the kit model of combining research and education

The KIT model of combining research and education Anke-Susanne Mller - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The KIT model of combining research and education Anke-Susanne Mller INSTITUTE FOR BEAM PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY (IBPT) KIT The Research University in the Helmholtz Association The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology A legal

  1. The KIT model of combining research and education Anke-Susanne Müller INSTITUTE FOR BEAM PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY (IBPT) KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association

  2. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology A legal unit Merging of two missions State University National Research Center Three tasks Research Higher Education Innovation 2 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  3. What KIT stands for – Engineering Tradition Heinrich Hertz: confirmation of electromagnetic waves Karl Benz: inventor of the modern automobile Ferdinand Braun: Fritz Haber: inventor of cathode ray fixation of tube à television atmospheric N 2 à synthetic ammonia 1984 first email in Germany 3 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  4. Branch Offices Moscow Brussels Beijing Berlin Suzhou Dresden Karlsruhe Ulm Garmisch Helmholtz Offices KIT Branches"Map vector designed by Freepik Schiltach 4 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  5. KIT – Helmholtz Center and State University KIT Campus South KIT Campus North Helmholtz Institute Ulm KIT Campus Alpine 5 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  6. The KIT-Centers combine cross-sectoral research and innovation topics Currently seven KIT-Centers Platforms for cross-sectoral research and innovation activities Pooling of teaching activities, for example, in graduate Mobility Climate and schools Energy Systems Environment Showcase for the key topics for research at KIT Interdisciplinary working- environment Creating synergies Elementary Communication platforms Materials Information Humans and Particle and Structures Systems Technology Astroparticle Functions Technologies Physics 6 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  7. Some facilities and labs at KIT ANKA 2.5 GeV Light Source KATRIN Neutrino experiment Hybrid assemby lab (IPE) Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility Irradiation facility (IEKP) FLUTE fs linac Production of thin NbN-films with reactive magnetron sputtern (IMS) 7 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  8. Figures and Facts 5 Campuses – 200 ha area 18 Spinoffs and startups 364 Professors and executive scientists 470 Trainees 300 Buildings with a usable 25,000 Students area of 450,000 KIT budget m 2 EUR 860 million 3,000 59 Doctoral students 28% Patent applications 42% State funds Third- party 9,300 Employees funds 30% Federal funds 1,000 International scientists Status: 2015 8 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  9. International Dimension > 1000 Registered ~ 20 % cooperation partners International PhD and in 65 countries Researchers KIT China Branch Suzhou 17 International Alumni Clubs 24 Double Degree-Programs 29 International 5.120 International PhD-Programs students > 1,902 > 80 Mio. € Worldwide IP rights European Funding Status of August 2016 9 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  10. Education follows research - a ‘teaching strategy’ The aim of education at KIT is the qualification of young scientists on the basis of scientific and research-based education interdisciplinary competition Finishing their education at KIT, students are able to recognize future challenges/ problems in science and society express these challenges/ problems find solutions employing scientific methods courtesy A. Wanner, K. Klink 10 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  11. Aims of research-based education Development of an investigative attitude actively support curiosity and the skill to ask questions Acquisition of field-specific knowledge as well as of ‘meta-competences’ ( interdisciplinary & soft skills) prepare for a career in science or industry by fostering the ability for decision-making courtesy A. Wanner, K. Klink 11 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  12. Shift from Teaching to Learning Output instead of input The focus is on learning results and activities of the students... ... not so much on the content and on the expertise of the teacher. Which skills/knowledge should the students acquire? What do students have to do in order to obtain that? How can students get feedback to evaluate their own progress? courtesy A. Wanner, K. Klink 12 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  13. Focus: accelerators Education in accelerator physics and technology: regular master courses (physics, 2 semesters, with tutorials, hands-on training and excursion) block courses in the frame work of graduate schools (e.g., Helmholtz International School on Teratronics (HIRST) In preparation: Experiments in the “Methods and technologies for modern physics” as control room independent modul in the physics master curriculum incl. accelerators, electron microscopy, lasers, electronics, data analysis, imaging methods Accelerator technology Computing &Simulation 13 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  14. Involvement of students early in their career Example project: tracKIT App - acoustical-technical map Elog online server logbook Driven by credit card–sized single-board computer Raspberry Pi courtesy E. Bründermann 14 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  15. Focus: accelerators Accelerator test facilities within the KIT accelerator technology platform Circumference: 110.4 m Energy range: 0.5 - 2.5 GeV RF frequency: 500 MHz Revolution time: 368 ns Final electron energy ~ 41 MeV Electron bunch charge 0.001 - 3 nC Electron bunch length 1 - 300 fs Pulse repetition rate 10 Hz THz E-Field strength up to 1.2 GV/m 15 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  16. Focus: accelerators Development of superconducting CLIC damping ring wiggler prototype short period undulators installed in the ANKA storage ring Collaboration Babcock Noell GmbH Magnetic characterisation of various magnets (CASPER I + II) In-house winding of conventional and superconducting coils 16 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology

  17.          θ=   φ,               σ χ           θ=   • °  φ,  •              σ χ ΔX ¡(4σ) ¡(µm)  • ° ± ° •  • • ° • • °  angle ¡φ ¡ ° ± ° σ φ /tan(φ/2 ×   • λ μm • σ ± σ ±  •  ± σ ±   • μm (4σ) ¡  ± σ ±        θ=   • °  φ,  •        The ANKA storage ring      (φ ¡= ¡π):  ΔX ¡(4σ) ¡(µm)  σ χ  • ° ± ° • 1.3 GeV Test chamber  EO methods  • • ° Union’s • • °  angle ¡φ ¡ ° ± ° σ φ /tan(φ/2 ×  – • λ μm Compton back • σ  ± σ ± scattering •   ± σ ± Synchrotron light monitor • μm (4σ) ¡  ± σ ± 120 ns Fast THz detectors LNB / Microwave Streak camera detectors Fast THz Fast gated camera  (φ ¡= ¡π):  detectors 368 ns • ° •  Union’s ΔX ¡(4σ) ¡(µm) –  • ° ± ° 17 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 • A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology  • • ° • • °  angle ¡φ ¡ ° ± ° σ φ /tan(φ/2 ×  • λ μm • σ ± σ ±  • ± σ ±  • μm (4σ) ¡  ± σ ±  (φ ¡= ¡π):  Union’s –

  18. KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association 18 Universities meet Laboratories 2016 A.-S. Müller - The KIT model of combining research and education Institute for Beam Physics and Technology


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