
TenneT The world leading offshore TSO Wilfried Breuer, Member of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TenneT The world leading offshore TSO Wilfried Breuer, Member of the Executive Board, TenneT B.V. 28.05.2014 TenneT two TSOs, one company Europes first transnational TSO Connections to 10 TSOs in the center of the European electricity

  1. TenneT The world leading offshore TSO Wilfried Breuer, Member of the Executive Board, TenneT B.V. 28.05.2014

  2. TenneT – two TSOs, one company Europe‘s first transnational TSO Connections to 10 TSOs – in the center of the European electricity market 20.997 km of ehv- and hv-lines 2.2 bn. € turn over in 2013 2.600 employees secure the power supply for 36 m. people Legal obligation to expand, operate and maintain the power grid on- and offshore 27.05.2014

  3. Legal framework Legal obligation to connect OWF § 17 d EnWG „The TSO, in whose control area an OWF has to be connected to the onshore grid, is obliged to build and operate the grid connection according to the offshore grid development plan.“ 27.05.2014

  4. Current Situation – OWF in Germany German renewable energy targets for offshore wind: 6.500 MW by 2020. As of today TenneT has awarded grid connection capacity of more than 7,1 GW. Among these are 9 DC-systems and 3 AC-systems. The draft Offshore Grid Development Plan (O-NEP) foresees 3 additional projects (2.700 MW) to be tendered until 2024. Only 3 OWF are in operation, 7 under construction and 3 officially approved and with final investment decision. TenneT is legally obliged to up-front services. 27.05.2014

  5. Possibilities of HVDC-Technology OWF 1 OWF 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wind Turbines OWF OWF Platforms - Transformers - Shunt Reactors AC Cables Conv. Platform - Switchgear - Transformers - Converter ~ = TenneT DC Cables 12-nm-zone - Offshore  optimised number of cable systems dikes - Onshore  standardised interface to OWFs Conv. Station = ~ - Converter  partial redundancy via parallel systems - Transformers - Switchgear  cost efficient solution Onshore AC Grid  additional converter platform 16.05.2014 5 HelWin beta platform site visit

  6. Offshore grid connection projects Project Capacity Year of (MW) operation In operation SylWin1 alpha ventus 60 2009 BorWin 1 400 2010 Riffgat 108 2014 BorWin2 BorWin3 HelWin2 Under construction/ awarded BorWin1 HelWin1 BorWin4 BorWin2 800 2015 alpha ventus BorWin3 900 2019 DolWin1 DolWin2 DolWin3 DolWin1 800 2014 Nordergründe DolWin2 900 2015 Riffgat KS Büttel UW Hagermarsch HelWin1 576 2014 UW Inhausen HelWin2 690 2015 UW Emden Borssum KS Emden/Ost SylWin1 864 2015 KS Diele Nordergründe 111 2016 KS Dörpen West DolWin3 900 2017 Ʃ built / awarded 7.109 In tender phase BorWin4 900 To be tendered until 2024 according to O-NEP2014 3 DC-connections 2.700 20.03.2014 6 Energiewende in Germany

  7. TenneT‘s vision for Wind op Zee TenneT is the most experienced offshore network developer TenneT has experience in connecting OWF since 2007. As of today TenneT has awarded grid connection capacity of more than 7,1 GW. The draft Offshore Grid Development Plan (O-NEP) foresees 3 additional projects to be tendered until 2024. TenneT has relevant competencies to connect OWF: ̵ Abilities to handle large offshore projects for more than 5 years ̵ Skills and proficiencies in large scale project organization ̵ Expertise and experience in planning, consenting, permitting and operating & maintaining grid connections Based on TenneT‘s experience with connecting OWFs in Germany, TenneT suggests to be the designated Offshore TSO in the Netherlands as well. 16.05.2014 7 HelWin beta platform site visit

  8. Offshore grid connection Schematic of a typical DC offshore grid connection direct current alternating current Converter station ehv grid onshore converter substation Bank TenneT‘s scope OWF ‘s scope 27.05.2014

  9. 27.05.2014

  10. HelWin alpha 10

  11. HelWin beta 11

  12. TenneT is Europe´s first cross-border grid operator for electricity. With approximately 20.000 kilometres of (Extra) High Voltage lines and 36 million end users in the Netherlands and Germany we rank among the top five grid operators in Europe. Our focus is to develop a north-west European energy market and to integrate renewable energy. Taking power further www.tennet.eu

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