The Quality Checkers Project
Employing the Quality Checkers There were information days in January. There were interviews in February.
The Great Quality Checkers Paul C Paul B Tom Victor Mike Karl John Sandra Paul G Debbie Alex Dawn
What we do The Quality Checkers started their first checks in March. We go into homes where people with learning difficulties live and we look around the home to see if it’s neat and tidy.
What we do We talk to the residents and staff to make sure they are safe, happy and being looked after.
What we do We check to see that people are making their own choices if they are able to. We make sure people are supported to be as independent as possible.
What we do We see if the home is to a high standard and feels homely. We want people to be able to tell us if there is a problem.
What we do after the visit We write a report. The report is sent to the commissioner and home manager.
How the visits are going The visits are going well. The staff have been willing to listen to us. We have met lots of interesting residents.
How the visits are going We have been learning about communication differences. Most of the homes have been good and we have helped to sort out some issues while we have been on the visit.
Benefits of the Project Changes to the home will make people happier. It will help residents to be safe, as we have to report what we see and hear.
Benefits of the Project The Quality Checkers are learning and getting work experience. This project can improve the lives of people with learning difficulties.
Hope for the Future We hope that the project will continue and we will get more Funding to make it bigger. We hope that this could lead to a permanent job for some people to earn their own money.
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