the he b bas asic pr prof ofessional t training g cour

The he B Bas asic Pr Prof ofessional T Training g cour ourse - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A N R P N R P A The he B Bas asic Pr Prof ofessional T Training g cour ourse on on Nuc Nuclear Sa Safety 04-15 MAI 2015, TUNIS, TUNISIA National Presentation M. NZOU M. OUATCHA Henri J Jol NATIONAL AL R RADIAT ATION P

  1. A N R P N R P A The he B Bas asic Pr Prof ofessional T Training g cour ourse on on Nuc Nuclear Sa Safety 04-15 MAI 2015, TUNIS, TUNISIA National Presentation M. NZOU M. OUATCHA Henri J Joël NATIONAL AL R RADIAT ATION P PROTEC ECTION AGEN ENCY ( Y (NRPA), PA), CAMEROON OON

  2. Contents 1 . Use and inventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon 2 . Regulatory fram ew ork 3 . Structural organization of NRPA 4 . NRPA’s Current activities

  3. I ntroduction Cameroon is lacated in Central Africa. It is bounded by Chad in the north, East by the Central African Republic, South by the Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, west by Nigeria. It covers and area of 475,440km² The climate of Cameoon in varied : tropical wet in the south and tropical dry in the north, Cameroo’s population is almost 20millions inhabitants Cameroon has 250 etnics groups, that implies the existence of 250 languages.

  4. 1 -Use and inventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon A N N R P -Use of radioactive sources in Cameroon N R P A Ionizing radiation sources are used in:  Medecine;  Industry ;  Research.

  5. 1 -Use and inventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon A N N R P radioactive sources are used in medecine for: N R P A  Médical diagnostic,  Therapy. MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC Imaging technique that use radioactive sources in Cameroon is: -Scintigraphy (nuclear medecine).

  6. Use and inventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon A N N R P N R P A TREATMENT OF PATIENTS Radioactive sources are used for the treatment of cancers. Practices encountered in general hospitals in Yaounde and Douala are:  Teletherapy;  Brachytherapy;  Nuclear medecine. Equipment for Equipment for brachytherapy GHY teletherapy GHD

  7. Use and inventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon A N N R P N R P A INDUSTRY Radioactive sources are used in Cameroon for the following activities:  Non Destructive Testing industrial radiography  Oil exploration well logging  Control of level, nuclear gauges

  8. Use and inventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon A N N R P -Inventory on radioactive radioactive sources in N R P A Cameroon Inventory of ionizing radiation sources in industry:

  9. Inventory of orphan radioactive sources A N N R P N R P A radioactive lightning rods radioactive lightning rods Sites visited Number of radioactive lightning rods YAOUNDE 23 DOUALA 52 2 EBOLOWA SANGMELIMA 1 BAFOUSSAM 5 DSCHANG 2 KUTABA 2 TOTAL 87

  10. Use and inventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon A N N R P N R P A RESERACH Radioactive sources are used in some research institutes in Cameroon for calibration. These sources include: 210 Pb, 109 Cd, 57 Co, 54 Mn, 137 Cs Data on radiation sources were collected in 2009 and 2010 nation wide and registered in RAIS 3.0 . The updated data is currently running on RAIS 3.3.

  11. I nventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon A N N R P Summary N R P A Source Category Number of Sources Practice 1 3 Radiotherapy 2 25 industrial Radiography 3 37 Oil Exploration, welllogging 4 69 Brachytherapy (Low Dose Rate), welllogging, Gauging 5 20 Calibration TOTAL 154

  12. I nventory of radioactive sources in Cam eroon Majority of radioactive sources are found in Centre and Littoral regions

  13. 2 - Regulatory fram ew ork A N N R P N R P A  Law n ° 95/08 of 30th January 1995 on radiation protection  Decree n ° 2002/250 of 31 st October 2002 relating to the creation, organization and functioning of the National Radiation Protection Agency (NRPA) Created in 2002 in application of Law n° 95/08 of 30th January 1995 on radiation protection , the NRPA started functioning in 2007. In January 2010, a new Director General was nominated. - Decree n ° 2007/102 of 13th April 2007 appointed the Board Chairman of NRPA; - Decree n ° 2007/103 of 13th April 2007 appointed the Director General of NRPA; - Decree n ° 2007/297 of 05th November 2007 appointed members of Board of Directors of NRPA; - Decree n ° 2010/024 of 28 th January 2010 nominated the new Director General of the NRPA.

  14. 2 -Regulatory fram ew ork A N N R P N R P A The following regulations initiated by NRPA were validated (visas) by the Service of the Prime Minister, then signed and gazetted by Minister of Public Health in June 2013: 1. Arrêté N ° 1150 /A/MINSANTE on Work Place Monitoring of 11 June 2013 laying down the conditions and signaling of supervised and controlled areas and especially restricted and prohibited zones as well as imposed hygiene, safety and maintenance rules. 2. Arrêté N ° 1151 /A/MINSANTE on Dosimetry Monitoring of 11 June 2013 laying down procedures of medical and occupational monitoring of workers and patients exposed to ionizing radiation. 3. Arrêté N ° 1152 /A/MINSANTE on Licensing and Practices Modalities for X Ray Generators of 11 June 2013 laying down procedures for possession, use and handling of devices emitting X-rays in hospital.

  15. NRPA Mandate A N N R P N R P A Law n° 9 5 / 0 8 of 3 0 th January 1 9 9 5 on radiation protection and Decree n° 2 0 0 2/ 2 5 0 of 3 1 st October 2 0 0 2 m andate NRPA :  to regulate all ionizing radiation sources as w ell as the protection of people and environm ent against ionizing radiation hazards.  to establish or adopt, in consultation and, w here appropriate, in collaboration w ith com petent authorities, standards of safety for protection of health and m inim ization of danger to life and property ( including such standards for labour conditions) , and to provide for the application of these standards to its ow n operations as w ell as to assisted operations

  16. 3 - NRPA: structure and organization A N N R P The NRPA is administrated by a Board of Administrators (representatives from the Presidency, the Prime Ministry and 8 N R P A others ministries). The Director General supervises the daily activities of NRPA and reports to the Board.

  17. 4 - Regulatory body activities A N N R P I- AUTHORIZATION N R P A Within the framework of its missions, the National Radiation Protection Agency (NRPA) shall authorize the use of radiation sources as well as the related activities, and approve workers under ionizing radiations. In order to achieve these missions, the NRPA set up a system of notification and authorization which is based on:  the legislative framework and lawful made up mainly of law n ° 95/08 of 30 January 1995 on radiation protection, and the decree n ° 2002/250 of 31 October 2002 to set up, organize and regulate the functioning of the National Radiation Protection Agency;  technical document TECDOC 1525 of the International Atomic Energy Agency;  practices met in Cameroun namely: radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, medical radiography, industrial radiography, well logging, nuclear gauges.

  18. 4 - Regulatory body activities A N N R P I- AUTHORIZATION N R P A The various authorizations issued by NRPA are: - Authorization to open a service; - Authorization for import / export; - Authorization of use (License or registration); - Authorization of transportation; - Authorization for transfer / acquisition; - Authorization of temporary storage; - Approval of workers.

  19. 4 - Regulatory body activities A N N R P I- AUTHORIZATION N R P A Th The NRPA PA au auth thoriza zati tion sy syst stem is is in in place ace with th review an and asse ssessm ssment done ne before re an any authoriza zati tion is is granted ted.

  20. 4 - Regulatory body activities A N N R P II- Technical Control (Inspection and Quality Control) N R P A Staff were trained through IAEA Technical Cooperation projects of RAF9038 , RAF 9042 and CMR 9004. The system is fully operational since 2012 with annual program put in place. Guides and Checklists have been developed following TECDOC 1526 with over two Hundred (200) regulatory controls carried out in the following facilities: radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, radio diagnostic, well logging, and Non Destructive Testing.

  21. 4 -Regulatory body activities A N N R P II- INSPECTION from 2011 to 2014 N R P A Years TOTAL Industrial Medical Facilities Facilities 03 07 10 2011 2012 60 10 70 30 10 40 2013 2014 40 12 52 TOTAL 133 27 172

  22. 4 - Regulatory body activities A N N R P III- Dosimetry Services N R P A The decree assigns responsibility to NRPA for Radiation Workers monitoring in article 4. Year Number of Facilities Number of Registered Workers Monitored 2011 05 64 2012 11 117 2013 22 203 2014 25 250

  23. Regulatory body activities A N N R P National and international cooperation N R P A Tw Two (2) partner ership a agreem eemen ents ts have e been signed ed by NRPA, o one with th th the Mi e Ministry of Tran ansport (MI (MINT) an and th the e oth ther with Mi Ministry of Public c Heal alth (MINSANTE). ). - The first concerns technical assistance to MINT within the framework of the implementation of the MOU signed in November 2010 between MINT and Department of Energy of USA relating to the project MEGAPORT INIATIVE on illicit traffic of nuclear materials and radioactive substances ; - The second signed with MINSANTE in 2011 is relating to NRPA assistance towards upgrading radiation protection in public hospitals; - MoU between Custom and NRPA is on-going.

  24. A N R P N R P A

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