+ The Vocabulary of Narratives
The nature and quantity of the “unique” words of narratives (i.e.., the words beyond the core vocabulary) The semantic clusters of words in narratives & strategies for teaching these words In relation to stories As part of everyday events The role of extensive reading Including keeping records of important words learned The role of read-alouds
The Stranger Adelina’s Whales How Night Came Eyes of the Storm The Great Kapok from the Sea Tree parlor rumbling massive forecasts dangle draft tropical coward inland pollinate frost biologist gleamed expected wondrous terror bluff chorus shatter fragrant fascinated lagoon shimmering destruction pollen quaint brilliant surge canopy timid dappled etched slithered
Vocabulary Examples Nar- Inform- Vocabulary Megacluster rative ational Emotions/Attitudes frightened, .09 0 Megaclusters TM upset Character Traits lazy, faithful .09 0 Social Relationships potential, .02 .01 unique Vocabulary Examples Nar- Inform- Megacluster rative ational Narrative Communication announce, .10 .09 warn Dominant Characters politicians, .10 .07 neighbors Action & Motion nudged, .12 .06 juggling Comparatives & transformed, .03 .05 Causes spectacular Place/Events Mexico, .06 .01 Narrative/ festivals Physical Attributes patterns, .05 .08 Content (Objects, Events, overnight Time) Shared Social Systems movie, .06 .01 soccer Vocabulary Examples Nar- Inform- Megacluster rative ational Human Body sweat, gash .03 .07 Content Natural Environment sloth, .17 .48 hurricanes Dominant Machines plastic, .08 .07 computer
Story Mega/Super/ Size Words in Word Minicluster Minicluster (Beyond Story) Emotions/Feelings/ 25 surprised ”Happy” Excitement jubilant amazed ecstatic Emotions/Feelings/ 25 dumbfounded ”Happy” Excitement fascinated Emotions/Feelings/ 25 ”Happy” Excitement marveled baffled Communication/ 9 confused Mental Actions/ bewildered Confused mystified perplexed bewildered Communication/ 9 confounded Mental Actions/ Confused stumped Communication/ 9 Mental Actions/ Confused humble Traits/Shyness/ 12 reluctant Meek retiring self-effacing timid Traits/Shyness/ 12 Meek
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hullabaloo noise racket stir hubbub hue and cry din uproar to-do clamor bother furor ruckus tumult mayhem rumpus chaos turbulence commotion turmoil disturbance upheaval trouble riot fracas fuss disorder excitement argument brouhaha protest brawl ado bustle free-for-all melee
tentatively: carefully: hesitantly suspiciously uncertainly charily timidly circumspectly shyly sheepishly gingerly cautiously : delicately: guardedly precisely watchfully skillfully vigilantly dexterously warily deftly gently: with care adroitly quietly softly lightly kindly smoothly soothingly tenderly
Part I: Opportunities for scaffolded silent reading
That include forms of vocabulary logs
Part II. Rich language by teachers through read-alouds
Rich Teacher Talk in Everyday Events www.textproject.org
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