the importance of permanent capital

The Importance of Permanent Capital Si Simon Champ CE CEO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Importance of Permanent Capital Si Simon Champ CE CEO Eaglewood Europe LLP th Oc 20 20 th October2015 Three Players MI MIDDLE MA MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PL PLATFORMS Diversification Capital Equilibrium Fair Rates

  1. The Importance of Permanent Capital Si Simon Champ CE CEO Eaglewood Europe LLP th Oc 20 20 th October2015

  2. Three Players MI MIDDLE MA MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PL PLATFORMS Diversification Capital Equilibrium Fair Rates Personal Circumstances Quality Match / Returns Visibility of Growth Understood Scale No Wastage Speedy Fulfilment Efficiency Partners Seamless Experience

  3. Evolution of Borrowing and Lending G L O B A L I N V E S T M E N T S

  4. Three Perspectives MI MIDDLE MA MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PL PLATFORMS Diversification Capital Equilibrium Fair Rates Personal Circumstances Quality Match Visibility of Growth Understood Scale No Wastage Speedy Fulfilment Efficiency Partners Seamless Experience

  5. 1-1 Loans BORROWER LENDER Fair Rates Diversification Personal Quality Match / Circumstances Returns Understood Scale Speedy Fulfilment Seamless Certainty Experience

  6. Money Lenders MIDDLE MA MI MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PL PLATFORMS Dive versifi fication Fa Fair Rate tes Capit Cap ital al Equil ilib ibriu ium Personal Pe Quality Match / / Circumstan Cir ances Visibility of f Growth Re Returns Understood Un Sc Scale Speedy Fulfi filment No Wastage No Se Seamless Certain Ce ainty Partners Pa Ex Experience

  7. Banks MIDDLE MA MI MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PL PLATFORMS Dive versifi fication Fa Fair Rate tes Capit Cap ital al Equil ilib ibriu ium Personal Pe Quality Match / / Circumstan Cir ances Visibility of f Growth Re Returns Understood Un Sc Scale Speedy Fulfi filment No Wastage No Se Seamless Certain Ce ainty Partners Pa Ex Experience

  8. Direct Peer-to-Peer MIDDLE MA MI MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PL PLATFORMS Dive versifi fication Fa Fair Rate tes Capit Cap ital al Equil ilib ibriu ium Personal Pe Quality Match / / Circumstan Cir ances Visibility of f Growth Re Returns Understood Un Sc Scale Speedy Fulfi filment No Wastage No Se Seamless Certain Ce ainty Partners Pa Ex Experience

  9. Open-ended P2P Funds MIDDLE MA MI MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PL PLATFORMS Dive versifi fication Fa Fair Rate tes Capit Cap ital al Equil ilib ibriu ium Personal Pe Quality Match / / Circumstan Cir ances Visibility of f Growth Re Returns Understood Un Sc Scale Speedy Fulfi filment No Wastage No Se Seamless Certain Ce ainty Partners Pa Ex Experience

  10. Closed P2P Funds (Permanent Capital) MIDDLE MA MI MAN / LEND LE NDER BORROWER BO PLATFORMS PL Dive versifi fication Fa Fair Rate tes Cap Capit ital al Equil ilib ibriu ium Personal Pe Quality Match / / Circumstan Cir ances Visibility of f Growth Re Returns Un Understood Sc Scale Speedy Fulfi filment No Wastage No Se Seamless Effi ficiency Partners Pa Ex Experience

  11. Evolution of Borrowing and Lending


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