susan holloway

Susan Holloway Education Coordinator 731.660.0500 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Susan Holloway Education Coordinator 731.660.0500 _________________________________ Central Office 701 Murfreesboro Pike, Suite 200, Nashville, TN 38212 615.269.7091 Office Bel ell Ri l Ring nger er What is

  1. Susan Holloway Education Coordinator 731.660.0500 _________________________________ Central Office 701 Murfreesboro Pike, Suite 200, Nashville, TN 38212 615.269.7091 Office

  2. Bel ell Ri l Ring nger er  What is epilepsy?  What is seizure?  How are they different?  Who can have a seizure?  Can seizures be treated?

  3. Everyone is UNIQUE • Some wear glasses Cannot tell by looking who has a • Some have allergies malfunction or disability • Some have asthma • Some have diabetes • Some have seizures • Some have . . . . . . Unless the disability is demonstrated!!

  4. Nervous System (NS) Sends and receives messages/signals to nerves all over the body to make the body work. RAISE YOUR HAND - HIGH If the NS malfunctions, seizures can occur . . .

  5.  Seizure is when the brain sends mixed up messages and causes the body to do things we don’t want it to do  Described as a brief disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain  After seizure is over, brain and body work properly again  Rarely, there can be death during a seizure – SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy)  Medicines are used to help prevent seizures. It works for 500,000 Americans but over 1 million people still have seizures or side effects with their meds. Research is needed to develop more.

  6.  Epilepsy is a health condition where persons repeatedly have seizures – NOT a disease and NOT contagious  Epilepsy is a generic term for a variety of seizure disorders  150,000 new cases in USA each year  Causes – 70% unknown, 30% are combination of head trauma (auto, gunshot, sports), brain tumor/stroke, poisoning by lead/alcohol, infections, injury at birth, sometimes genetic  Epilepsy is not only treated by medication but diet, surgery, e-stim therapy and monitoring such things as blood level  Support groups /doctors are available with help  Seizure FIRST AID is important for all of us to know

  7. In Children, Adults, Pets - Not all  Short attention blackouts as if are convulsions, some are: daydreaming  Sudden falls, stumbling, clumsiness  Most common is Grand-Mal or  Lack of response for brief periods Tonic-Clonic  Dazed behavior  Tonic – Stiff Muscles  Unusual sleepiness and irritability when awakened from sleep  Clonic – Jerking Motions  Head nodding  Stares  Rapid blinking  Face Twitches  Complaints that things look, sound,  Chew Lip taste, smell and feel “funny”  Smack  Sudden stomach pain with confusion  Periods of Confusion and sleepiness  Wanders  Repeated odd movements  Sudden episodes of fear without reason  Normal very short time Early Detection is SMART

  8. Treatme eatment nts  Medicines - There are about 24 different medicines. Doctor’s choice depends on age, severity, type, frequency of seizures.  Diet - The Ketogenic Diet is prescribed and effective with the meds. It is a high fat and low carb diet. A modified Atkins diet can help seizures too.  Surgery - If there is resistance to the medicine, the part of the brain affected during the seizure can be identified and removed.  Devises: Monitors warn of seizures as do trained pets.  VNS - Vagus NerveStimulator sends steady pulses under skin  RNS - Responsive Neurostimulation device in scalp  eTNS - External Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation on forehead  Diastat - Gel applied rectally when seizures occur close and >5 min

  9. LETS ETS DISPEL ISPEL SOME ME MY MYTHS THS • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT contagi agious ous • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT just st a childhood dhood disor sorder der • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT mental ntal illn lnes ess • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT a cognitiv itive e disability sability or a sign gn of low intelli elligen gence • You CAN’T swallow your tongue during a seizure • Flashing shing lights ghts can cause e a seizur izure...b e...but ut only y in about ut 1 in 100 people le with th epilepsy lepsy.

  10. When n is s it a Seizure ure Emergency rgency? ? (i.e. .e. wh when to transpo nsport to ER) Epilep Ep epsy sy Found ndati tion recom comme mends ds transpor nsport t to a medi edical cal fa facili lity ty in the e case e of: :  First-time time seizure izure (or r suspect cted ed first t seizur zure) e)  App pparent arent inj njur ury y  Se Seizu zure occur curs s in n wa water er  Diabe betes, s, pr preg egnancy cy or r ot othe her medi dica cal cond ndit ition ion  Se Seizu zure lasts ts more re than n 5 minu nutes nd seizur  2 nd zure e occur curs s right ht awa way y withou thout t gaini ning ng consciousn nsciousness ess

  11. If you do not know them: If you know them and know they have seizures:

  12. Discuss how these relate to EPILEPSY • “Knowing you are NOT • “There are no such things going through it alone as strangers, only FRIENDS helps.” we haven’t met.” • “Understand what is • “The only true disability is going on with each a lack of knowledge.” other.” • It’s still hard for me to say • “For once my feelings EPILEPSY – people have have been validated.” this picture in their mind. • Like a hiccup or sneeze, seizures just happen and we have no control.

  13. Be Bell ll Rin inger ger • Epilepsy – A health condition where persons have repeated seizures. • Seizure – When the brain sends mixed up messages and causes the body to do things we don’t want it to do. • How are they different? – Have one (seizure) or more than one (Epilepsy). • Who can have a seizure? – Anyone, Anywhere, Any time, Any place. • Can seizures be treated? – Yes. See a medical doctor.


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