C The Advanced Master in Higher Education Pedagogy (Formasup) resorts both to blended learning and to eLearning Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. Why? How does it work? Which are the uses? Françoise JEROME, Catherine DELFOSSE , Pascal DETROZ, Dominique VERPOORTEN IFRES - ULg 1
F Plan of presentation: • General description of Formasup programme (target competences – learning activities – evaluations) • Pedagogical foundations of the programme Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. • Organizational specificity of the programme: 2 programme versions (blended learning and eLearning) running “side by side” • eLearning as a “plus” for the programme as a whole • Golden rule of fair treatment for all participants (local and distant) • Illustrations and descriptive data in relation to the main components of the programme (with focus on aspects of eLearning) • Conclusion 2
C Formasup focuses on the professional development of teachers in higher education Formative and Learning Target summative activities competences assessment Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. • Design a course Applied to: • In order to which facilitates • A course syllabus (detailed enable adequate student learning description of the course that transfer of • Teach it in a way has been designed) (PESU0016) pedagogical models that fosters student • A paper on some adjustment to teaching practice motivation and activity brought to the course (including so as to enrich it • Regulate it by data collection and analysis) conducting classroom (PESU0017) research • A portfolio bringing evidence of professional development as a teacher 3
« Philosophy » and F Competence -based approach to T&L main theoretical Higher-level (Tardif) learning Vicarious goals learning (Bloom’s notions* taxonomy…) Programme- based Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. Active Including approach to Socioconstructivist learning T&L systematic approach to (Prégent &al.) confrontation of teaching and teaching practice learning with pedagogical models Motivation Pedagogical (Viau)… alignment Only the essential notions are mentioned here. Other theoretical references can also Assessment Formative of higher- be used in order to fit in with the evaluation level learning (Tardif) specific teaching practice of 4 participants.
From an organizational point of view: C 2 programme versions Participants may choose to attend the programme: in a hybrid combination of face-to-face sessions and online activities entirely from a distance Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. But all participants pursue the same learning goals and get the same diploma Therefore, the programme versions, if not identical, have to offer FAIR treatment in terms of: Availability of learning resources Assignments to be produced Quality standards applied to assignments Individualized support (formative feedback and tutoring) 5
C Distribution of learning facilities: eLearning platform hosting: Learning resources participants Discussion forums For all Submission spaces for assignments to be produced Blog Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. Incentives to reflect on various pedagogical subjects Individualized tutoring by means of: For distant participants • Skype meetings only • E-mails For local participants only Collective learning in the form of face-to-face sessions 6
F How do both programme versions work side by side? (1) Stages of a Instructors and/or tutors Participants attending the Participants attending the « standard » hybrid version of distant version of learning sequence Formasup Formasup Stage 1 Publish on the Formasup blog an Publish on the Formasup blog their spontaneous incentive for participants to reflect comments on the specific issue to be dealt with on a specific issue related to HE Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. pedagogy Stage 2 React to the « stage 1 » comments by posting new comments on the blog Stage 3 Come up with theoretical notions, Listen and react to the Read the learning models, research findings… in presentations and produce resources and produce the relation to the issue previously the assignments (individual assignments according to discussed on the blog and deliver and group work during the instructions available instructions for intermediary face-to-face meetings; online assignments to be produced in homework) Interact with individual relation to the thematic focus of tutor (e-mail, Skype, the sequence (face-to-face and forums) in order to online) produce the assignments 7
How do both programme versions work side by side? (2) F Stages of a Instructors and/or tutors Participants attending Participants attending « standard » the hybrid version of the distant version of learning sequence Formasup Formasup Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. Stage 4 Give formative feedback on Get collective FB during Get individual FB from intermediary assignments face-to-face session (+ tutor (e-mail and/or synthesis available online) Skype) and read collective FB available online Stage 5 Make use of formative FB in order to progress towards step-by-step completion of end-of-course assignments Stage 6 Proceed to summative evaluation of end-of-course assignments 8
C eLearning as a « plus » for Formasup: It enables distant participants to attend the programme and local participants to diversify their learning strategies • Learning resources hosted on a platform: A necessity for distant participants A « bonus » for local participants Content management utility for instructors Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. • Learning activies online: Instructions available for distant participants Submission spaces for assignments produced by all participants Follow-up facilities for instructors/tutors • Virtual interactions: Between instructors/tutors and distant participants (Skype, e-mail, discussion forums) Occasionally between instructors/tutors and local participants (discussion forums) Mainly among peers (blog) in order to encourage the development of a learning 9 community that gathers local and distant participants
Learning resources hosted on the eCampus platform: F illustrations (reading material and instructions) Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. 10
Learning resources hosted on the F platform: descriptive data Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. - Re q ue sts ma de b y pa rtic ipa nts (Oc to b e r-De c e mb e r 2013) : vide o « g uide d to ur o f the o nline spa c e » (22,5%), pro g ra mme sylla b us(10%), re a ding ma te ria l a nd instruc tio ns (68%) - Co nsulta tio n pa tte rns va ry fro m pa rtic ipa nt to pa rtic ipa nt. - Dista nt pa rtic ipa nts do no t se e m to spe nd mo re time o nline tha n lo c a l pa rtic ipa nts 11 (a lle g e d re a so n: do wnlo a ding o f re so urc e s fo r the purpo se o f o ffline le a rning )
C Submission spaces for assignments to be produced and follow-up facilities: illustrations Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. 12
C Course PESU0016 CAPAES (N=17)-Formasup (N=9) (October- December 2013)- formative and summative evaluation of end- of-course assignment (“course syllabus”): descriptive data Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. 23 participants out of 26 posted online their course syllabus for formative evaluation (2 of the remaining 3 sent their assignment with some delay per e-mail) 25 participants out of 26 posted online their course 13 syllabus for summative evaluation (2 of them with delay)
F Virtual interactions between participants and tutors: illustrations • Skype sessions (meant for distant participants from Spain, France, Cameroon, Morocco, DRC…) France Morocco Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. • Discussion forums (meant for ALL participants) 14
F Virtual interactions between participants and tutors: descriptive data Skype sessions Usually one weekly Skype session of approximately two hours Sessions organized at participants’ request and convenience and according to their needs Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. Discussion forums - In relation to course PESU0016 CAPAES (N=17)/Formasup (N=9) (October-December 2013): 81 messages in all - Number of messages per « topic »: 17 about general organization, 64 about learning activities - 44 messages posted by tutors and 37 by participants - One distant participant posted only 2 messages (due to individualized tutoring?) 15
Virtual interactions among peers: learning community C of distant and local participants (+ CAPAES participants for course PESU0016) by means of the Formasup blog (illustrations) Delfosse, C., Jérôme, Fr., Verpoorten, D. & Detroz, P. 16
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