
Terrainer put a hill under your tires Terrainer consumer needs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Terrainer put a hill under your tires Terrainer consumer needs training outdoors off-the-grid varying resistances simulate advanced terrain training blue a Terrainer market research & benchmarking Conquer Indoor CompuTrainer Tour

  1. Terrainer put a hill under your tires

  2. Terrainer consumer needs training outdoors off-the-grid varying resistances simulate advanced terrain training blue a

  3. Terrainer market research & benchmarking Conquer Indoor CompuTrainer Tour de France $50 $1500 $2000 Stationary Varying Resistances Varying Incline blue a

  4. Terrainer market research & benchmarking 35.6M cyclists in the United States 18.8M for fitness, 5M for racing/ sport $48B global and $4.3B US bicycle accessory market blue a

  5. Terrainer technical features smart damper broadly compatible mount suite of course simulations blue a

  6. Terrainer sketch model magnet prototype ideal flywheel ω mgsinΘ Θ F = Bω mg variable resistance constant resistance blue a

  7. Terrainer put a hill under your tires blue a

  8. sketch model review thank you! team a SpongeAssured no medical sponges left behind Bicycooler bicycle powered vaccine cooler Terrainer put a hill under your tires


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