the natural choice for your business milktrade who we are

The Natural Choice For Your Business Milktrade | Who We Are A Brand - PDF document

The Natural Choice For Your Business Milktrade | Who We Are A Brand For a Company Is Like a Reputation For a Person. You Earn Reputation By Trying To Do Hard Things Well UAB MILKAS is a trading company with marketing name MILKTRADE . We have

  1. The Natural Choice For Your Business

  2. Milktrade | Who We Are A Brand For a Company Is Like a Reputation For a Person. You Earn Reputation By Trying To Do Hard Things Well UAB MILKAS is a trading company with marketing name MILKTRADE . We have offices in Lithuania and Serbia. Milktrade mostly operating in countries like Serbia, UK, Sweden, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria etc. Primary activities are the marketing of Dairy Food and Feed ingredients for industrial or blending applications. Also we can offer frozen handmade ECO products and unique vegetable edible high oleic oils with possibilities to offer a Private label. In order to be an attractive partner for all market players, we maintain close contacts with leading producers. Office in L I T H U A N I A Office in S E R B I A Operating countries M I L K T R A D E

  3. Dairy Ingredients Quality Ingredients – Better Life

  4. Milktrade | Dairy Ingredients Quality Ingredients - Better Life I C E C R E A M B A K E R Y Full Cream Milk powders Full Cream Milk powders Skimmed Milk powders Skimmed Milk powders Sweet Whey powders Sweet Whey powders Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Permeate powders powders Dried Glucose Syrup powders Whey Protein Isolate powders Butter Dried Glucose Syrup powders C O N F E C T I O N E R Y B I S C U I T S A N D Full Cream Milk powders P A S T R Y Skimmed Milk powders Full Cream Milk powders Sweet Whey powders Buttermilk powders Whey Permeate powders Butter Whey Protein Concentrate powders Whey Protein Isolate powders D A I R Y P R O D U C T S M E A T S , S O U P S A N D R E A D Y - C O O K E D Skimmed Milk powders Fat Filled Milk powders D I S H E S Whey Permeate powders Full Cream Milk powders Whey Protein Concentrate Sweet Whey powders powders Whey Protein Concentrate powders Whey Protein Isolate powders Whey Protein Isolate powders Dried Glucose Syrup powders Butter S P O R T S A N D H E A L T H F O O D Whey Protein Concentrate powders Whey Protein Isolate powders

  5. Vegetable Oils Edible High Oleic Vegetable Oils

  6. Milktrade | Vegetable Oils – Private Label Edible High Oleic Vegetable Oils O U R P P R O D U C T Sunflower oil from Serbia is the non-volatile oil compressed from the seeds of sunflower. Sunflower oil is commonly used in food as frying oil, and in cosmetic formulations as an emollient. This oil contains appreciable quantities of vitamin E sterols, and other. Sunflower oil is a monounsaturated polyunsaturated mixture of mostly oleic acid omega9, linoleic acid omega6, group of oils. Sunflower oil is high in the essential vitamin E and low in saturated fat. This type of oil is linoleic. Linoleic sunflower oil is common cooking oil that has high levels of polyunsaturated fat. All seed hybrids and the resulting different sunflower oils are mostly devoid of essential nutrients, with the notable exception of vitamin E which is high in content in all variety's nutrient tables C U S T O M PA C K A G I N G We can offer a 1L, 2L and 5L packing solutions for your private label. All can be supplied with our without your label placed onto the packaging with low minimum cost. Due to our flexibility, knowledge of the market and competitive pricing we do not require great MOQ’s which gives our customers an option to “Test the product” prior to organizing a mass production.

  7. ECO Handmade Products Old Traditions, Organic Ingredients

  8. Milktrade | ECO Handmade Products Quality Food - Better Life O R G A N I C O R G A N I C M E A L Y D U M P L I N G S W I T H D U M P L I N G S C U R D “ H E D G E H O G S ” O R G A N I C C U R D O R G A N I C D U M P L I N G S D U M P L I N G S W I T H B E E F O R G A N I C O R G A N I C M I N I B U C K W H E A T A M E R I C A N P A N C A K E S P A N C A K E S O R G A N I C O R G A N I C S P E L T D U M P L I N G S W I T H P A N C A K E S M U S H R O O M S

  9. Sport Nutrition Your Nutritional Partner

  10. Milktrade | Sport Nutrition – Private Label Your Nutritional Partner W H Y W E ? Lithuania offers the highest quality talent, with our private label protein powder services, we can customize a protein formulation to your specifications choosing from wide variety of local (high quality) suppliers in the region. Concentrates or isolates. WHEY (WPC) • • NATIVE WHEY (NWPC) • MILK PROTEIN (MPC) • LACTOSE FREE WHEY LACTOSE FREE MILK PROTEIN • Local suppliers lead to smaller transportation costs to production facility. C U S T O M PA C K A G I N G We can offer a range of packing solutions for your product. Some are restricted due to size and manufacturing; however we can supply most of our products in a variety of custom and standard sizes. All can be supplied with our without your artwork placed onto the packaging with low minimum runs. Due to our flexibility, knowledge of the market and competitive pricing we do not require great MOQ’s which gives our customers an option to “Test the product” prior to organizing a mass production. We can produce small badge as if it was made on a mass scale. M A I N Q U E S T I O N S - We can do a custom flavor - And YES, we can take care of your artwork - And if you want to try a different sweetener, we can also do it! - Our capacity is 1 metric tone per day (1000kg) - We don’t know what MOQ means - Yes we can develop new formula too For more info about PRIVATE LABEL SPORT NUTRITION please contact us by:

  11. Milktrade | The Natural Choice For Your Business To find out more about our Dairy and Non-Dairy ingredients, healthy products and applications, please visit L I T H UA N I A S E R B I A UAB MILKAS MIKOSUN EXPORT D.O.O. Company code: 305191612 Company code: 21375420 VAT code: LT100012457613 VAT code: 110681902 Medziotoju 2, Office 374 Kralja Aleksandra 12 LT-84116 Joniskis, Lithuania Novi Sad 21000 AB SEB bank Credit Agricole Srbija a.d. LT237044060008296676 RS35330007010012293470 Bank code: 70440 SWIFT: MEBARS22 SWIFT: CBVILT2X Department of Sales Department of Sales +37069991099 +381646455884

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