The ‘Megalopolis’ and ‘Global Integration Zones’ in European planning thought Chapter author: Andreas Faludi, Delft University of Technology Presented by: Karen Leone de Nie, CQGRD Megacities, Megaregions and Spatial Planning Symposium : Atlanta : 6.29.07 M i i M i d S i l Pl i S i A l 6 29 07 Image Sources: Brunet, 1989; Mehlbye, 2000; French Presidency, 2002; Junzmann et Wegenner, 1991; NWM A Spatial Vision Group, 2000; RPA, 2005; Read, 2000 [all images, except RPA, appear in European Spatial Planning, Andreas Faludi (Editor), Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2002]
European Planning Thought United United States United United States States States Spatia Focus on population growth and urban growth management al Planning in A recent history: A recent history: 2001 Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Course 2005 2005 Towards and American Spatial Development Towards and American Spatial Development n the U Perspective (Carbonell, Yaro) 2006 America 2050 US
European Planning Thought Europe Europe Europe Europe Spatia Focus on economic growth and the effects of population decline al Planning in A recent history: A recent history: 1957 Treaty establishing European Economic Community had no interest in spatial planning Community had no interest in spatial planning n Europ 1970s European Parliament began to make real movement on regional policy and planning 1980s regional policy becomes more than g p y pe distributing funds 1999 European Spatial Development Perspective
European Planning Thought The European The The The European European Spatial uropean Spatial Spatial Development patial Development Development Perspective Development Perspective Perspective erspective ESDP (ESDP) (CEC, 1999) bears witness to the influence of two planning traditions: p g P, a wit tness t The French amén The French aménagem gement du nt du territoi territoire re, a form of � regional economic development informed by spatial analysis and scenarios – in line with funding regional development d l o tradi tions Comprehensive management of Comprehensive management of urban growth urban growth – � counter to members states desire for control over national territories
coln] n Faludi, Linc runet, 1989 [i Source: Br European Planning Thought The Blue Banana
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European Planning Thought US = four US four four global economic integration zones four global economic integration zones The U Source: Mehlybe, 2000 [in Faludi] US Zones
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European Planning Thought The current The The current The current debate urrent debate debate in debate in in Europe: in Europe: Europe: Europe: Consi Compensate the peripheral regions and regions � suffering from the effects of industrial restructuring dering Focus on the winners, mostly in the already , y y � g a Cou prosperous regions in Europe urse Change
European Planning Thought A role A role role for ole for for sustainability: or sustainability: sustainability: sustainability: Susta Insofar as a high-quality environment may contribute � to competitiveness (attracting knowledge workers) inabilit Confronting the potential effects of climate change g p g � ty, part and mounting energy prices on patterns of urban growth t of the equation?
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