The JLab BoNuS Experiment: measurement of the free neutron structure function at large x and nuclear effects in deuterium via spectator tagging. M. Eric Christy Hampton University n p For the CLAS Collaboration NuInt12 Workshop - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil October 23, 2012
More than 40 years after discovery of the partonic substructure of nucleons, the neutron structure at large-x is still not well determined. In addition, we would like to understand how the simplest nucleus, the deuteron, is built from a proton and neutron.
Why study large- x structure functions? Why study large- x structure functions? Study pQCD DGLAP evolution Separation of parton distributions, e.g. , • d/u for x 1, • singlet / non-singlet (valence/non-valence) separation. Precise PDFs needed to constrain limits on new physics at LHC and Tevatron Separation and study of perturbative / non-perturbative physics • H igher-twist operators (parton-parton correlations) • Study quark-hadron duality Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 3
Much can be learned about pQCD from DIS on a neutron target Need proton and neutron targets to pin down u/d PDFs from DIS F 2 p = x [4/9 u(x) + 1/9 d(x) ] At Leading order n = x [4/9 d(x) + 1/9 u(x) ] F 2 At large x proton dominated by u(x) neutron by d(x) due to charge weighting. → u quark is well determined from proton data → Free neutron target would provide comparable information on d quark Problem: no high density neutron target exists! Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 4
PDFs Uncertainties PDFs Uncertainties u(x) d(x) PDF’s least well known at large x Gluon comparable in size to d v at x~0.3 not well known here. *Proton + neutron data provides way to Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 5 separate valence cleanly.
Even F 2 not not well known for x > 0.6 well known for x > 0.6 Even F n n 2 Non-pertabative models J. Arrington et al. arXiv:1110.3362 SU(6) spin-flavor Hard gluon exchange S=0 diquark dominance Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 6
What about current state-of-the-art What about current state-of-the-art PDF fits including deuterium nuclear PDF fits including deuterium nuclear corrections? corrections? Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 7
New CJ PDF fits include Large-x + deuterium New CJ PDF fits include Large-x + deuterium including nuclear corrections on D 2 ! Slide from Alberto Accardi Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 8
Nuclear uncertainties results from CJ11 Nuclear uncertainties results from CJ11 Off-shell model Nuclear Wave-Fn spread spread Still significant uncertainties from nuclear models at large-x Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 9
Free neutron targets would provide solution Free neutron targets would provide solution → No high density neutron targets exist → Use deuterium and assure that scattering took Place from a 'nearly' on-shell effectively free neutron Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 10
Method of Spectator Tagging With S( α s , P T ) the nucleon spectral function in the deuteron and F 2 the effective off -shell neutron structure function R=σ L /σ T ν=E − E' α= ( E s − p s z )/ M Tag spectator proton in scattering Q 2 = 4 EE 'sin 2 θ 2 The spectator proton’s four momentum: p μ = -(E s – M D , p p s ) Hadronic W (x) of debris: Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 11
For free neutron structure must kinematically For free neutron structure must kinematically select to minimize: select to minimize: 1. Off-shell effects 2. Final state interactions 3. Target fragmentation enhancement to proton yield Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 12
Off-Shell Structure Functions Liuti & Gross PLB 356 (95)157 Melnitchouk et al, PLB 335 (94)11 0.965 0.985 0.93 0.80 • R n decreases with p s or α s • At x*=0.5 and p s =400 MeV/c, R n deviates from unity by 7-20% in BoNuS p s these models detection range Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 13
Final State Interactions • Struck neutron can interact with the spectator proton (ν, q ) • Proton momentum is enhanced • FSIs are small at low p s and large Θ pq Palli et al, PRC 80 (09)054610 k • Several groups have calculated FSIs • Θ pq > 110 o and p s <100 MeV/c greatly reduces FSIs Θ pq p s Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 14
Target Fragmentation Enhancement in proton Yield Over PWIA negible for backward protons! Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 15
Experimental Setup I: CLAS Spectrometer Beam Detect electrons in CLAS spectrometer Detect slow protons in radial time projection chamber (RTPC) Moller electrons bottled up by Solenoid field around target Solenoid field allows momentum determination Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 16 June 3 2008
Experimental Setup II: BoNuS RTPC H. Fenker et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 592 , 273 (2008) 140 µm Fit RTPC points to determine helix of proton trajectory. Momentum determined from beam track curvature in solenoid field. dE/dx along track in RTPC also provides momentum information. Helium/DME at 80/20 ratio to CLAS BoNuS n RTPC p Gas Target To BoNuS RTPC June 3 2008 Moller Catcher Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 17
RTPC Performance • Upper left: dE/dx vs. p/Z for He target • Lower left: dE/dx vs. p for deuterium target • Below RTPC+CLAS resolution for common e - events σ =8mm z BoNuS vs z CLAS Δz σ =1.4º σ =4 o ΔΘ ΔΦ Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 18
Kinematic Coverage E = 5.262 GeV E = 4.223 GeV W (GeV) W (GeV) Q 2 Q 2 (GeV 2 ) (GeV 2 ) (MeV) p spec cos(θ pq ) VIPs Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 19
Kinematic reconstruction with tagged protons µ p n µ + 2([M D -E s ] ν – p n . q) – Q 2 W 2 = (p n + q) 2 = p n ≈ M* 2 +2M ν (2- α s ) - Q 2 W 2 = M 2 +2M ν - Q 2 PWIA: → Backward P is spectator → Neutron is offshell → p p n = - p p p → => correct for neutron momentum Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 20
Ratio Method First make experimental ratio: N tagged is yield with VIP after accidental subtraction passing: P s < 100 MeV/c, θ p > 110 In terms of structure function ratio: A e : electron acceptance in CLAS ( mostly cancels! ) A p : tagged proton Efficiency * Acceptance I VIP → Integral I vip is largely independent of W* (x*) and Q 2 → Determined from R exp at x=0.3, where nuclear effects are small using F 2 n / F 2 d from CJ PDF fit. d * R exp * I vip Then F 2 n = F 2 Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 21
Resonance F 2 n results → Clear neutron resonant structure → Compares reasonably well to Bosted-Christy fits to p, d, (extracts neutron using PWIA + Paris potential) → Studies of duality in F 2 n being finalized now. Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 22
Results on F 2 n / F 2 p → F2n/F2p = F2n/F2d * F2d/F2p Normalization point w ith F2d/F2p from Bosted/Christy fits PRC77(08)065206, [Accardi, et al., PRC81(10)055213 PRD 84(11)014008] → Trend in x consistent with CJ11. → Below normalization point Q 2 less than CJ scale point. → Lower W* cuts reduce stat. uncertainty, but increase resonant contribution at x >0.6 Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 23
Nuclear effects Studies with BoNuS Can test - spectator model assumptions and - nuclear effect models Using full kinematics coverage for tagged protons. Analysis of S. Tkachenko . Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 24
Spectator model test: Data/MC cosθ distributions Tkachenko et al. • Analysis of S. Tkachenko utilizes larger kinematic y coverage to test spectator r model. a n • At low p s the data agree with i the spectator model quite m well. i l • At higher p s the distributions e deviate significantly from r P unity, indicating that VIP particles should have p s <100 MeV/c. 25
With n+p and deuterium Structure functions in hand... Study of EMC effect in the deuteron is currently in progress Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 26
BoNuS Plans for 12 GeV E12-06-113 E12-06-113 Data taking: – 35 days on D 2 – 5 days on H 2 – L = 2 x 10 34 cm -2 sec -1 DIS region: – Q 2 > 1 GeV 2 – W* > 2 GeV – p s < 100 MeV/c – θ pq > 110° – x* max = 0.80 W* > 1.8 GeV: x* max = 0.83
BONUS @ 12 GeV Jlab (BONUS12) d/u F2n Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 28
∆ transition form factor from neutron with Bonus12 Estimated BONUS12 coverage and uncertainties 29 Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 29
Summary Spectator tagging method demonstrated to allow → Extraction of free neutron structure. Allows significant reduction in nuclear model uncertainties → On d-quark distribution at x > 0.6. First look at EMC effect extracted for deuterium. → BONUS data allow study of nuclear effects. → Upcoming 12 GeV BONUS will provide F 2 n precision → Comparable to proton data up to x ~ 0.8. Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 30
Much More to come Thank You! Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 31
Backup Slides Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 32 June 3 2008 32
PDFs Uncertainties PDFs Uncertainties u(x) d(x) PDF’s least well known at large x Gluon comparable in size to d v at x~0.3 not well known here. *Proton + neutron data provides way to Oct. 23, 2012 M.E. Christy - NuInt12 33 33 separate valence cleanly.
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