The Core Neighbourhood Community of Interest Meeting The Wolfville Farmer’s Market July 25 th , 2016 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Meeting Outline 1. Overview of Municipal Planning Strategy Review 2. Overview of Core Neighbourhood Area i. Why are you here tonight? ii. What is the Core Area? iii.What is the Core Neighbourhood? 3. Preliminary Online Survey Results and Discussions
Overview of MPS Review: Phase 1 • What We Heard Report • Draft MPS • Draft Land Use By-law • Draft Subdivision By-law • Draft Core Commercial Guidelines • Phase 2 Consultation Plan
Overview of MPS Review: Phase 2 • Multiple community consultations • Final public consultation for MPS Review in Summer of 2017
Overview of Core Neighbourhood Area Why are you here tonight? • This is a community collaborative based process • We need you to work together with your friends, family, and neighbours • What defines the Core Neighbourhood area? • What type of “vibe” should this area give off based on its proximity to the Downtown? • become?
Where is the Core Commercial area of Wolfville?
Where is the Core Neighbourhood area of Wolfville?
Where is the Core Area of Wolfville?
Why have a Core Area? (Imagine Wolfville’s Downtown Report, 2013, Pg. 11)
Overview of Core Neighbourhood Area Why have a Core Neighbourhood? • Highlights the important role the adjacent stable neighbourhood plays and will continue to play in housing people near Main Street; and • Allows for area-specific development controls to address the unique development pressures in this part of town. (What We Heard Report , 2016, Pg. 53)
Overview of Core Neighbourhood Area Why have a Core Neighbourhood? “A viable neighbourhood is one with connections among neighbors, transient and permanent; a place where residents feel safe; a strong attachment to “place”; and spaces to meet and play. For Wolfville’s core neighbourhood there must also be an understanding of the role this area plays in the economic vitality and overall vibrancy and fabric of the Town.” (Reclaiming & Sustaining Core Neighbourhoods, 2013, Pg. 53)
Online Survey Results & Discussion
Survey Participants 13 105 88 Community letters Partially Completed sent to property opened online survey owners and residents online survey 84% Response Rate 12% Completion Rate
Survey Participants 58% 58% of respondents stated they lived in the Core Neighbourhood area
Thoughts on the Core Neighbourhood Do you think the Core Neighbourhood area of Wolfville is distinct from other parts of Town? Why or why not? “Yes. There is a large number of student housing and apartments Majority found that make for a transient population with limited interest in developing a community spirit.” the Core Neighbourhood “No. There is a wide mix of people living in this area, as well as other areas, I don't see it being necessarily distinct from other spots.” area to be distinct “Yes. It is the centre of the historic town, has some of the oldest homes, and is the community visitors as well as all residents will see when they visit the downtown commercial area.” 70%
Thoughts on the Core Neighbourhood Should the Core Neighbourhood boundary be expanded or reduced? Where should this expansion of reduction occur? Majority of comments revealed that the current boundary is appropriate! Q: What does this mean?
Zoning Currently: • We have heard that zoning (predominantly the R-2/4 zone) found in the Core Neighbourhood area does not respond to the needs of property owners and residents in creating a vibrant neighbourhood with a mixed demographic Moving Forward: • The Draft MPS proposes to two new zones (R-2 and R-3) to tackle density issues and types of housing that should be found in the Core Neighbourhood area • Still analyzing options – Density Analysis is required
Zoning: Existing
Zoning: Proposed
Zoning: Proposed Zones – What is proposed to change?
Zoning – Majority Results Do you agree with the Agree 35% proposed zoning changes for 29% Disagree the Core Neighbourhood area? Strongly Disagree 24% None of the Above 41% What is your property’s 35% R-2 proposed zoning? 18% R-1A Do you agree with how your No 53% property is proposed to be Yes 47% rezoned? Permitted Uses 35% If you do not agree with the 35% Character proposed zoning of your Level of Density 29% property, please state your Adjacent Land Uses 29% concerns.
The Live/Work Transition (C2) Zone • Currently, this zone acts as a gradual transition from Main Street’s commercial corridor to neighbourhood areas • Intended to be mixed-use, containing both commercial and residential land uses
The Live/Work Transition (C2) Zone Do properties located on the north-side of Summer Street (zoned C2) feel more commercial or residential? “Summer st looks residential but it's a great opportunity to grow the commercial area within close proximity to main st.” “We need more area for business 62% = Residential restaurants etc the commercial area need to be wider.” “Although this street has had an increase in commercial use it traditionally has been a residential area with stately homes that add to the architecture of the town and should be protected from commercial development.”
The Live/Work Transition (C2) Zone We understand there is a desire for neighbourhoods to become more diversified • There are opportunities for Home based Businesses and Home Occupations Issue: We have heard that the creative community (potters, studios, artists, etc) cannot afford to live in the Core Area.
The Live/Work Transition (C2) Zone (Richard Florida’s – Competing on Creativity, 2003) • “To be successful in this emerging creative age, regions must develop, attract and retain talented and creative people who generate innovations, develop technology-intensive industries and power economic growth" • Kensington – Calgary, Alberta • Charlottetown – Prince Edward Island • Annapolis Royal – Annapolis County, Nova Scotia
The Live/Work Transition (C2) Zone Kensington – Calgary
The Live/Work Transition (C2) Zone Charlottetown – PEI
The Live/Work Transition (C2) Zone Annapolis Royal – Nova Scotia ns%2Fcommercial_pt%2F&psig=AFQjCNE9rU9Rbgxb-hxwqMsa-edOER3ysw&ust=1469301771762791
Rental Housing and Conversions • Issue: – Larger heritage homes converted into multi-unit rental housing (often containing five or more tenants) – Concerns raised regarding noise, waste, parking, and neighbourhood character
Rental Situations – Majority Results We have heard there are a number No 53% of concerns with specific types of Yes 40% rental situations. Do you share Not Sure 7% these concerns? Property standards 27% What is your main concern All of the above 20% with rental housing? I have no concerns 20% Do you think there should be No 67% more controls put in place to Yes 33% regulate residential conversions? Parking at rear 27% If you replied yes, what Maintain look of building 20% kind of controls do you Limit number of Units 20% think should be put in Limit number of bedrooms 20% place?
Rental housing and conversions Dwelling Unit “A self-contained set of rooms located in a building and designed for or intended to be occupied by and for the use of an individual or household as a residence. A Dwelling Unit contains sanitary and kitchen facilities for the exclusive use of the residents of the Dwelling Unit.” Household “One or more persons living together as a single non-profit, independent house keeping unit, sharing all areas of a dwelling unit.”
Rental housing and conversions Lodging House “A dwelling with a specified (currently undefined) number of lodging units which are provided to persons in return for remuneration, or for the provision of service, or both.” All space within the dwelling unit is not shared. Lodging Unit “means a room that is used or designed to be used for sleeping accommodations, which is: a) used exclusively by the resident or residents of the room; b) not normally accessible to persons other than the resident or residents of the room; and c) shall not include a kitchen and a bathroom for the exclusive use of the resident or residents of the room.”
Rental Situations – Majority Results Yes 60% Are you open to lodging houses No 20% in the Core Neighbourhood? Not Sure 20% If you replied yes, where “acadia st summer st linden ave.” should they be located in the Core Neighbourhood area? “Everywhere” “Closer to Willow Park where the higher residential No consensus! buildings are being proposed to be relocated.” “Main and Gaspereau or in high density zones.”
Rental housing and conversions • Proposed Residential Rental Business Bylaw (RRBB) – What is it? – What will it regulate?
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