Susan Holloway Education Coordinator 731.660.0500 _________________________________ Central Office 701 Murfreesboro Pike, Suite 200, Nashville, TN 38212 615.269.7091 Office
Bel ell Ri l Ring nger er What is epilepsy? What is seizure? How are they different? Who can have a seizure? Can seizures be treated?
Everyone is UNIQUE • Some wear glasses Cannot tell by looking who has a • Some have allergies malfunction or disability • Some have asthma • Some have diabetes • Some have seizures • Some have . . . . . . Unless the disability is demonstrated!!
Nervous System (NS) Sends and receives messages/signals to nerves all over the body to make the body work. RAISE YOUR HAND - HIGH If the NS malfunctions, seizures can occur . . .
Seizure is when the brain sends mixed up messages and causes the body to do things we don’t want it to do Described as a brief disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain After seizure is over, brain and body work properly again Rarely, there can be death during a seizure – SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) Medicines are used to help prevent seizures. It works for 500,000 Americans but over 1 million people still have seizures or side effects with their meds. Research is needed to develop more.
Epilepsy is a health condition where persons repeatedly have seizures – NOT a disease and NOT contagious Epilepsy is a generic term for a variety of seizure disorders 150,000 new cases in USA each year Causes – 70% unknown, 30% are combination of head trauma (auto, gunshot, sports), brain tumor/stroke, poisoning by lead/alcohol, infections, injury at birth, sometimes genetic Epilepsy is not only treated by medication but diet, surgery, e-stim therapy and monitoring such things as blood level Support groups /doctors are available with help Seizure FIRST AID is important for all of us to know
In Children, Adults, Pets - Not all Short attention blackouts as if are convulsions, some are: daydreaming Sudden falls, stumbling, clumsiness Most common is Grand-Mal or Lack of response for brief periods Tonic-Clonic Dazed behavior Tonic – Stiff Muscles Unusual sleepiness and irritability when awakened from sleep Clonic – Jerking Motions Head nodding Stares Rapid blinking Face Twitches Complaints that things look, sound, Chew Lip taste, smell and feel “funny” Smack Sudden stomach pain with confusion Periods of Confusion and sleepiness Wanders Repeated odd movements Sudden episodes of fear without reason Normal very short time Early Detection is SMART
Treatme eatment nts Medicines - There are about 24 different medicines. Doctor’s choice depends on age, severity, type, frequency of seizures. Diet - The Ketogenic Diet is prescribed and effective with the meds. It is a high fat and low carb diet. A modified Atkins diet can help seizures too. Surgery - If there is resistance to the medicine, the part of the brain affected during the seizure can be identified and removed. Devises: Monitors warn of seizures as do trained pets. VNS - Vagus NerveStimulator sends steady pulses under skin RNS - Responsive Neurostimulation device in scalp eTNS - External Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation on forehead Diastat - Gel applied rectally when seizures occur close and >5 min
LETS ETS DISPEL ISPEL SOME ME MY MYTHS THS • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT contagi agious ous • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT just st a childhood dhood disor sorder der • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT mental ntal illn lnes ess • Epilepsy ilepsy is NOT a cognitiv itive e disability sability or a sign gn of low intelli elligen gence • You CAN’T swallow your tongue during a seizure • Flashing shing lights ghts can cause e a seizur izure...b e...but ut only y in about ut 1 in 100 people le with th epilepsy lepsy.
When n is s it a Seizure ure Emergency rgency? ? (i.e. .e. wh when to transpo nsport to ER) Epilep Ep epsy sy Found ndati tion recom comme mends ds transpor nsport t to a medi edical cal fa facili lity ty in the e case e of: : First-time time seizure izure (or r suspect cted ed first t seizur zure) e) App pparent arent inj njur ury y Se Seizu zure occur curs s in n wa water er Diabe betes, s, pr preg egnancy cy or r ot othe her medi dica cal cond ndit ition ion Se Seizu zure lasts ts more re than n 5 minu nutes nd seizur 2 nd zure e occur curs s right ht awa way y withou thout t gaini ning ng consciousn nsciousness ess
If you do not know them: If you know them and know they have seizures:
Discuss how these relate to EPILEPSY • “Knowing you are NOT • “There are no such things going through it alone as strangers, only FRIENDS helps.” we haven’t met.” • “Understand what is • “The only true disability is going on with each a lack of knowledge.” other.” • It’s still hard for me to say • “For once my feelings EPILEPSY – people have have been validated.” this picture in their mind. • Like a hiccup or sneeze, seizures just happen and we have no control.
Be Bell ll Rin inger ger • Epilepsy – A health condition where persons have repeated seizures. • Seizure – When the brain sends mixed up messages and causes the body to do things we don’t want it to do. • How are they different? – Have one (seizure) or more than one (Epilepsy). • Who can have a seizure? – Anyone, Anywhere, Any time, Any place. • Can seizures be treated? – Yes. See a medical doctor.
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