Teacher : Prof. Indu Bora Subject : English & Communication Skills Class : B.P.Ed.-I Semester Section ‘B’ Unit : I
To express precisely in minimum words
Orphan A word no longer in use Bachelor One whose parents are dead Spinster An unmarried boy Annual A man whose wife is dead Bi-annual That which happens once in a year Biennial One who kills for money Triennial An unmarried girl That which happens two times in a Year Impracticable One who is all powerful One who is all powerful Obsolete Obsolete One who does not make mistakes Widower One who is easily deceived Widow A scheme which cannot be put into practice Omnipotent That which happens once in three years Omnipresent Gullible One who is present everywhere Infallible That which happens once in two year A woman whose husband is dead Mercenary
One who works for free Volunteer One who loves books Bibliophile One who can speak two languages Bilingual One who loves mankind Philanthropist One who hates mankind One who hates mankind Misanthropist One who looks to the bright side of things Optimist One who looks to the dark side of things Pessimist One who doubts the existence of god Agnostic
One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist One who believes in the existence of God Theist One who pretends to be what he is not Hypocrite One who pretends to be what he is not for the purpose of deceiving Imposter Imposter One who copies from other writers Plagiarist One who knows many languages Polyglot/Linguist One who is fond of sensuous pleasures Epicure One who thinks only of himself Egoist
One who thinks for the welfare of women Feminist. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain Stoic One who is quite like a woman or is womanish in his habits Effeminate One who has strange habits Eccentric One who speaks less Reticent One who loves to talk One who loves to talk Loquacious One who goes on foot Pedestrian One who believes in fate Fatalist That through which light can pass Transparent That through which light cannot pass
Opaque That through which light can partly pass Translucent A sentence whose meaning is unclear Ambiguous A place where orphans live Orphanage That which cannot be described Indescribable That which cannot be imitated Inimitable That which cannot be avoided Inevitable A position for which no salary is paid Honorary
People living at the same time Contemporaries A book published after the death of its author Posthumous A book written by an unknown author Anonymous A life history written by oneself Autobiography A life history written by somebody else Biography Biography People who work together Colleagues One who eats too much Glutton That which cannot be satisfied Insatiable Imaginary name assumed for the purpose of writing Pseudonym
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