Exploring The Morgan Arcade
1. Map the area
2. Mini story I threw the magazine to the ground in rage. They promised! Our band was supposed to be featured in the most recent i s s u e o f D I Y M u s i c Magazine but I can’t see the band anywhere in the pages. Nothing. There was no article, and we weren't even mentioned. Nothing at all.
3. Pattern
4. Time passing The lights and the atmosphere changes by the evening, more people are coming into town and people are having their own conversation, they might be gossiping or having a laugh with someone. The lights in the alley during night time start to make the place look brighter and the way the lights are all aligned to the same level, it could be something mysterious…
5. Sound map
6. An overheard conversation
7. Something that would usually be ignored by people
8. Two aspects that have a connection We saw that these two aspects of the Morgan Arcade were connected because of the grid pattern in the Morgan Quarter sign and the thing on the floor.
9. Five shapes that are permanent
Five shapes that are transient
10. Past life of the area
11. Colours
12. Smell
13. Alternative angle
14. Lettering
15. Something in need of repair
The End
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