Telematic Applications for Freight (TAF TSI) OSJD ‐ UNESCAP Regional Meeting on Harmonization of Rules and Regulations for Facilitation of International Railway Transport Astana (Kazakhstan), 20 ‐ 21 December 2017
A full package of products Standard setting and Legislative text maintenance TAF TSI Implementation IT implementers and monitoring users’ community N° 2
A full package of products Standard setting and Legislative text maintenance TAF TSI Implementation IT implementers and monitoring users’ community N° 3
European Union Agency for Railways « to make the railway system work better for society » Clients / Stakeholders Agency Actions Strategic Priorities (against Annual Programming Document) Regulatory Development 1 framework EC + DG MOVE harmonized for Interoperability Rules * Member States/ RISC Safety Common Safety Methods European Parliament Databases and Registers Simplified Vehicle 2 Railway Undertakings (RU) Authorisation Monitoring / Review Infrastructure Managers (IM) Wagon Keepers (WK) Only 1 Train 3 Manufacturers Facilitate / Dissemination Control System in EU National Safety Authorities Simplified Access for M D National Investigation 4 Customers Bodies F * TSI 4
Content of TAF TSI Railway Undertaking ‐ Railway Wagon Infrastructure Manager Undertaking keeper communication function function Common Infrastr. Manager: Same as “Railway Railway Compo ‐ Undertaking ‐ Undertaking: Path Request nents for Infrastructure ‐ Path Request ‐ Train Preparation Manager Rolling Stock TAF TSI ‐ Train Preparation communication” ‐ Train Running Reference ‐ Train Running Forecast Databases Forecast + ‐ Service Disruption ‐ Service Disruption Information ‐ Consignment Note Information ‐ Train Location data ‐ Train Location ‐ Shipment ‐ Interchange ‐ Interchange Reporting Estimated Time of Reporting Interchange / ‐ Data Exchange for ‐ Data Exchange for Imple ‐ Arrival Quality Moni ‐ Quality men ‐ Improvement Improvement ‐ Wagon Movement toring tation N° 5
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1305/2014: TSI TAF TAF TSI Regulation COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1305/2014 of 11 December 2014 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the telematics applications for freight subsystem of the rail system in the European Union and repealing the Regulation (EC) No 62/2006 N° 6
TAF TSI process Operation… After… Planning… Train Consignment Wagon Path Train Wagon Running Post ‐ Trip Note trip plan Request Preparation Movement Forecast -Wagon loads -Price and -Open -Train -To improve -Estimated -Train -Wagon release transit times Access Composi- the quality Time of Running -Wagon -One Stop tion and Arrival and status and Shop -Train ready producti- (ETA) or of forecast location vity Interchange -Service (ETI) Disruption -Wagon events TAF TSI published on EU Journal: COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1305/2014 4th ERA TAF TSI Regional Workshop (Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) N° 7
Who ? • Chapter 1.3 of TAF TSI: Infrastructure Managers and Railway Undertakings, Wagon Keepers , but also intermodal operators … and even freight Curstomers (shippers, consignors of goods, forwarders etc .) N° 8
Why? • Alleviate non ‐ physical barriers allowing the adoption and Implementation of inter ‐ operable IT systems in Trade & Transport (REBIS report). • Simplified Custom Procedures with EU partners. • Adoption of inter ‐ connected IT systems in transit operations. • Development – EU Rail Freight Corridors. 9
TAF TSI – Communication RU ‐ IM • Exchange of data (process & protocol) between Railway Undertaking (RU) and Infrastructure Manager (IM) : ……….. • Path Request • Train Preparation RU 1 RU 2 RU N • Train Running Forecast • Service Disruption Information …… Data exchange for • • Quality Improvement IM 1 IM 2 IM 3 IM N N° 10
TAF TSI – Exchange of Data RU – RU (Railway Undertaking) • Consignment Note Data, Shipment ETI/ETA, Wagon Movement and Interchange Reporting Wagon Keepers LRU’s (1, 2,..N) & Clients N° 11
A full package of products Standard setting and Legislative text maintenance TAF TSI Implementation IT implementers and monitoring users’ community N° 12
Structure of TAF TSI – RU/IM ‐ communication (example) TAF TSI Activity Area TSI Ch. Technical Document Train Ready RU/IM 4.2.14 communication reporting Train Running 4.2.15 reporting TAF TSI ‐ ANNEX D.2: Train Forecast APPENDIX F ‐ TAF TSI 4.2.15 reporting DATA AND MESSAGE MODEL Train Interruption 4.2.16 reporting Short Term 4.2.17 Timetable N° 13
Appendix I – Technical Documents ‐ Register/Pages/Technical ‐ Documents.aspx 14
A full package of products Standard setting and Legislative text maintenance TAF TSI Implementation IT implementers and monitoring users’ community N° 15
Expected Benefits! Expected benefits for Railway Companies: • 1 single communication system for all business cases an operator can find ‐ > Economies of Scale . Improved communication between RU and IM (in terms of quality and speed) • ‐ > Process Coordination . 1 single standardized way of working, providing cost savings through better • management quality system; establishment of homogeneous procedures; Reduction in system maintenance costs . • Standardized and Interoperable communication interfaces. Participants can join a strong and committed TAF Users’ Community . • Regarding the value chain passengers / freight customers: • Access to more transparent railway products ‐ > more efficient . Monitoring becomes more transparent ‐ > no "black box". • • Quicker and better information delivery to freight customers and business partners. 16
Implementation TAF Masterplan 4th ERA TAF TSI Regional Workshop (Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) N ° 17
Train Running Information function http:// 4th ERA TAF TSI Regional Workshop (Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) N° 18
A full package of products Standard setting and Legislative text maintenance TAF TSI Implementation IT implementers and monitoring users’ community N° 19
TAF TSI in numbers • Freight company codes o Number of companies: 328 • Train running information o Countries covered: 22 o Number of trains processed: 1.600.000 per year o Number of messages exchanged: 163.000.000 per year • Consignment notes + Wagon event reporting o Number of companies: 16 o 2.500.000 consignment note messages per year o 144.000.000 train run messages per year • Path request o Countries covered: 30 o Number of companies: 166 RUs and 35 IMs o Number of messages exchanged: 2600 path dossiers per year N° 20
Available TAF TSI IT implementations • RNE – TIS ( – train running – PCS ( ‐ path request – Common Components for TAF TSI ( – location / company reference data • Raildata – ORFEUS ( – eConsignment note – ISR ( ‐ wagon movement • UIP – RSRD² ( – rolling stock reference data • HitRail – – path request + train running • UNIFE – – path request + train running N° 21
Architecture to Exchange Data? • Communication « Peer to peer » IP network ‐ Central Repository and an individual Common Interface (CI) 22
Useful Links! • TAF TSI Regulation EU 1305/2014: ‐ Register/Pages/TAF ‐ TSI.aspx • TAF TSI Technical Documents: ‐ Register/Pages/Technical ‐ Documents.aspx • TAF/TAP Reference Files (Company Codes and Primary Location Codes): • TAP TSI GIS Interactive Implementation Maps: TAF TSI Master Plan: ‐ • Register/Documents/TAF ‐ TSI ‐ Master ‐ Plan.pdf • TAF and TAP RU/IM implementation Joint Sector Group: http://taf ‐ 23
Thank you very much European Union Agency for Railways Mickael VARGA – Email: – Tel: +33 6 64300237 – Address: 120 rue Marc Lefrancq, F ‐ 59300 Valenciennes, France N° 24
5th ERA TAF TSI Regional Workshop (Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary)
Back ‐ Up Slides N° 26
Usesful terms from this presentation Abbreviation / term Meaning RU Railway Undertaking EC European Commission EU European Union IM Infrastructure Manager IP Internet Protocol RNE Rail Net Europe TID Train Identifier UIP International Union of Wagon Keepers UNIFE European Association of Rail Supply Industry WIMO Wagon and Intermodal Unit Operational Database WK Wagon keepers N° 27
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