the planetary science ontology a case study in an

The Planetary Science Ontology A Case Study in an Ontology- Based - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Planetary Science Ontology A Case Study in an Ontology- Based Information Architecture J. Steven Hughes J. Steven Hughes 7th International Protg Conference Tuesday 6th - Friday 9th, July 2004 Washington, DC

  1. The Planetary Science Ontology A Case Study in an Ontology- Based Information Architecture J. Steven Hughes J. Steven Hughes 7th International Protégé Conference Tuesday 6th - Friday 9th, July 2004 Washington, DC

  2. The Planetary Science Ontology Topics • Overview of the Planetary Data System (PDS) • Planetary Science Ontology • Infrastructure Components – Intelligent Resource Discovery Service – Catalog and Archive Service • Benefits 2

  3. The Planetary Science Ontology Planetary Science Domain One or More Instruments One or More Spacecraft A Space Tracking Network Instrument Teams Spacecraft Control Center DSN PDS Source: A. Hooke, NASA/JPL 3

  4. The Planetary Science Ontology PDS Overview The PDS acquires, preserves, and distributes the large volume of unique and valuable data returned by Solar System Exploration missions Key PDS Products and Services High quality peer-reviewed data archives Data distribution to planetary community Archiving expertise to planetary missions Scientific expertise and support for users Value-added aggregated data products Education and outreach data products and services Node structure provides focus on key disciplines 4

  5. The Planetary Science Ontology Products Opportunity PanCam of Endurance Crater Exposures Catalog #: PIA06355:2004-06-30 Cassini Vis/IF Map Spec of Titan Catalog #: PIA06406:2004-07-03 MGS Pre-Mapping Phase Pilot DVD Set Cassini ISS of Rings Image Id=W00000379, Mars Rover Cassini ISS Image of Phoebe 2004-07-01 2004-06-25 Catalog #: PIA0607:2004-06-23 5

  6. The Planetary Science Ontology The Data Model Level Group/Element Structure _________________________________________ OBJECT = INSTRUMENT 1 spacecraft instrument identification group INSTRUMENT_ID = VISA 2 instrument identification SCID = VO1 2 instrument name INSTRUMENT_NAME = VISUAL_IMAGING... 2 spacecraft identification INSTRUMENT_TYPE = VIDICON_CAMERA 2 instrument type 1 instrument description ... ... END_OBJECT 1 filter group 2 filter name 2 filter number 2 filter type ... instinfo Spacecraft Instrument ... insttype scid instid instname produce Target describe Reference has Data Set


  8. The Planetary Science Ontology Re-hosting the Data Model 8

  9. The Planetary Science Ontology Some Statistics ~50 Base Classes ~1,200 Common Data Elements 1,000s of Parameters ~4,500 Product Types 1,000,000s of Products 9

  10. The Planetary Science Ontology Intelligent Resource Discovery 1. Science data tools 2. Middleware creates the 3. Distributed Repositories and applications use informatics infrastructure for storing and retrieving “APIs” to connect to a connecting distributed many types of data virtual data repository heterogeneous systems and data Mars Odyssey Mars Odyssey OODT OODT THEMIS THEMIS API API Visualization Tools OODT OODT Mars Odyssey OODT Mars Odyssey Reusable OODT Reusable MARIE API MARIE API Middleware Middleware Framework Web Search Tools Framework OODT OODT Mars Odyssey API Mars Odyssey API Radio Science Radio Science Analysis Tools 10

  11. The Planetary Science Ontology Key Characteristics • Multi-tiered information architecture – Client Tier (Data Browsers) – Service Tier (Product and Profile Servers) – Storage Tier (Data Repositories) • Distributed Heterogeneous Data Repositories – Locally managed by discipline experts – Underlying heterogeneity is encapsulated and hidden from the users • Separate data and technology architectures – Data model evolves with discipline – Technology evolves with industry 11

  12. The Planetary Science Ontology Resource Descriptions • Profile – Single structure for describing any resource* • Profile Server – Using a profile database • Search for profiles using any attribute as constraint • Return any subset of attributes of matching profiles *Resource – Any instance of any class 12

  13. The Planetary Science Ontology PROFILE DTD <!ELEMENT profiles (profile*)> <!ELEMENT profile (profAttributes, resAttributes, profElement*)> <!ELEMENT profAttributes (profId, profVersion?, profType, profStatusId, profSecurityType?, profParentId?, profChildId*, profRegAuthority?, profRevisionNote*, profDataDictId?)> <!ELEMENT resAttributes (Identifier, Title?, Format*, Description?, Creator*, Subject*, Publisher*, Contributor*, Date*, Type*, Source*, Language*, Relation*, Coverage*, Rights*, resContext+, resAggregation?, resClass, resLocation*)> <!ELEMENT profElement (elemId?, elemName, elemDesc?, elemType?, elemUnit?, elemEnumFlag, (elemValue* | (elemMinValue, elemMaxValue)), elemSynonym*, elemComment?)> 13

  14. The Planetary Science Ontology Data Product Profile -<profile> -<profAttributes> <profId></profId> <profVersion>null</profVersion> <profType>profile</profType> </profAttributes> -<resAttributes> <Identifier>ODY-M-HEND-EDR-2-V1.0:H0133</Identifier> <Title> ODYSSEY-MARS-HEND-EDR-2-V1.0:H0133</Title> <Description>null</Description> <resContext>NASA.PDS</resContext> <resAggregation>null</resAggregation> <resClass>data.product</resClass> <resLocation>URI for product ...</resLocation> </resAttributes> -<profElement> <elemName>FILE_SPECIFICATION_NAME</elemName> <elemValue>/ody_2001/xxx/H0133.DAT</elemValue> </profElement> -<profElement> <elemName>INSTRUMENT_ID</elemName> <elemValue>HEND</elemValue> </profElement> 14 </profile>

  15. The Planetary Science Ontology Resource Discovery and Distribution Infrastructure User Client Applications User Queries And Results HTTP Java API Webserver (QueryServlet) OODT Middleware Query Server Product Packaged Discovery Retrieval Descriptions Products Query Query Profile Server Product Server Profile Server Product Server Profile Server Product Server Data Product Data Product Repository Catalog THEMIS Ody Repository Catalog Data Profile Repository DB 15

  16. The Planetary Science Ontology Catalog and Archive Infrastructure PDS Portal PDS Missions PDS Product and Profile Servers QueryClient Web server search.jsp XMLQuery (Profiles + Data ) User query Ingest PDS Data Products (Meta + Data) PDS ISO/IEC 11179 Ontology Execute Process Java Agent 1 Catalog and Metadata Validate Archive Server PDS DD & Java Registry Product Schemas Agent 2 (Process, Catalog, Version, and Archive) Java Agent N Data set Product DE Database Data set Data set Data set Rule-base Catalog (DE-based) 16 1 2 n

  17. The Planetary Science Ontology Benefits Simple Define Search Classify Correlative Planetary Search Science Ontology Data Describe Mining Validate 17

  18. The Planetary Science Ontology Contacts J. Steven Hughes PDS Daniel Crichton OODT Site 18

  19. 19 The Planetary Science Ontology Backup

  20. The Planetary Science Ontology Data Catalog Product Types by Mission 160 140 Product Types 120 121 100 80 Product Types 60 40 57 53 20 0 1 I R O N S F Y O N M G G G G P D R I S E M M M O M V S L C A C Mission Sources CASSINI and MRO - SISes 20 Other – PDS Data Set Catalog


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