the most powerful and candid report on the true state of

The most powerful and candid report on the true state of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Targeting Owners Investors Bankers Brokers Lawyers Advisors Suppliers Senior Shipyard Management The most powerful and candid report on the true state of the superyacht markets new build sector. New format New analysis

  1. Targeting Owners · Investors · Bankers · Brokers · Lawyers · Advisors · Suppliers · Senior Shipyard Management The most powerful and candid report on the true state of the superyacht market’s new build sector. New format New analysis New data SUPPORTED BY

  2. ANNUAL If you need to know who is building, who is fjnancially REPORT stable or who is struggling to stay afmoat, then this 2015 exclusive report is a vital piece of business research and analysis for anyone in the market, including owners, investors, bankers, brokers, lawyers, advisors, suppliers and all senior shipyard management. The Superyacht Intelligence Annual Report 2015 If you want to know what the real situation is in the superyacht market, then We have recorded, verifjed, analysed, From now on all data and analysis from you need to order your personal copy of The Superyacht Intelligence Annual scrutinised and reviewed what is really The Superyacht Intelligence Agency Report 2015 , brought to you by the editors of The Superyacht Group and the happening in the new build sector will follow these core new segments – analysts of Superyacht Intelligence. in order to create a candid picture using geographical splits, more logical of the state of the superyacht sector. size segments and some intuitive age Detailed analysis Real facts From what we have found, we are segments, in order to highlight more entering an interesting phase. accurately strengths and weaknesses Comprehensive insight Accurate fjgures of the market over the past two decades. We have also created some new market Unrivalled data Honest reports segmentation to allow our readers to see more clearly how the market is Incredible information Powerful statistics built. It is not just one big market, but comprises several specifjc markets. Intelligent accuracy Candid opinions Targeting Owners · Investors · Bankers · Brokers · Lawyers · Advisors · Suppliers · Senior Shipyard Management


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