Tes esting O Over erview R ye C ity School District March 22, 2018
NYS Tes esting O Over erview ew Gr Grades 3 3-5: 5: ● State tests in ELA and Math ● Science grade 4 Gr Grades 6 6-8: 8: ● State tests in ELA and Math ● Science grade 8 ● R egents grade 8 C omputer-Based Testing (C BT) ● Still in the early stages ● Long term plan will be for all schools to use C BT ● Students have access to C BT practice tests in school
Tes est C Conten ent The annual G rades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests: ● Focus on the New Y ork State learning standards, which guide classroom instruction in ELA and math ● Measure real-world skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and writing ● R equire students to explain their answers and describe and defend their reasoning ● Feature many test questions written by New Y ork State teachers.
Asse ssessment Dates 2 s 2018 ● ELA (G rades 3-8) : April 11-12 ● Math (G rades 3-8): May 2-3 ● Science (G rade 4 and G rade 8): ○ Performance: May 24-June 2 (specific date and time determined by building) ○ W ritten: June 4 ● R egents: Specific date by subject
EL ELA ● Two day exam ● Literary and informational passages ● Each session is untimed but takes approximately 60-80 minutes to complete
EL ELA F Format Da Day 1 1 Da Day 2 2 Passages 4 in G rades 3-4 3 passages in all grades 5 in G rades 5-8 Multiple-C hoice 24 questions in G rades 3-4 35 questions in G rades 5-8 Short R esponse 6 questions in G rades 3-6 7 questions in G rades 7-8 Extended R esponse 1 question
SA SAMPLE E ELA P PASSA SSAGE/ QUEST STIONS G rade 3 ELA passage with multiple-choice questions G rade 7 ELA passage with constructed and extended-response
Preparing ng for or the he ELA ● Calendar dates at Teachers College ● Turnkey training at each building ● Units in reading and writing focusing on test taking strategies and the question formats ○ Covering and predicting answer choices ○ Finding evidence in the story to support an answer ○ Part to part questions ○ Part to whole questions ○ Answer and two details for short-response questions
Mat ath ● Two day exam ● A mix of computation and problem-solving ● All sessions are untimed but takes approximately 50-60 minutes to complete ● Preparing for the math test ○ Use of released multiple-choice questions ○ Exposure to problem-solving using constructed-response questions
Mat ath F Format at Da Day 1 1 Da Day 2 2 Multiple-C hoice 25 questions in G rades 3 8 questions in G rades 3-5 30 questions in G rades 4-5 7 questions in G rades 6-8 31 questions in G rade 6 33 questions in G rade 7-8 Short R esponse 6 questions in G rades 3-5 7 questions in G rades 6-8 Extended R esponse 1 question
SAMPLE M E MATH QUES ESTIONS G rade 8 math multiple-choice questions G rade 4 math open-ended questions
Sci cience ce-- -- Gr Grade 4 4 & 8 8 ● Performance Assessment: ○ Students complete three workstations with hands-on material ○ Takes about 45-60 minutes ○ Date/schedule determined by building ● W ritten Assessment ○ One day assessment ○ Multiple-choice ○ Short-response W ritten test sampler
Li Links R eleased questions by grade for ELA & Math Understanding the parent score report W hat parents can do to help their children at home FAQs
Questions ons Sherri Goffman, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment 914-967-6100 x6207 goffman.sheryl@ryeschools.org Kerri Winderman, District Testing Coordinator 914-967-6100 x3215 winderman.kerri@ryeschools.org
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