
TEMPUS A new OpenSource platform for Multimodal routing Vincent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TEMPUS A new OpenSource platform for Multimodal routing Vincent Picavet Oslandia www.oslandia.com Multi / inter- modal Multimodal routing An Intermodal Journey Planner is a computer system which can provide a traveller with an

  1. TEMPUS A new OpenSource platform for Multimodal routing Vincent Picavet – Oslandia – www.oslandia.com

  2. Multi / inter- modal

  3. Multimodal routing An Intermodal Journey Planner is a computer system which can provide a traveller with an itinerary for an intermodal passenger transport journey. The system can provide timetable, routing and other travel information. A single journey may use a sequence of several modes of transport , meaning that the system must know about public transport services (bus, train, aeroplane, tram, metro) and about transportation networks (roads, footpaths, cycle routes) for private transportation (automobile, walking, bicycle). « From A to B by all means ! » Source : Wikipedia

  4. Multimodal graph  One ro road ad grap raph  N pub ublic lic trans transport rt grap raphs hs  M POIs POIs ( park rkin ings, s, sha shared red bik ikes es & ca cars…) rs…) Lin inked ed on ro road ed edges es 

  5. Multimodal graph

  6. Multimodal adjacency Met eta gra raph on top of other her gra raphs hs ( ro road ad, PT)  Se Seen en as Boost st gra raph (duck uck typing ing)  Node : no node of un underly erlying ing gra raphs hs  Edge e : nee needs sp spec ecial ad adjac jacency ency rule rules 

  7. Multimodal adjacency Road2Road Road2POI Road2PT PT2Road PT2PT ⇒ grap raph data ta model


  9. Why ? Issu ssues at at IFST FSTTAR R& R&D lab ab  Industr strial alisat isation ion  R& R&D task task follow-up  Collab Col laborati ation on bet etween een resear esearcher ers  Comm Common cod odebase ase  Know Kn owled edge dissemi isseminati ation  Global Gl al refac acto toring  Archit itec ectu ture Full ll rew ewrit ite ⇒ sol olid id, industr strial, durab able le Initia tiall lly a stan standar ard contr trac act  ⇒ Now a par artn tnersh ship ip wit ith FOS OSS

  10. A pla latf tform for mu mult ltimodal al rou oute te pla lanning  Collab Col laborati ation on wit ith R&D lab ab IFST FSTTAR / CE CEREMA  Ob Obje jectiv tives  Exte Extensi sibility ty  Performan Pe mances es  Use se cases ases  New ew route te plan anning al algorith thms ms  Tests sts an and ben enchmar marks  Producti Pr tion-scal ale multimod timodal al rou oute te planner er  You oung projec ect  Fi First st OS OSS release ease : ma may 2014 2014

  11. Tempus Architecture

  12. Tempus Core In- n-mem emory ry gra raph rep represe resentatio ion  Tem empla lated ed modern rn C++  Uses ses Boost: t::g :grap raph  Gra Graph seria serialized lized in in Po Post stGIS DB  WPS WPS serv server er  Mult Multi- i-threa hreaded 

  13. Tempus plugins Mo Modul ular archit architect cture re wit ith C++ plug lugins ins  Eac ach decla clared red plug lugin in  Can be req reque uest sted ed by the use user Rec eceiv eives es the the glo lobal grap raph as inp nput Pro roduce uces ro roadmap aps as output ut Allows to eas asily ly experim riment nt new feat atures ures 

  14. Tempus plugins Curre urrent act ctiv ive plug lugin in : A*  Focus cus on mult ultim imodal al  Wal alkin ing + PT PT + share shared bik ike / ca cars rs Park arking ings Turn urn res restric trictio tions ns  Sp Speed eed pro rofle les  + basic sample demo plugin

  15. Turn restrictions Comple lex turn urn rest restric rictions  Gra Graph + auto utomat aton 

  16. Speed prof les Avera erage sp spee eed = f(day, tim ime) e)  For giv iven transp ransport rt mode and ro road ed edge 

  17. Data loader Import rt dat ata to Post stGIS DB  Road ads  OSM, OS M, Nav Navteq eq, Multine ultinet Elev levat atio ion (SRTM TM, BD Alti) lti) Pub ublic lic Transp ransport rtatio tion  GTFS POIs  Shap Shapefles les Coming ing so soon  BDTopo, Rout ute1 e120 20, Route ute50 500 (IGN) N) Cho houet uette (PT) … your ur form rmat ?

  18. Tempus loader OSM OSM  ./load_tempus -t osm -s myregion.shp -p nantes _ -d « dbname=tempus_test_db » -R Import rts turn turn re rest strict rictio ions ns  Hand ndle les topolo logy pro roce cessing ssing  POIs ./load_tempus -t poi \ # type : POI  -y 4 \ # POI type: shared bikes -v name:NOM_COMPLE \ # station names field service_name:Bicloo \ filter:type=100301 \ # filter to apply -s /xxx/LOC_EQUIPUB_MOBILITE_NM.shp \ -d "dbname=tempus_nantes" \ -W LATIN1 \ -S 2154

  19. WPS WPS WPS ~= XM XML RPC PC OG OGC st stand ndard rd  Tem empus us uses uses Fast astCGI  Mult Multi- i-threa hreaded : conc ncurr urrent nt req request uests  XML XML  Inp nput : req request st Out Output ut : ro roadmap Pytho hon clie client nt lib libra rary ry ( unit unit test ests, s, bat atch) ch)  QG QGIS plu lugin in 

  20. Numbers Franc rance e : 1G 1GB gra raph  Euro rope e : 10G 0GB gra raph  Req equest uests perf erf depend nd on mode  Ind ndicat ativ ive tim imes for mid id-size size town jo journey urney :  Ped Pedes estri trian an only nly : 10m 0ms  Priv Privat ate ca car + park rking ing : 28 280ms  Walk alking ing + PT PT : 225 25ms 

  21. USE IT !

  22. https://vimeo.com/114875069

  23. Tempus Users

  24. Tempus Users Amo mong ng 25 larg rgest FR FR websites es  LBS for B2B & B2C  Multimo modal al pro roto totype w/ TEM TEMPU PUS  Funder ers & co contr tributors 

  25. Future

  26. Under development New alg lgorit ithm hms  Cont ntra ract ctio ion Hiera Hierarchie rchies Tim Time-dep epend endant ant CH ( pre revisio isionna nnal traf rafc) New modes  Elec lectric tric ca cars rs (char charge/ e/disc ischarg rge/st statio tions) ns) Op Optim timiz izatio ion cri riteria ria  « sim simple lest st » path Mo Most st co confo nform rmtab able le Mult Multi- i-objec jecti tive optim imiz izatio ion 

  27. 감사합니다 Merci Thank you Questions ?

  28. vincent.picavet@oslandia.com vincent.picavet@oslandia.com vincent.picavet@oslandia.com @vpicavet @vpicavet @vpicavet www.oslandia.com www.oslandia.com www.oslandia.com Tempus : https://github.com/ifsttar/tempus https://vimeo.com/114875069


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