survivorship curves

Survivorship curves Everything dies, but on different schedules 0 - PDF document

Survivorship curves Everything dies, but on different schedules 0 299 306 313 320 327 334 341 348 355 xl x m x T = R 0 What are the units of R 0 ? Life table What are the units of T? R 0 = l x m x ? Exponential growth Human

  1. Survivorship curves Everything dies, but on different schedules 0 299 306 313 320 327 334 341 348 355 � xl x m x T = R 0 What are the units of R 0 ? Life table What are the units of T?

  2. � R 0 = l x m x ? Exponential growth

  3. Human population Where will it stop… Gotta stop somewhere - logistic growth What influences K?

  4. Damuth’s rule Population size decreases with body size r max changes with size too

  5. Why do natural populations fluctuate? CHAOS? Discrete logistic models (Lord) Robert May (1974 Science) VERY sensitive to r max Sensitivity to initial conditions

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