SOFTWARE TESTING "Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the software product or service under test." i . e . checkin g tha t ou r cod e meet s som e expectation s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_testing
TESTING LEVELS Unit Tests: For individual units like functions, classes, etc. Integration Tests: Across several units to ensure they "play well" together. End-to-end Tests: Using the complete product to perform certain scenarios.
UNIT TESTS Cover small , pure units of an app - utils, services and helpers Provide inputs and expect outputs for general , edge and error cases Check code coverage
INTEGRATION TESTS Cover cross-module processes - across several classes, FE-BE interactions Use spies to check side effects Component snapshot tests
END-TO-END TESTS AKA e2e or functional tests Browser automation Simulate clicks , scrolls , typing Treat the app as a black box Ensure correct end user experience Visual Regression
RUNNING TESTS Running in the browser — Create an HTML page with the test libraries and files Using a "headless" browser — Launch browsers without actually rendering them on the screen Executing in Node.js — import test files and dependencies and simulate the browser behavior (jsdom)
TEST LAUNCHERS module.exports = function(config) { config.set({ basePath: '../..', frameworks: ['jasmine'], autoWatch: true, browsers: ['Firefox', 'Chrome'], files: ['test/unit/*.spec.js'], //... }) } Launch test suites using a configuration file
STRUCTURE Usually follow a BDD structure (Behavior-Driven Development) describe('calculator', () => { describe('add', () => { test('should add 2 numbers', () => { ... }) describe('divide', () => { test('should throw an error when the divisor is zero', () => { ... }) ... })
ASSERTIONS Used to make sure tested values contain the expected value expect(bestLaCroixFlavor()).toBe('grapefruit') expect(0.2 + 0.1).toBeCloseTo(0.3, 5); expect(ouncesPerCan()).toBeGreaterThan(10); expect(() => { }).toBeInstanceOf(Function); expect(getAllFlavors()).toContain('lime');
SPIES Provide extra information about functions and side-effects describe('drink functions', () => { test('drinkAll drinks something lemon-flavoured', () => { const drink = jest.fn(); drinkAll(drink, 'lemon'); expect(drink).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('drinkEach drinks each drink', () => { const drink = jest.fn(); drinkEach(drink, ['lemon', 'octopus']); expect(drink).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); });
STUBS // Jest user.isValid = jest.fn(() => true) Replace selected functions of existing // Sinon modules to ensure sinon.stub(user, 'isValid').returns(true) consistent test behavior // Jasmine spyOn(user, 'isValid').andReturns(true)
MOCKS describe('getComments', () => { test('fetches comments from the server', done => { const server = sinon.createFakeServer() server.respondWith("GET", "/some/article/comments.json", [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, '[{ "id": 12, "comment": "Hey there" }]']); Fake certain modules and getComments("/some/article").then((res) => { behaviors to test a expect(res.toJSON()).toBe([ { id: 1, name: 'Gwen' }, different part of a { id: 2, name: 'John' } process ]); expect(server.requests.length).toBeGreaterThan(1); }) server.respond(); server.restore(); }); });
SNAPSHOT TESTING Allows you to compare a data structure to what it was in older releases. No rendering required. Save internal data in a separate file and compare when a test is executed.
SNAPSHOT TESTING import React from 'react'; exports[`renders correctly 1`] = ` import Link from '../Link.react'; <a import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'; className="normal" href="http://www.facebook.com" it('renders correctly', () => { onMouseEnter={[Function]} const tree = renderer onMouseLeave={[Function]} .create(<Link page="http://www.facebook.com">Facebook</Link>) > .toJSON(); Facebook expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); </a> }); `;
dem o https://gitlab.com/uiuc-web- programming/testing-demo
"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!" — Edsger W. Dijkstra
RESOURCES Jest - https://jestjs.io/ Istanbul - https://istanbul.js.org/ Jasmine - https://jasmine.github.io/ PhantomJS - https://phantomjs.org/ Sinon - https://sinonjs.org/ Nightwatch - https://nightwatchjs.org/ Karma - https://karma-runner.github.io/
MORE RESOURCES An Overview of JavaScript Testing in 2020 https://medium.com/welldone-software/an- overview-of-javascript-testing-7ce7298b9870 Snapshot Testing with Jest https://jestjs.io/docs/en/snapshot-testing
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