1 Target your consumer: National in scope… local in ability.
10.5 million Canadians visit newspaper websites (44% reach of the total Canadian online universe, numbering 24 million) 10.5 million unique visitors (44%) to newspaper websites Source: comScore MediaMetrix, Total Canada, All Locations, June – August, 2008 average 2
Interact with Canada’s leading newspapers… online. One in four newspaper website visitors go to canada.com newspapers: 2.6 million unique visitors monthly 2,626,000 newspapers 1,341,300 Toronto Star The New York Times brand 1,240,000 1,178,300 globeandmail.com sites Transcontinental 937,700 Digital Newspaper group Source: comScore MediaMetrix, Total Canada, All Locations, July – September, 2008 (monthly average) 3
Year-over-year, montrealgazette.com’s unique visitors and page views are up. Way up. 4,783,000 + 40 per cent + 20 per cent 306,000 255,000 3,423,000 Unique visitors Page views 2007 2008 2007 2008 Jan. – Sept. Jan. – Sept. Jan. – Sept. Jan. – Sept. (monthly average) (monthly average) (monthly average) (monthly average) 4 Sources: comScore MediaMetrix (unique visitors); Omniture SiteCatalyst (page views) (January – September average)
Hyper-local opportunities 1,063,200 page views monthly 63,200 page views monthly � Sources: Google Analytics, January – September, 2008 (habsinsideout.com); Google Analytics, April – September, 2008 (westislandgazette.com) 5
Providing advertisers with rich and diverse offerings Canwest’s online newspapers are an extension of � our trusted newspaper brands, providing current and relevant content within the local communities we serve. � Breaking news � Communities of interest � Local community news � Weather � Local video � Classifieds 6
7 … and in with the new. Out with the old…
Addressing Addressing Consumer Needs Advertiser Needs � � Strong brand association Current news prominence � � Prominent placement of ad units Local coverage � � Ability to accept Rich Media Leverage and reinforce local brand association � Creation of new ad units � (entry level and tactical) Ease of use navigation � � Increased integration opportunities Provide search product � � Access to increased genre content Access to non-geographical communities of interest � Multimedia usage increase 8
Brand sell advertising: Leaderboard Size: 728 x 90 pixels Overview / Benefits: Premium position at the top of most pages throughout the network ensure maximum visibility. Significant horizontal space to creatively communicate your advertising message. Pricing (Cost per thousand impressions): Run of network = $16.00 Channel specific = $20.00 10
Brand sell advertising: Big Box Size: 300 x 250 pixels or 250 x 250 pixels Overview / Benefits: Position above the scroll line ensures maximum visibility. Displayed on all entry and articles pages, embedded within high-value content areas. Typically higher click-thru rate than other traditional units (728 x 90 pixels, 160 x 600 pixels). Pricing (Cost per thousand impressions): Run of network = $24.00 Channel specific = $30.00 11
Brand sell advertising: Skyscraper Size: 160 x 600 pixels Overview / Benefits: Displayed on the right side of most pages across the network. Pricing (Cost per thousand impressions): Run of network = $16.00 Channel specific = $20.00 12
Brand sell advertising: Expandable ads Overview / Benefits: Regular ad units can expand their normal size on user interaction Available for: Leaderboard, Skyscraper and Big Box (standard formats). Provides brand interaction and a more engaging experience. Pricing: 25 per cent premium applies to standard ad CPM rate. 13
Brand sell advertising: Text-link ad Overview / Benefits: Entry level ad placement for first-time digital advertisers. Tactical unit designed to drive specific user action. No creative required. Maximum 50 characters (including space). Pricing (Cost per thousand impressions): Run of network = $5.00 Channel specific = $7.50 14
Brand sell advertising: Impulse ad Size: 300 x 100 pixels Overview / Benefits: Consistent, static placement. Pricing (Cost per thousand impressions): $15.00 15
Integration: Headline wrap Overview / Benefits: Place your brand and messaging within a highly credible editorial environment. Advertiser logo and tagline wraps relevant headlines on index and sub-index pages. Available on all index and sub-index pages. Ad message clicks to advertiser website. Pricing: On request 16
Integration: Standard advertorial Overview / Benefits: Achieve 100% share of voice (S.O.V.) through this exclusive opportunity. Integration within editorial environment with high credibility. Position within general or highly relevant content areas. Pricing (Cost per thousand impressions): $40.00 17
Integration: Premium advertorial Overview / Benefits: Achieve 100% share of voice (S.O.V.) through this exclusive opportunity within editorial environment. Standard advertorial that links to a secondary full-page advertorial article, written by the advertiser and hosted on a Canwest website. Pricing: $ 40.00 Net CPM for Standard advertorial plus $1,500 Net monthly fee for secondary page. 18
Online contests Overview / Benefits: Increase interaction with your brand. Goodwill association through provision of prizing opportunity or product integration. Promote brands and products, access consumer information, or build opt-in subscriber lists. Added features (at additional cost) include viral marketing, trivia questions, submission of photos and video. Pricing: Investment from $5,000 - $16,000 net. 19
Classified sponsorships: working, driving, homes Overview / Benefits: Association with content category. Entry-page placement. Exclusivity. Pricing: On request 20
Classified sponsorships: working, driving, homes Overview / Benefits: Association with content category. Entry-page placement. Exclusivity. Pricing: On request 21
Classified sponsorships: working, driving, homes Overview / Benefits: Association with content category. Entry-page placement. Exclusivity. Pricing: On request 22
Video pre-roll Product guidelines Overview / Benefits Videos can range from short segments of The inclusion of a client’s commercial spot news footage to customized content. prior to a program, or customized or pre- determined video segment. Advertisers can participate in the video by incorporating their own spots prior to the Relay brand message by selecting targeted video running. channels and sites. :05s, :07s, :15s are accepted for content Receive the benefits of television plus the that is two minutes or less. ability to interact online. Formats of up to :30 are accepted on all Presence in a “lean-forward” environment. content longer than two minutes. Consumers can not fast-forward past Advertisers can target based on genre. commercials, guaranteeing viewership. For example, videos and client spots can run within sports or entertainment. Clickable. 23
Target through content association Benefits Overview Genre verticals across the network: � Expand your placement to access consumers within content relevant � Movies areas. � Travel � Target local markets. � Health � Associate brands to quality content. � Technology � Key verticals based on online user � Lifestyle preferences. � Driving � Target specific audiences (geography, keywords, etc.). � Househunting � Working 24
Have confidence when delivering your message Unique selling points: Benefits: Surround your brand with credible editorial content from a trusted consumer brand. Content destination site: provides local Trusted content information on-demand to consumers. Placement within genre content: communities of interest. Ability to connect with an affluent and internet Qualified audience savvy audience. Integrate your brand within customized content, designed specifically to meet your campaign’s objective. Unique opportunities Extend your campaign across multiple media platforms through the variety of media offered by the newspaper. Plan your campaign to meet high reach, or, targeted placement objectives 25
26 Target your consumer: National in scope… local in ability.
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