the data driven web of now

The Data-Driven Web of Now Extending D3js Travis Smith Developer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Data-Driven Web of Now Extending D3js Travis Smith Developer Evangelist Atlassian @TravisTheTechie The data-driven web @TravisTheTechie Quick demo time @TravisTheTechie the entire web is data driven @TravisTheTechie why do

  1. The Data-Driven Web of Now Extending D3js Travis Smith • Developer Evangelist • Atlassian • @TravisTheTechie

  2. The data-driven web @TravisTheTechie

  3. Quick demo time @TravisTheTechie

  4. the entire web is data driven @TravisTheTechie

  5. why do you care? @TravisTheTechie

  6. templates @TravisTheTechie

  7. mustache template

  8. react template

  9. underscore Post by <%= post.get(‘author’) %>

  10. underscore <% if (post.get(‘author’) { %> Post by <%= post.get(‘author’) %> <% } %>

  11. underscore <% if (post.get(‘author’)) { %> Post by <% if (post.get(‘alink’)) { %> <a href=“<%= post.get(‘alink’)”> <% } %> <%= post.get(‘author’) %> <% if (post.get(‘alink’)) { %> </a> <% } %> <% } %>

  12. templates are simple 
 when data is simple @TravisTheTechie

  13. when is data simple? @TravisTheTechie

  14. D3.js

  15. okay, great, how is this different? @TravisTheTechie

  16. markup is not data @TravisTheTechie

  17. markup is not code @TravisTheTechie

  18. “ Being abstract is something profoundly different from being vague… the purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely ” precise. - Edsger Dijkstra @TravisTheTechie

  19. express your representations @TravisTheTechie

  20. D3.js

  21. complicated, why is that better? @TravisTheTechie

  22. the value of code, abstractions @TravisTheTechie

  23. D3.js

  24. easier than, inline blocks, partials, or helpers @TravisTheTechie

  25. Selection, enter, and exit @TravisTheTechie

  26. var chart =".charts") .selectAll("div") .data(data, function(d) { return d.action; }); chart .selectAll("span") .text(function(d) { return d.action; }); @TravisTheTechie

  27. chart .enter() .append("div") .classed({ "bar-item": true }) .append("span"); @TravisTheTechie

  28. var x = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, d3.sum(data, function(d) { return d.value; })]) .range([0, 100]); chart .data(data, function(d) { return d.action; }); chart .style("width", function(d) { return x(d.value) + "%";}); @TravisTheTechie

  29. .charts .bar-item { ... width: 0%; -webkit-transition: width 1s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: width 1s ease-in-out; -o-transition: width 1s ease-in-out; transition: width 1s ease-in-out; } @TravisTheTechie

  30. chart .exit() .remove(); @TravisTheTechie

  31. You are now experts @TravisTheTechie

  32. Extending @TravisTheTechie

  33. row.append("td").append('span') .classed({'aui-avatar': true, 'aui-avatar-xsmall': true}) .append('span') .classed({'aui-avatar-inner': true}) .append('img') .attr('src', function(item) { return item.avatarUrls["16x16"]; }); @TravisTheTechie

  34. <td> <span class="aui-avatar aui-avatar-xsmall"> <span class="aui-avatar-inner"> <img src="..." /> </span> </span> </td> @TravisTheTechie

  35. d3.selection.enter.prototype.appendSelector = d3.selection.prototype.appendSelector = function(selector) { var self = this; var selectorParts = selector.split(/([\.\#])/); if (selectorParts.length == 0) return self; self = self.append(selectorParts.shift()); while (selectorParts.length > 1) { var selectorModifier = selectorParts.shift(); var selectorItem = selectorParts.shift(); if (selectorModifier === ".") { self = self.classed(selectorItem, true); } else if (selectorModifier === "#") { self = self.attr('id', selectorItem); } } return self; }; @TravisTheTechie

  36. row.append("td").append('span') .classed({'aui-avatar': true, 'aui-avatar-xsmall': true}) .append('span') .classed({'aui-avatar-inner': true}) .append('img') .attr('src', function(item) { return item.avatarUrls["16x16"]; }); @TravisTheTechie

  37. row.append("td") .appendSelector('span.aui-avatar.aui-avatar- xsmall') .appendSelector('span.aui-avatar-inner') .append('img') .attr('src', function(item) { return item.avatarUrls["16x16"] }); @TravisTheTechie

  38. var projHeadRow = projTable.append("thead").append("tr"); projHeadRow.append("th"); projHeadRow.append("th").text("Key"); projHeadRow.append("th").text("Name"); @TravisTheTechie

  39. projHeadRow = projTable.createTableHeaderWithHeadings( [ "", "Key", “Name" ]); @TravisTheTechie

  40. Tools in hand, it’s demo time @TravisTheTechie

  41. Questions & take aways • • • @TravisTheTechie • Thanks for coming!


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