The Political Economy of Development Introductory Meeting Lukas Buchheim Munich, January 2015 Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 0 / 12
Course Scope and Content Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 1 / 12
What This Course Is ◮ Overview over topics in the current literature on institutions and development ◮ Covering empirical and theoretical results ◮ A small glimpse into a large body of literature ◮ A new course ◮ Lots of work for everybody involved ◮ Hopefully, a mutual learning experience Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 2 / 12
Topics of the Lectures & Your Work (subject to change) 1. Political Economy and Development: “Macro” Foundations 2. Political Transitions 3. Building State Capabilities 4. Institution Building: Micro Issues 5. tba ◮ Potential further topics: ◮ Conflict ◮ Historical Legacies ◮ Corruption Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 3 / 12
Methods (Class) ◮ Stata (data management): 2 classes, 1 problem set ◮ Matlab (numerical methods): 2 classes, 1 problem set ◮ Academic writing Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 4 / 12
Requirements Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 5 / 12
Participation ◮ Participation in lectures and classes is an integral part of the course ◮ In particular, this holds for handing in problem sets: ◮ Working in teams (max size of three) is encouraged ◮ You have to hand in your own solution ◮ Write down who was on your team Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 6 / 12
Presentation ◮ Technicalities → class ◮ A thorough summary of your assigned paper(s) ◮ How do the paper(s) fit into the closely related literature; what is the key contribution? ◮ First idea(s) for your own perspective on the topic ⇒ Talks can reflect “work in progress” to some degree, but are usually a good signal for the quality of your paper Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 7 / 12
Paper ◮ Technicalities → class ◮ A revised and extended version of your talk ◮ Takes comments into account ◮ Own contribution – your effort counts! ◮ “Referee report” ◮ Own empirical work ◮ Own model extension/simulation Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 8 / 12
Organizational Issues Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 9 / 12
Dates ◮ Lecture: Thursday, 10.00 am – 1.15 pm (s.t.) until May 28th, except ◮ May 7th (other teaching obligations) ◮ May 14th (holiday) ◮ Classes: Friday, 08:45 am – Noon (s.t.) until June 5th, except ◮ May 1st (holiday) ◮ Assignment: Your topic will be assigned to you on April 13th (first day of term) via email ( address!!!). ◮ Once you have received your topic, you cannot retreat from the course! ◮ Seminar: 12 – 13 June, Bernried (Bildungshaus St. Martin, Klosterhof 8, 82347 Bernried) ◮ Deadlines: ◮ June 7th: Your preliminary set of slides → your supervisor and Ms. Fay ◮ July 12th: Your paper → your supervisor and Ms. Fay ◮ Email Ms. Fay: Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 10 / 12
What You Have to Do Now 1. Put your name on the distributed form 2. Tell me, which related courses you have taken (verbally and on the distributed form) 3. Tell me, which topics you may find interesting (verbally and on the distributed form or via email) 4. Are you rather interested in theoretical or empirical work? Check the box on the form! Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 11 / 12
What You Have to Do Now 1. Put your name on the distributed form 2. Tell me, which related courses you have taken (verbally and on the distributed form) 3. Tell me, which topics you may find interesting (verbally and on the distributed form or via email) 4. Are you rather interested in theoretical or empirical work? Check the box on the form! 5. In Bernried, do you want to stay in a single or double room? ◮ Single room: 73 e per person ◮ Double room: 64.50 e per person ◮ There may be additional costs for lunch on the second day (13 e ) 6. If double room: who should be your roommate? 7. Do you have specific dietary needs (vegetarian, allergies, . . . )? Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 11 / 12
Questions? Lukas Buchheim (LMU Munich) Introductory Meeting PE of Dev 12 / 12
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