The Presentation of the Lord (World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life) Cycle A Who is ho is th the k king o ing of f glory? ? It It is is The Lo Lord! ! Psal alm m 24 (Yea Year o r of Se f Service rvice) Please PRAY Sunday, February 2, 2020 … for peace in the world …Those serving in the Armed Forces …For our sick and shut -ins ... For those dying with no one to pray for them …People in our families, our friends ...Members of our parish who are ill, facing SATURDAY, February 1 Intention surgery, hospitalized, or experiencing difficult Nativity: 5pm of the Parishioners times have asked for our prayers: SUNDAY, February 2 †Phillip Sullivan Donna Beaulieu, Germain Bourdeau, Andrea Nativity: 8:30am by the family Belrose, Lanny Brow, Rebecca Dumont. Gloria Ferland, Thomas Forsyth, III, Lena Gadouas, Eileen SUNDAY, February 2 † Beatrice Rocheleau Gadue, Denis & Gloria Gagne, Paul E. Gagne, St. Louis: 10:30am by Keith & Louise Machia Jessica Gemmell, Mike Hutchinson, Richard King, MONDAY, February 3 † Claire St. Germain Georgette Langevin, Henry Langevin, Richard St. Louis: 8:30am by the family Langlois, Norman "Fuzzy" LaPan, Terry Lemoine, TUESDAY, February 4 † Debra Jusick Roseanna Paquette, Betty Pudvah, Jean Rainville, Nativity: 6:30pm by Tom & Brenda Forsyth Beverly Sampson, William Thompson, Armande WEDNESDAY, February 5 † Mary Giuffre Tremblay, Polly Truax, and James Walker Nativity: 8:30am by Martin Giuffre † Aurilla L’Esperance and Be A Beacon Of Light THURSDAY, February 6 † Bernard & † Warren Simard Nativity: 8:30am by the family "To love is to know we are immersed First FRIDAY, February 7 † Rosaire & † Fernande Tougas not in darkness, but in Light." St. Louis: 8:30am by Mr. & Mrs. Ward Breaux † Mr. & † Mrs. Lucien Deslandes - St. Teresa of Calcutta SATURDAY, February 8 by Randy & Lucy LaPan & family Nativity: 5pm & Intention of the Parishioners Inspire your child to be a beacon of light to SUNDAY, February 9 † Kevin Gadue Nativity: 8:30am by the Knights of Columbus others just as St. Teresa of Calcutta was. SUNDAY, February 9 † Georgette Gagne Share stories about her life and work, and St. Louis: 10:30am by Claire Kane then take time to create a candle that MONDAY, February 10 † Claire St. Germain St. Louis: 8:30am by the family when lit will remind you to pray for those living in darkness. This is a great reminder that each of us are called to be Beacons of Christ’s light in the world! Please bring your blessed palms to church from Thank you to everyone who supported our last year’s Palm Sunday and place them in the recent Soup Night, Open Door Dinner, and basket at the entrance of the church and they our Souper Bowl of Caring to help sustain will be burned for ashes for this year’s Ash our foodshelf. Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
PA PARIS RISH H CAL CALEND ND AR AR FOODSHELF needs: Cereal, Soup, Jelly, Mac & Cheese, Spaghetti Sauce, Juice, Corn TUESDAY, February 4: Nativity 9-12noon TUESDAY, February 4: St Louis 6:30pm SUNDAY, February 9: Nativity Doors open 11:30am SUPER Sunday BINGO Food 11:30am/Games 1pm SUNDAY, February 2: St Louis after Mass TUESDAY, February 4: Nativity 7-7:45pm Individual First FRIDAY, February 7: St Louis after Mass CONFESSION SATURDAY, February 8: Nativity 4:15-4:45pm SUNDAY, February 9: St Louis after Mass TUESDAY, February 4: Nativity 7-7:45pm Benediction 7:50pm WEDNESDAY, February 5 : Nativity 9-12pm Rosary 11:30am Benediction 11:50am First FRIDAY, February 7: St Louis 9-10am Adoration 9am followed by Confession Benediction 9:50am BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP …will meet on Thursday, February 13 th in room #4 of the Nativity Parish Center at 6pm. We welcome new members. For questions or to join, please call Eva Quebec at 868-2506. January 25/26: Our parish has met and surpassed our 2019 Annual Offertory: $ Latin America: $213 Bishop’s Fund Appeal goal. Parishioners have Fuel: $919 pledged $37,987 which is $49 over our goal of $37,938. Thank you for your generosity! Next Sunday : Fuel collection WORLD MARRIAGE DAY …will be celebrated in our parish next weekend on Saturday, February 8 th and Sunday, February 9 th .
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