9/7/2017 The Catholic Mass Understanding its Structure and Meaning Biblical Foundations What Biblical stories give us the foundation of the Catholic Mass? • Matthew 18:20 • Joshua 8:30-31 • Hebrews 8:3 • 2 Corinthians 9:12 • Matthew 26:26 What do these stories tell us about the mass? 1
9/7/2017 What is a Mass? • When we gather in the Catholic Church to celebrate God as a community, it is called a Mass. – Mass (from the Latin “ite, missa est ” meaning “ go forth” or “sent” ) is a commissioning activity. It is meant to send God’s people into the world to help build the Kingdom of God. • A Mass is most successful when its celebrants are inspired to deliver the good news of Jesus to others. Rituals • The Catholic mass consists of rituals that make up our sacramental practice. – A ritual is a repeated symbolic action that has a deeper meaning. They often have a greater emotional significance than routines. • A Ritual is different than a routine. Routines are habits that are regularly followed in our day to day life. They often reflect preferences, but not deeply held beliefs. 2
9/7/2017 Which of these are rituals? • Walking home from school every day. • Praying before meals. • Brushing your teeth in the morning and at night. • Walking across the stage after graduation. • The lighting of the torch at the Olympics. • Ordering the same food from your favorite restaurant. Which of these are rituals? • Walking home from school every day. • Praying before meals. • Brushing your teeth in the morning and at night. • Walking across the stage after graduation. • The lighting of the torch at the Olympics. • Ordering the same food from your favorite restaurant. 3
9/7/2017 Liturgy • The Catholic Mass consists of two major liturgies. A liturgy is a ritual that celebrates the work of God. • The two major liturgies of the Catholic mass include: – The Liturgy of the Word – The Liturgy of the Eucharist Eucharist • The Eucharist is the major celebration of the Mass. – The Eucharist (from “eucharistica” meaning “give thanks” ) is the central Sacrament of the Catholic Church. It is the real presence of Jesus manifested during the Mass. – Because of the Eucharist, the Mass is both a sacred meal and a sacrifice. Through the ritual, we remember and participate in Jesus’ sacrificial actions. 4
9/7/2017 Presence of God in the Mass • Catholic believe that God is present in all things • However, Catholics believe that God is undeniably present in four parts of the Catholic mass. In the Celebrant (Priest or Bishop) The priest acts not as himself, but rather “in the person of” Christ during the mass. 5
9/7/2017 In Scripture (The Word of God Proclaimed) In The Assembly (The People Gathered) 6
9/7/2017 In the Eucharist (After Consecration) Four Parts of the Mass • There are Four Parts that make up the Mass – Introductory Rites – Liturgy of the Word (Scripture) – Liturgy of the Eucharist – Concluding Rites 7
9/7/2017 Introductory Rites 1. Entrance Song 2. Greeting 3. Penitential Act 4. Kyrie (Lord, have mercy) 5. Gloria 6. Opening Prayer Liturgy of the Word 1. First Reading (Old Testament or Acts) 2. Psalm 3. Second Reading (Epistles) 4. Gospel Acclimation 5. Gospel 6. Homily (Explanation of the Readings) 7. Profession of Faith (Creed) 8. Prayers of the Faithful 8
9/7/2017 Liturgy of the Eucharist 1. Presentation & Preparation of the Gifts 2. Prayer over the Offerings 3. Eucharistic Prayer ( an invocation of the Holy Spirit on the offered gifts) 4. Communion Rite Lord’s Prayer Sign of Peace Lamb of God Reception of Communion Prayer after Communion Concluding Rites 1. Final Blessing 2. Dismissal “Go forth, the Mass has ended.” “Go in peace to love & serve the Lord.” 9
9/7/2017 Other Terms • Roman Missal – The book the priest uses at the altar and at his chair that includes all the prayers of the Mass. • Genuflect – Bending down to one knee in an act of worship. Usually accompanied by crossing oneself before the Eucharist or Altar. 10
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