+ Our objectives: Algal Sampling Establish a baseline for algal species found in the Serpentine, East and Why do algal blooms North Ponds occur frequently in East Record algae species that can be Pond but not North Pond? bioindicators Can track change in the system over time
+ Algae as Bioindicators Different types of algae grow best in different conditions Water nutrient levels (phosphorus, nitrogen) Water temperatures Classified the algae by phylum
+ Review: Nutrient Loading
+ Algal Types (I) Cyanophyta Chlorophyta Blue-green algae Green algae Eutrophic systems — high Mesotrophic and eutrophic phosphorus environments Large blooms in late summer Not dominant when (warm water) phosphorus levels are high Resistant to zooplankton Early summer grazing
+ Algal Types (II) Bacillariophyta Cryptophyta Oligotrophic and Diatoms mesotrophic systems Mesotrophic systems Cold water Mid-level phosphorus Spring blooms concentrations Bloom in spring and fall Cooler water temperature
+ Methods 5 study sites One day of sampling (October 6th, 2011) Plankton tow net Preserved in ethanol Examined 5 slides from each sample through a microscope Identified each different specimen
+ Combined Results The number of algal genera per division (all sites) 10 Number of algal genera 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Division 62 different genera in 8 phyla Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Cyanophyta were best represented
+ Serpentine Stream The number of algal genera per division (SC) 10 Number of algal genera 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Division Only one specimen spotted in five slides Cryptophyta — cold water species
+ Input Stream The number of algal genera per division (I2) 10 Number of algal genera 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Division Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanophyta More Bacillariophytes as a result of cool temperatures?
+ North Pond, Below Dam The number of algal genera per division (BD) 10 Number of algal genera 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Division Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanophyta
+ North Pond The number of algal genera per division (NP) 10 Number of algal genera 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Division Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanophyta 11 genera in 14 phyla
+ Implications Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and Cyanophyta most represented Cold water species (Bacillariophyta, Cryptophyta) Can indicate: System is mesotrophic A. System is eutrophic, but cold water B. limits Cyanophytes
+ Future Research Limits of sampling method Count abundance of the algal specimens Data collected over the whole ice-free season would better represent the system Cyanophyta may dominate late summer algal blooms (warm water) Biomanipulation not effective against Cyanophytes
+ Our objectives: Determine which fish species may be Fish present in the Serpentine Understand how these fish may be affecting trophic relationships in the Serpentine Understand the influence of fish in East pond algal blooms Develop potential explanations for the mixed results of the 2008 East pond biomanipulation project
+ Ecological Role of Fish in Aquatic Ecosystems Warmwater Shallow Lake Trophic Cascade North Pond East Pond Sour Source: Halliwell & Evers (2008)
+ Comparison of East & North Pond Fish Stocks East Pond Shared North Pond Rainbow Smelt Brown Trout Northern Pike Black Crappie Smallmouth Bass Banded Killfish Largemouth Bass White Perch Sour Yellow Perch Chain Pickerel Golden Shiner White Sucker Hornpout Pumpkinseed Sunfish
+ Field Methods Angling survey Catch per unit effort Diet analysis Species identification Fisherman Survey Sour Presence/absence
+ Results & Discussion Present Absent Yellow Perch Brown Trout White Perch Rainbow Smelt Chain Pickerel Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Sour Black Crappie Bullhead White Sucker Pumpkinseed Sunfish
+ Results & Discussion Presence and absence conclusions supported by interviews with fishermen and catch from angling Yellow perch dominance Sour and trophic implications
+ Implications for 2008 East Pond Biomanipulation Project Future biomanipulation projects should take into account the Serpentine’s potential as a refuge for zooplanktivorous fish Sour
+ Future Study Alternative survey techniques Seine netting Electrofishing Full year survey Spawning season Sour
+ Our objectives: Plants Determine species composition and distribution along length of Serpentine Classify types of habitats along Serpentine Investigate interactions of plants and sediment/water chemistry
+ Watershed and Sample Sites
+ Study Area Stratified transects w/ quadrats Forest Wetland
+ Fen Zonation Stratified transects w/ quadrats
+ Methods Stratified transects w/ quadrats 15 transects -- 9 quadrats each 0m 5m 10m 15m 20m 25m 50m 75m 100m
+ Methods: Plant Importance Index
+ Results: Plant Importance Index Stratified transects w/ quadrats Stratified 60 transects w/ quadrats 50 Plant Importance Index 40 30 20 10 0 Sphagnum Leatherleaf Grass Sweetgale Cotton Grass Large Leaf Small Leaf Moss Cranberry Cranberry Species
+ Results: Rank Abundance 100 100 100 100 1 2 90 90 90 90 3 4 80 80 80 80 Average Percent Abundaance 5 70 70 70 70 6 7 60 60 60 60 8 9 50 50 50 50 10 40 40 40 40 11 12 30 30 30 30 13 14 20 20 20 20 15 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 Abundance Rank
+ Results: Shannon Weiner Index Stratified transects w/ quadrats 25 2 1.8 20 1.6 Shannon Wiener Index 1.4 Species Count 15 1.2 1 10 0.8 0.6 5 0.4 Species Count Shannon Weiner Index 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Transect Number Inputs East Pond
+ Conclusions: Sphagnum Moss Stratified transects w/ quadrats Sphagnol Build up of peat Low decomposition Peat as a carbon sink
+ Conclusions Stratified transects w/ quadrats Input of nutrients lowers species diversity from inputs into serpentine Few dominant species, many uncommon species (typical for fens) Importance of biodiversity
+ Future Research Stratified transects w/ quadrats Peat as a nutrient sink? Water flow through fen (cores) Water flow through fen (cores)
+ Objective: Sediment To understand the nutrient Chemistry cycling in the Serpentine by measuring P, Al, and Fe in the sediment.
+ The Phosphorous Cycle Phosphate (P) in Water Fe III Algae Al III Al III (P) precipitates dies and sinks Fe III (P) precipitates Sediment Decomposition anoxia P * Fe III (P) to Fe II + P Al III (P) sequestered in sediment Released Released Fe III into water into water Column Column Fe III (P) * Fe II + P Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal bloom
+ Methods Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Sequential Extraction Phosphorus μmol P per gram of sediment Sample Sites Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Sequential Extraction Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Sequential Extraction Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Sequential Extraction Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Results
+ East Pond vs North Pond
+ Why does East Pond bloom? Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Lake Stratification Wind East Pond North Pond O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 Weakly O 2 Stratified Stratified Anoxic Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ How much more is being released? released not released Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Discussion: S1 and S2 High total organic carbon High dissolved oxygen High sphagnum moss presence Sphagnol implies low rates of decompositio n Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 80 70 60 50 % TOC 40 30 20 10 0 EP S1 S2 Sc S3 AD BD NP I1 I2 I3 Site Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Discussion: S1 and S2 High total organic carbon High dissolved oxygen High sphagnum moss presence Sphagnol implies low rates of decompositio n Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Discussion : S1 and S2 High total organic carbon High sphagnum moss presence Relatively low nutrients in the water and sediment Do not expect large nutrient release Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Discussion I2, SC, S3, AD High P , Al, and Fe in water column at I2 Appears as though Al and P are precipitating out of water column Fe does not show this same correlation Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Discussion I2, SC, S3, AD 600 High P, Al, and 22-Sep Aluminum Concentration 500 Fe in water 29-Sep 400 column at I2 3-Oct (ppb) 6-Oct 300 Appears as 200 though Al 100 and P are 0 precipitating EP S1 S2 SC S3 AD BD NP I1 I2 Site out of water column Fe does not show this same correlation Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Discussion I2, SC, S3, AD 350 22-Sep High P, Al, and Phosphorus concentration (ppb) 29-Sep 300 3-Oct Fe in water 250 6-Oct column at I2 200 150 100 Appears as 50 though Al 0 and P are EP S1 S2 SC S3 AD BD NP I1 I2 Site precipitating out of water column Fe does not show this same correlation Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
+ Discussion I2, SC, S3, AD Sediment appears to act as a nutrient sink Al sequesters P Fe releases P from sediment in ANOXIC environments P causes algal blooms
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