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The Law s of High Impact Presenting Maurice De Castro Maurice De - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Law s of High Impact Presenting Maurice De Castro Maurice De Castro Maurice De Castro Maurice De Castro I N T E N 1 st T I Maurice De Castro O N PMMFS P U R P 2 nd O S Maurice De Castro E P U R P What do you remember? O S

  1. The Law s of High Impact Presenting Maurice De Castro Maurice De Castro

  2. Maurice De Castro

  3. Maurice De Castro

  4. I N T E N 1 st T I Maurice De Castro O N

  5. PMMFS

  6. P U R P 2 nd O S Maurice De Castro E

  7. P U R P What do you remember? O S Maurice De Castro E

  8. C O N F I 3 rd D E N Maurice De Castro C E

  9. C O N F I D E N Maurice De Castro C E

  10. C O N T 4 th E N Maurice De Castro T

  11. Factual Emotional Visionary Story Features Metaphor, anecdote Benefits Thought provoking - Data Big Questions Logical argument Suspense Examples picture Shocking Case studies Humour Exhibits & props Surprise

  12. V O C 5 th A L Maurice De Castro S

  13. V O C A L Maurice De Castro S

  14. V I S 6 th U A L Maurice De Castro S

  15. Making tea Step 1 . Know what kind of boil you're going for. Poaching, simmering, and boiling are slightly different techniques. Boiling is when the water gets as hot as it's going to get and begins to evaporate into steam Step 2. Consider your elevation. At higher altitudes, water boils at a lower temperature. Since liquids evaporate faster at higher altitudes you should also add a little extra water to compensate Step 3 . Use a large enough pot for the water you are heating and don't fill it all the way. The extra space will give the water somewhere to bubble and splash. Step 4. Place the pot on the stove and turn the heat under it to high. Covering the pot with a lid will help the water to boil a little bit faster. Step 5. The boiling point of water is 100°C or 212° F at 1 atmosphere of pressure (sea level). Be sure to have a thermometer close to hand. Step 6. Place the thermometer inside the pot and ascertain the temperature of the water. Step 7 . Turn down the heat once the water starts boiling. High heat is useful when you want to get the water to reach boiling temperature quickly, but once it's there, turning up the heat won't make a difference in temperature. Step 8. When boiled pour some boiling water into the tea pot. i.e. "Warm The Pot" - Throw out this water Step 9. Put the loose tea into the pot. One " teaspoon " full for each person and one extra " For the Pot“ Step 10. Pour on the boiled water Step 11. Leave for 3 minutes to brew Step 12 . Pour the tea into the cups using a tea strainer Step 13. Add sugar if required with sugar tongs Step 14. Add milk to taste Step 15 Stir with a teaspoon

  16. Making tea Making tea How many? Boil water 3 minutes

  17. O P E N & 7 th C L O Maurice De Castro S E

  18. O P E N & C L O Maurice De Castro S E

  19. A R 8 th M E D Maurice De Castro

  20. P R E S 9 th E N C Maurice De Castro E

  21. P R E S E N C Maurice De Castro E

  22. S T O 10 th R I E Maurice De Castro S


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