the program s target

The programs target Up to 2020, enforce the creation in Rhne-Alpes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Regional program supporting Green Jobs in Rhne Alpes (France) GREEN CITIES CONFERENCE Session Creating Green Jobs Helsinki 15/09/25 The programs target Up to 2020, enforce the creation in Rhne-Alpes of 20 000 Green Jobs, 50 000

  1. Regional program supporting Green Jobs in Rhône Alpes (France) GREEN CITIES CONFERENCE Session «Creating Green Jobs» Helsinki 15/09/25

  2. The program’s target Up to 2020, enforce the creation in Rhône-Alpes of 20 000 Green Jobs, 50 000 Green professional transitions • Helpng economical actors, social partners and non profit sector to work together on ecological transition • Helping trainig and employement system sectors to put into their strategies and priorities the Green Jobs developement • Enforce Green Jobs on strategic sectors in Rhône-Alpes.


  4. EVOLUTION OF PRIVATE EMPLOYEES WORKING ON GREEN SECTOR (2008-2012) Green jobs Green jobs Rhône Alpes France

  5. Economy <> Environnement <> Employement 1. Promotion Anticipation jobs and skills 10. Forest, wood and rural sectors Information 7 Building Green 2 Observation sectors jobs, training, sectors Transition 6. Enforcing Employement 9. Support R&D help system 3. Dévelopt Skills training market adaptation 5. Support social 8. Support partners 4. Support business territories Coaching

  6. Green Jobs Program’s Evaluation 2014 1. Promotion J J jobs and skills 10. Forest, wood J J ? and rural sectors 7 Building Green 2 Observation J J sectors J J jobs, training, J J sectors 6. Enforcing ? Employement 9. Support R&D help system 3. Dévelopt J J ? training market 5. Support social 8. Support J J partners 4. Support ? business J J territories

  7. Illustration 1/3 : Mission PRAO Web site Yearly reporting book News letters Sector’s booklets <<<<<< Bimestrielles Semestriels

  8. Illustration 2/3 : local animation Green Jobs Lyon Target Communication on general public and professionals Green activities check up, analysis of public and private needs, public information, green trainings Action Green Jobs week Lyon : speed datings, shows, conferences Results Circular economy project Rillieux, Social truck farming Grand Lyon, 3 training sessions green building Transfert to 7 other terrriories : Voiron, Ardèche M., Level ellect Drôme C., Beaujolais, Loire S., Rhône S., S. Grésivaudan Local employement policy on Green Jobs (Call of interest French State)

  9. Illustration 3/3 : Common plastic recycling Create a new recycling sector with strong Target environnement al footprint effect Action TRIVEO : joint venture with plastic recycler and social entreprise Results R&D European Plastic Industry Pole Pre-industrial test with common plastic Staff of 2 CEO and 16 social workers Preparing new skills qualification Level effect 80% recycled and re-used in industry Swarming in study for other places TRIVEO joint venture, supported by Région Rhône Alpes, French State, local authorities


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