the extendability of matchings in strongly regular graphs

The extendability of matchings in strongly regular graphs Sebastian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The extendability of matchings in strongly regular graphs Sebastian Cioab a Weiqiang Li Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Delaware Villanova, June 5, 2014 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs Introduction

  1. The extendability of matchings in strongly regular graphs Sebastian Cioab˘ a Weiqiang Li Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Delaware Villanova, June 5, 2014 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  2. Introduction Matching A set of edges M of a graph G is a matching if no two edges of M share a vertex. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  3. Introduction Matching A set of edges M of a graph G is a matching if no two edges of M share a vertex. Perfect Matching A matching M is perfect if every vertex is incident with exactly one edge of M . Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  4. Example Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  5. Example Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  6. Extendability Extendability (Plummer (1980)) A graph G of even order v is called t -extendable if it contains at least one perfect matching, t < v / 2 and any matching of size t is contained in some perfect matching. The extendability of a graph G of even order is defined as the maximum t < v / 2 such that G is t -extendable Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  7. Extendability Extendability (Plummer (1980)) A graph G of even order v is called t -extendable if it contains at least one perfect matching, t < v / 2 and any matching of size t is contained in some perfect matching. The extendability of a graph G of even order is defined as the maximum t < v / 2 such that G is t -extendable Problem Determine the extendability of a graph. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  8. Extendability Extendability (Plummer (1980)) A graph G of even order v is called t -extendable if it contains at least one perfect matching, t < v / 2 and any matching of size t is contained in some perfect matching. The extendability of a graph G of even order is defined as the maximum t < v / 2 such that G is t -extendable Problem Determine the extendability of a graph. Remark Zhang and Zhang (2006) obtained an O ( ve ) algorithm for determining the extendability of a bipartite graph G of order v and size e . At present time, the complexity of determining the extendability of a non-bipartite graph is unknown. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  9. 1-extendable Graphs Theorem (Plesn´ ık) Let G be a ( k − 1) -edge-connected, k-regular graph with an even number of vertices. Then G is 1-extendable. Theorem (Lov´ asz and Plummer) Any vertex-transitive graph with even order is 1 -extendable. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  10. Strongly Regular Graphs Definition A graph G is a strongly regular graph with parameters v , k , λ and µ (shorthanded ( v , k , λ, µ )-SRG) if It has v vertices, is k -regular Any two adjacent vertices have exactly λ common neighbors Any two non-adjacent vertices have exactly µ common neighbors. (9,4,1,2)-SRG (10,3,0,1)-SRG Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  11. Extendability of Strongly Regular Graph Theorem (Brouwer and Mesner (1985) ) If G is a primitive strongly regular graph of valency k, then G is k-connected. Any disconnecting set of size k must be the neighborhood of some vertex. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  12. Extendability of Strongly Regular Graph Theorem (Brouwer and Mesner (1985) ) If G is a primitive strongly regular graph of valency k, then G is k-connected. Any disconnecting set of size k must be the neighborhood of some vertex. Theorem (Lou and Zhu (1996)) Every connected strongly regular graph with even order is 2-extendable when k ≥ 3 , except the Petersen graph and the (6 , 4 , 2 , 4) -SRG graph. 2 1 1 3 4 2 5 6 3 5 8 7 10 4 6 9 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  13. Main tools Lemma (Yu (1993) ) Let t ≥ 1 and let G be a graph containing a perfect matching. The graph G is not t-extendable if and only if there exists a subset S ⊂ V ( G ) such that S contains t independent edges and o ( G − S ) ≥ | S | − 2 t + 2 . Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  14. Main tools Lemma (Yu (1993) ) Let t ≥ 1 and let G be a graph containing a perfect matching. The graph G is not t-extendable if and only if there exists a subset S ⊂ V ( G ) such that S contains t independent edges and o ( G − S ) ≥ | S | − 2 t + 2 . Lemma (Cioab˘ a and Li (2014)) Let G be a strongly regular graph. If A is a subset of the vertex set such that 3 ≤ | A | ≤ v / 2 , then e ( A , A C ) ≥ 3 k − 6 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  15. Our results Theorem (Cioab˘ a and Li (2014)) Let G be a connected ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg with v even and k ≥ 5 . Then G is 3 -extendable unless G is the complete 4 -partite graph K 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 (the (8 , 6 , 4 , 6) -srg), the complement of the Petersen graph (the (10 , 6 , 3 , 4) -srg) or the Shrikhande graph (one of the two (16 , 6 , 2 , 2) -srgs). Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  16. Lower Bound for Extendability of SRGs: Dense Case Lemma If G is a primitive ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg of even order with independence number α , then the extendability of G is � = ⌈ k 2 ⌉ If α = 2 − α ( G ) ≥ ⌈ k +3 2 ⌉ − 1 If α ≥ 3 2 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  17. Lower Bound for Extendability of SRGs: Dense Case Lemma If G is a primitive ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg of even order with independence number α , then the extendability of G is � = ⌈ k 2 ⌉ If α = 2 − α ( G ) ≥ ⌈ k +3 2 ⌉ − 1 If α ≥ 3 2 The proof of this lemma uses the following fact. Theorem (Brouwer and Mesner (1985) ) If G is a primitive strongly regular graph of valency k, then G is k-connected. Any disconnecting set of size k must be the neighborhood of some vertex. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  18. Lower Bound for Extendability of SRGs: Dense Case Lemma If G is a primitive ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg of even order with independence number α , then the extendability of G is � = ⌈ k 2 ⌉ − 1 If α = 2 − α ( G ) ≥ ⌈ k +3 2 ⌉ − 1 If α ≥ 3 2 Theorem If G is a ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg with k / 2 < µ < k and α ≥ 3 , then the extendability of G is � � ⌈ k +3 − 3 k − 2 λ − 3 ≥ max 2(2 θ 2 +1) ⌉ − 1 , ⌈ λ/ 2 + 1 ⌉ 2 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  19. Lower Bound for Extendability of SRGs: Dense Case Lemma If G is a primitive ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg of even order with independence number α , then the extendability of G is � = ⌈ k 2 ⌉ − 1 If α = 2 − α ( G ) ≥ ⌈ k +3 2 ⌉ − 1 If α ≥ 3 2 Theorem If G is a ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg with k / 2 < µ < k and α ≥ 3 , then the extendability of G is � � ⌈ k +3 − 3 k − 2 λ − 3 ≥ ⌈ k +1 ≥ max 2(2 θ 2 +1) ⌉ − 1 , ⌈ λ/ 2 + 1 ⌉ 4 ⌉ . 2 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  20. Lower Bound for Extendability of SRGs: Sparse Case Theorem Let G be a ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg with λ ≥ 1 . If µ ≤ k / 2 , then the extendability of G is � k 2 − k − 3 � � k � ≥ − 1 ≥ . 3 k − 7 3 Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  21. Lower Bound for Extendability of SRGs: Sparse Case Theorem Let G be a ( v , k , λ, µ ) -srg with λ ≥ 1 . If µ ≤ k / 2 , then the extendability of G is � k 2 − k − 3 � � k � ≥ − 1 ≥ . 3 k − 7 3 Remark This result is close to being best possible as many strongly regular graph of valency k with λ ≥ 1 are not ⌈ k / 2 ⌉ -extendable. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  22. Classification of SRGs Theorem (Neumaier (1979)) Let m ≥ 2 be a fixed integer. Then with finitely many exceptions, the SRGs with smallest eigenvalue − m are of one of the following types: (a) Complete multipartite graphs with classes of size m, (b) Latin square graphs with parameters ( n 2 , m ( n − 1) , n − 2 + ( m − 1)( m − 2) , m ( m − 1)) , (c) Block graphs of Steiner m-systems with parameters � m − 1 , ( m − 1) 2 + n − 1 m − 1 − 2 , m 2 � m ( m − 1) , m ( n − m ) n ( n − 1) . Remark When m = 3, there are 66 other parameter sets. When m = 4, there are 232 other parameter sets. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  23. The exact extendability of some specific SRGs Theorem Let G be the line graph of K n , n with n ≥ 4 and n even. The extendability of G is k / 2 = n − 1 . Theorem Let T ( n ) be the triangular graph with parameters � n � ( , 2( n − 2) , n − 2 , 4) . If n ≥ 4 , the extendability of T ( n ) is 2 k / 2 − 1 = n − 3 . Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

  24. The exact extendability of some specific SRGs Theorem Let G be the block graph of a Steiner m-system on n points such m ( m − 1) is even. If m ∈ { 3 , 4 } and n > m 2 or m ≥ 5 and n ( n − 1) that n > 4 m 2 + 5 m + 24 + 96 m − 4 , the extendability of G is ⌈ k / 2 ⌉ − 1 , where k is the valency of G. Weiqiang Li The extendability of matchings in SRGs

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