The Challenge Building Infrastructure for Marlborough STEM’s School-Industry Partnerships HOW TO… Design the infrastructure that effectively implements and scales pathway programs in 3 sectors: • Engineering & Manufacturing • Healthcare & Life Science • Computer Science & Information Technology
• What needs to be done to ensure this outcome: 1. Students ready for the workplace. 2. STEM internships for every student . . 1. Plan and define roles and tasks for school and industry participants. 2. Deliver career awareness, exploration & immersion systematically through the 9-12 curriculum. 3. Listen to and meet the needs of students, staff & industry. 4. Search for and leverage capacity at all levels.
Provide ca career awareness, exploration, & & im immersion ion for or all all • 9 th grade: Career Awareness Participate in Site visits, self-assessments, and reflections • Identify individual interests and strengths through assessments and career awareness activity. (grp and • individual) • Select a career sector to investigate through research, mentors and work. 10 th grade: Career Exploration through mentoring, career research, and portfolio: • Research and report about industry sectors and occupations • Interview and engage with mentors and follow up in writing (thank you cards) • Complete resume, career readiness training and application for internships. 11 th and 12 th grade: Work based learning experience and Early College HS enrollment • Complete applications for industry sector internships. • Work with company supervisors, produce agreed outcomes and present results. • Complete evaluation and debrief with company and school career specialist.
Id Iden entif ify an and ad addres ess the e need eeds of st stakeholders • Marlborough District leadership • High School Admin • STEM Director • WIB partner • STEM ECHS Career Specialist • STEM ECHS Academic and College Readiness Counselor • Industry Leadership • Professional volunteers • New Industry partners • Municipal govt. • Students • Parents
Search for and Leverage capacity at all levels • Build Relationships with all school staff; keep them informed about career readiness goals. • Develop a recruiting pipeline of ready students for internships. • Inform and engage parents through school website, local press, direct calls and parent events to be advocates and partners in their children’s school-to-industry journey. • Keep staff and students informed through Principal’s emails, morning announcements, signage, school website, counseling and training, and classroom surveys. • Present workforce development news through the MHS and PSW websites. • Create high-impact video testimonials/blogs to inform and recruit students & partners.
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