The Future of Small and The Future of Small and Medium Sized Nuclear Medium Sized Nuclear Reactors Reactors 2009 and Beyond 2009 and Beyond
Presentation Outline Presentation Outline � Distinguish from Large Commercial Reactors � Distinguish from Large Commercial Reactors � History � History � Application � Application � Current Presence in the United States and � Current Presence in the United States and Internationally Internationally � Pros and Cons � Pros and Cons � Case Studies � Case Studies � Summary: The Future of Small and Medium Sized � Summary: The Future of Small and Medium Sized Reactors (SMRs) Reactors (SMRs)
SMR Reactors vs. Large SMR Reactors vs. Large Commercial Reactors Commercial Reactors
SMR vs. Large: Output SMR vs. Large: Output � Large Reactors: � Large Reactors: SMR Reactors: SMR Reactors: � � � � The IAEA defines “Small” The IAEA defines “Small” According to the NRC large According to the NRC large Reactors those with an output Reactors those with an output commercial plants today commercial plants today under 300 MWe. under 300 MWe. generate between 1000 and generate between 1000 and 1700 MWe 1700 MWe � � Today a medium sized reactor Today a medium sized reactor would be one with an output would be one with an output between 500 to 700 MWe between 500 to 700 MWe � � MWe = Mega Watts of MWe = Mega Watts of electricity as apposed to a MWt, electricity as apposed to a MWt, which is Mega Watts of thermal which is Mega Watts of thermal energy energy
SMR vs. Large: SMR vs. Large: Cost of Generation Cost of Generation � SMRs: � SMRs: � Large Units: � Large Units: � � It is a difficult to give an It is a difficult to give an � � The World Nuclear Association The World Nuclear Association accurate average cost because accurate average cost because estimates the cost of nuclear estimates the cost of nuclear of the range in sizes, designs, of the range in sizes, designs, power from large reactors to be power from large reactors to be whether it is off-grid or on-grid, whether it is off-grid or on-grid, in the range of 3.5 to 5.5 in the range of 3.5 to 5.5 etc. etc. cents/kwh cents/kwh � � However, each company that is However, each company that is designing new units claims that designing new units claims that the cost will be competitive with the cost will be competitive with large scale nuclear power. large scale nuclear power. � � The Department of Energy The Department of Energy (DOE) has estimated that a 50 (DOE) has estimated that a 50 MWe unit in the U.S. will cost MWe unit in the U.S. will cost between 5.4 to 10.7 cents/kwh between 5.4 to 10.7 cents/kwh depending on the above depending on the above parameters parameters
SMR vs. Large: SMR vs. Large: Cost of Construction/Operation Cost of Construction/Operation Large Reactors: Large Reactors: SMRs: SMRs: � � To build a large reactor in the To build a large reactor in the � � Private companies are Private companies are U.S. today several costs are U.S. today several costs are estimating that new units built estimating that new units built involved: involved: on site will cost between $23 to on site will cost between $23 to � � $30 million dollars. $30 million dollars. Construction costs Construction costs � � � � Operating cost Operating cost Add the extra costs and you Add the extra costs and you approach $50 million per unit approach $50 million per unit � � Waste disposal cost Waste disposal cost � � Decommissioning costs Decommissioning costs � � 2-3 years to construct 2-3 years to construct � � When combined, large reactors When combined, large reactors end up costing between $6 to end up costing between $6 to $10 billion dollars $10 billion dollars � � 7-10 years to construct 7-10 years to construct
SMR vs. Large SMR vs. Large Sizes Sizes � � � � Small reactors can be the size of Small reactors can be the size of Large reactors themselves do Large reactors themselves do a garage, a small shed, or a hot a garage, a small shed, or a hot not take up much more space not take up much more space water heater. water heater. then an average sized then an average sized warehouse, but when you add warehouse, but when you add � � Some have both above ground Some have both above ground cooling towers, multiple units, cooling towers, multiple units, and underground components and underground components and possibly cooling reservoirs and possibly cooling reservoirs � � For example a 10 MWe unit For example a 10 MWe unit they can take up over one they can take up over one built by Toshiba will take up built by Toshiba will take up thousand acres thousand acres very little above ground space very little above ground space � � The Clinton, Illinois Reactor, The Clinton, Illinois Reactor, compared to a large reactor: compared to a large reactor: including a cooling reservoir, including a cooling reservoir, � � 22 x 16 x 11 m (72 x 52.5 x 22 x 16 x 11 m (72 x 52.5 x covers over 5,000 acres covers over 5,000 acres 36 ft) 36 ft)
Drastic Difference Drastic Difference � On the left you see the actual SMR core. � On the left you see the actual SMR core. � On the Right is a photo of two average sized � On the Right is a photo of two average sized cooling towers for a large reactor. cooling towers for a large reactor.
The History of Small and The History of Small and Medium Sized Reactors Medium Sized Reactors
The U.S. Experience The U.S. Experience � All SMR plants in the U.S. have been a result of � All SMR plants in the U.S. have been a result of Military or Academic research. Military or Academic research. � The Military: � The Military: � Operated a small reactor in Antarctica from 1962-72 (1.5 � Operated a small reactor in Antarctica from 1962-72 (1.5 MWe) MWe) � A small Army program dedicated to small reactor � A small Army program dedicated to small reactor development started in 1950s: One successful unit operated development started in 1950s: One successful unit operated for 35 years up until 1997 (67 MWe) for 35 years up until 1997 (67 MWe) � The Navy has developed several small reactor designs for � The Navy has developed several small reactor designs for submarines are still being used on submarines. submarines are still being used on submarines. � Some current commercial designs are based off the Navy � Some current commercial designs are based off the Navy designs designs
The International Experience The International Experience � More than 50 SMRs designs have been developed by � More than 50 SMRs designs have been developed by many national or international programs through the many national or international programs through the years years � Several countries with Nuclear technology capabilities � Several countries with Nuclear technology capabilities have invested considerable more time and money on have invested considerable more time and money on small reactor development than the U.S. small reactor development than the U.S. � � Russia: Several reactors currently operating in Siberia Russia: Several reactors currently operating in Siberia � � India: A Canadian design operating at 220 MWe India: A Canadian design operating at 220 MWe � � Pakistan: Operating a Chinese 300 MWe design Pakistan: Operating a Chinese 300 MWe design � � China: Several in operation of varying outputs; heavy current China: Several in operation of varying outputs; heavy current investment investment � � Japan: Several designs in operations and heavy investment in new Japan: Several designs in operations and heavy investment in new designs and production designs and production � � Europe: Same as with Japan and China (especially France) Europe: Same as with Japan and China (especially France)
SMR Data SMR Data Reactor data was retrieved from the IAEA's Reactor data was retrieved from the IAEA's Power Reactor Information System in November Power Reactor Information System in November 2009 2009 � � Example of a medium sized Example of a medium sized floating reactor floating reactor In Operation: In Operation: 133 133 Under Construction: Under Construction: 12 12 Number of countries Number of countries with SMRs: with SMRs: 28 28 Total Generating Total Generating Capacity GWe: 60.3 Capacity GWe: 60.3
Small and Medium Sized Small and Medium Sized Reactors Reactors Applications Applications
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