technical note protection of children during the covid 19

Technical Note: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Technical Note: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic Overview and Plans Brief Target : Support child protection practitioners to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID- 19 pandemic. Where to find the

  1. Technical Note: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic Overview and Plans

  2. Brief Target : Support child protection practitioners to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID- 19 pandemic.

  3. Where to find the technical note

  4. Some • 4,204 views from the Alliance website Stats • Higher numbers expected as the note has been also shared on multiple platforms like UNICEF’s websites, MHPSS, etc. • 39,238 views of social media posts • 1,509 social media engagements

  5. Translations Status of translation • French (Done) • Farsi (Done) • Italian (Done) • Chinese (Done) • Arabic (Almost done) • Spanish (Almost done) • Korean (Almost done) • Portuguese (Under development) • Swahili (Under development)

  6. Structure of Part 1: Child Protection Risks the • Socio-ecological view technical note • Child Protection risks

  7. Structure of Part 2: Responses the 2. Child Protection response technical note 2.1. Working across sectors and with governments 2.2. Child Protection-specific Programs 3. Resources

  8. Key • Disrupts the environments in which children grow messages and develop • This can have negative consequences for children’s well-being, development and protection. • Advocacy with government, collaboration with other sectors, and child protection-specific programming are key priorities during a COVID-19 response. • In addition to mitigating risks, we must build on the strengths and positive coping mechanisms of communities, families, caregivers and children.

  9. Possible Under discussion: Annexes Annexes • Alternative care • Children outside of family care (including children in institutions) • Children in conflict with the law • Protection of the workforce • Social Service Workforce • How to engage helplines to protection children • Children deprived of their liberties • Civil registration in the context of COVID • Families and communities

  10. Ongoing • Only Version 1 in a rapidly changing context Revisions • Except further versions Planned • Send your feedback to


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