership from 2007-2016 Has served as a Principal Investigator NIH, HUD and foundation • grants Served on many national boards including Enterprise Community • Partners, and national advisory committees at American Academy Alexa Angelo of Pediatrics and CDC Advisory Committee for Childhood Lead RESULTS 2020 Poisoning Prevention. Emerson National Hunger Fellow
4 Ho Hous useholds holds in n Crisis • A rise in COVID-19 cases is likely to cause another round of closures and shutdowns and expand the unemployment rate • The CARES Act's federal eviction protection ends on July 25 • Over 6.7 million cost-burdened households face evictions Congress must prioritize financial relief • and housing requests supporting low- income renters ViaFait ith McCull llough gh RESULTS EYA Intern
5 Gett tting ng to to Leaders rship hip Matt tters Four Corners + the • White House = Needed for any next emergency response Sen. Kevin McCarthy (R-KY) Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) bill Speaker of the House House Minority Leader Senate Majority Leader Congress is expected • to move quickly when they return on July 20 Majority Leader • McConnell wants it done by August recess Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23) Senate Minority Leader House Minority Leader
6 U.S. S. Pover erty ty Request uests s Will you personally speak to Senate/House Leadership urging them to prioritize the following in emergency response legislation: $100 0 billion in em emer ergen gency cy renta tal ass ssist stanc nce e and a n national nal evi victi ction on • morato atorium rium in t n the he ne next xt emer ergency gency resp sponse e legisla slati tion on Boost st the e maximum mum SNAP P benefits efits by 15 percen ent • Expand d the EITC C and CT CTC for low-inco ncome e workers ers and families es • If there is time: Will you speak out publicly in support of a refundable renters’ tax credit to help families access affordable housing longer - term?
7 Plan n Follow-Up p Meeting ngs 1. 1. Plan an follow-up p meeti tings s with h member bers of Cong ngress ss MoCs are on recess July 6-17 – a vital time to connect with • Congress members Request virtual face-to-face meeting with senators • Follow-up with Senate and House housing aides • Focus on convincing Senate GOP members to support targeted • financial relief for low-income renters Remind Senate Democrats to prioritize our housing asks •
Back Back-Up p Ho Hous using ng Reques uests ts wi with h 8 Pub ublis lished hed Med edia ia 2. 2. Gener erate ate media dia on the importa rtanc nce e of r renta tal ass ssist stance ance in t the e ne next xt COVID ID-19 19 emer ergenc gency y package ge Publishing now can help back up our asks • Write a letter to the editor urging Congress to pass emergency • housing assistance Use recent stories in your local paper as hooks for letters to • the editor and op-eds Use our online housing LTE to get • started: center/?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f72504%2frespond
9 Jul uly y U.S. S. Poverty erty Ac Acti tion on Resour ource ces July y U.S. . Poverty erty Acti tion available online at: • Housing Leave e Behind nd: • Affordable-Housing-Leave-Behind-Final-Draft.pdf SNAP Leave Behi hind nd: • SNAP-Leave-Behind-Final-Draft.pdf Tax Credits ts Leave e Behind nd: • Poverty-EITC-and-CTC-Leave-Behind-Final-Draft.pdf Online ne Housing ng LTE: • center/?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f72504%2frespond Report rt published hed media at: • IC IC Resour urces es: • Find nd additi tional nal poverty erty data ta for your advocacy on slides es 10-15 15 •
10 10
11 11 Economic nomic Do Downt wnturn urns s No Not t Fel elt t Equ quall lly
12 12 Evictions Crisis
13 13 Census Data Week 9
14 14 Families ies fac ace e cha halle llenges es put utting g food d on n the he table Data from U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, Food Insecurity percentages calculated using Northwestern University's report Food Insecurity in the Census Household Pulse Survey Data Tables , and visuals created by Diane Schanzenbach.
15 15 Data from U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, Food Insecurity percentages calculated using Northwestern University's report Food Insecurity in the Census Household Pulse Survey Data Tables , and visuals created by Diane Schanzenbach.
16 16 Remarks from Execu ecutive tive Directo ector Dr. r. Joa oanne nne Ca Cart rter er
17 17 17 17 757 registrants Over 300 lobby meetings Thank you for helping us have a great Conference!
18 18 Grass ssroots oots Insp spir iration ation and Action ion
19 19 Grassroots Chat • What was your most memorable IC experience? • What IC takeaway is motivating your advocacy going forward?
20 20 IC Follow-up 1. Follow up with offices on requests 2. Get the meetings you didn’t get yet 3. Engage new people with actions & the group 4. Complete your lobby report 5. Put people in action on current requests
21 21 Afte ter r th the Meeti ting ng – Foll llow w Up Follo low-up up with th the appropr priat iate e aide(s) s) • Do ASAP & get a response. This is as important as the meeting. • It further develops the relationship and holds them accountable What t to includ ude: e: • Thank you for meeting • Reiterate your request • Supplemental information (leave behinds on IC resource page) If you don’t hear back in a couple of days, cont ntact act the he aide e aga gain •
22 22 Grassroots Board Elections Gerry ry Lily ly Andy Alai aina na Lindsay say Fairb irbrothe other Dough gherty erty Saund nders ers Call llaw away ay Clark rke RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS Santa Fe Pittsburgh Tacoma Denver Raleigh
23 23 Vot ote fo for Ne New w Boa oard d Members mbers TODAY! Y! For candid ndidate ate inf nfo o and nd ho how to vote, te, go go to: 2020-grassroots-board-elections/ Deadl dline ine to vote is s Ju July y 18 18.
24 24
25 25 Upcomi Up oming ng Eve vent nts Hit “Send”: Write and Submit a Letter to the Editor or in an Hour ur training ning webina inar r Wednesday nesday, , July y 15: 9:00 00 pm ET Join online at: or dial in to (929) 436-2866 or (312) 626- 6799, meeting ID 390 106 571.
26 26 Upcom Up omin ing g Eve vent nts Globa bal Poverty verty Free ee Agents ts webin inars rs U.S. . Poverty y Free Agents nts webi binars ars Mond nday, , July y 20 Tuesd sday ay, , July y 21 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm ET 1:00 00 pm and 8:00 00 pm ET ET Join at: Join at: or dial by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) or dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436- 436-2866, meeting ID: 324 294 681. 2866, meeting ID: 285 681 999.
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