survey on collaborative tb hiv activities in european

Survey on collaborative TB-HIV activities in European countries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Survey on collaborative TB-HIV activities in European countries Preliminary results Presented by Gerard de Vries, on behalf of the Wolfheze Working Group on Collaborative TB/HIV activities 31 May 2017 Powered by 42 (=76%) Total number of

  1. Survey on collaborative TB-HIV activities in European countries Preliminary results Presented by Gerard de Vries, on behalf of the Wolfheze Working Group on Collaborative TB/HIV activities 31 May 2017 Powered by

  2. 42 (=76%) Total number of countries responding

  3. Q1: What is your country? Responding countries (n=42) Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan Non-responding countries (n=13) Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Russian Federation, San Mario, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan EU/EEA countries: 25/31 (81%) Non-EU/EEA: 17/24 (71%)

  4. Survey topics I. Details country and person completing the survey (Q1-6) II. Policy and guidelines (Q7-18) III. Diagnosis TB/HIV co-infection (Q19-26) IV. Treatment of and care for TB/HIV co-infected patients (Q27-34) V. Surveillance (Q35-37) VI. Good practices (Q38) VII. Barriers (Q39) VIII. Research (Q40) Questions were multiple choice except the last three questions

  5. Q7: Does your country have written national guidelines/regulations/ strategy for TB/HIV co-infection? (n=39) Q8: If no, which guidelines are used? No, 15 (More answers possible) countries, Answer Options Response 38,5% WHO policy on collaborative 8 TB/HIV activities Yes, 24 countries, Other (please specify) 9 61,5% 3x EACS (European AIDS Clinical Society) guidelines Three countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece and Kosovo) did not answer the questions in the survey. One country, Kosovo, responded that they had 1 TB/HIV case in 10 years.

  6. Q9: Does the guideline recommend HIV testing of all TB patients? (n=39) Selected TB patients, 3 countries, 8,1% No, 2 Q10. If not all TB patients are screened for HIV: countries, Which TB patients are not screened for HIV? (More 5,4% options possible) - Native-born patients (3x) Yes, 32 countries, 86,5%

  7. Q11: Does the guideline recommend screening for active TB of all people living with HIV? (n=39) Selected group of PLHIV, 10 Q12: If the recommendation is not to screen all countries, people living with HIV for active TB: What criteria 25,6% are used to select people living with HIV for TB screening? (More answers possible) a. Low CD4 cell count (<350 cells/mm3) (4x) b. Patients with symptoms (9x) Yes, 29 c. Patients with previous TB (7x) countries, d. Patients who have been in contact with infectious 74,4% TB patients (9x) e. Others: (patients from high-endemic countries; TST-positive patients)

  8. Q13: Does the guideline recommend detection of LTBI in all people living with HIV? (n=39) Selected group of PLHIV, 10 Q14: If the recommendation is not to screen all countries, 25,6% people living with HIV for LTBI: What criteria are used to select people living with HIV for LTBI screening? (More answers possible) a. Low CD4 cell count (<350 cells/mm3) (4x) b. Patients from high TB-endemic countries (6x) Yes, 24 c. Patients who have been in contact with infectious TB countries, patients (8x) No, 5 61,5% d. Other (children with HIV; high CD4 count; based on countries, 12,8% country of origin)

  9. Q15: What diagnostic tests are recommended? (n=34) Diagnostic LTBI tests Countries Percentage N % Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) 7 20.6 Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) 10 29.4 TST and if positive followed by IGRA 5 14.7 TST and IGRA simultaneously 8 23.5 Other, please specify 4 11.8

  10. Q16: Does the guideline recommend to start antiretroviral treatment (ART) of all patients living with HIV with a new diagnosis of TB if the patient is not yet on ART? (N=39) Selected group of PLHIV, 5 countries, 12,8% Q17: If the recommendation is to provide ART to a selected group of No, 1 country, people living with HIV and TB: What 2,6% criteria are used to select people living with HIV and TB for ART? (One answer) a. CD4 <200 or 250 mm3 (2x) b. CD4 <350 mm3 (2x) c. CD4 <500 mm3 (1x) Yes, 33 countries, 84,6%

  11. Q18: Does the guideline recommend co-trimoxazole preventive treatment of all TB/HIV patients? (n=38) Other, 6 countries, 15,8% Q18d (Other), specify: Mainly depending CD4 count (<200 mm3) (3x) Yes, 17 Don’t know, 4 countries, countries, 10,5% 44,7% No, 11 countries, 28,9%

  12. Who is performing testing/screening? Q19: HIV testi ting ng in TB patien ents ts Q21: TB scree eening ning in PLHIV Q22: LTBI scree eeni ning ng in PLHIV 100% 80% 100% 89,5% 71,1% 90% 90% 70% 80% 80% 60% 70% 70% 59,0% 50% 60% 60% 50% 40% 50% 40% 40% 26,3% 30% 30% 30% 23,1% 20% 17,9% 20% 20% 10,5% 10% 10% 10% 2,6% 0,0% 0% 0% 0% TB doctor Refer to Not done HIV doctor Refer to TB Not done HIV doctor Refer to TB Not done HIV clinic clinic clinic Three countries reported that TB/LTBI screening was done by a visiting TB specialist to the AIDS center

  13. Where is testing/screening done? Q20: Where is HIV testing of TB patients done in your country? • 33 countries (87%): always or frequently in the same facility where TB was diagnosed • 5 countries (13%): frequently or always in another facility than where TB was diagnosed Q23: Where is TB screening of HIV patients done in your country? • 33 countries (92%): always or frequently in the same facility/hospital • 3 countries (8%): frequently or always in another facility/hospital

  14. HIV/TB/LTBI testing and intravenous drug (IDU) dependency Q24: HIV testi ting ng of people e with h IDU Q25: Scree eenin ning g for acti tive e TB offered ed Q26: Scree eenin ning g for LTBI offered ed to depende denc ncy (n=39) 9) to peopl ple with th IDU depend nden ency people e with h IDU depende dency (n=39) 9) (n=39) 9) 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% 90% 80% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70% 61,5% 60% 60% 46,2% 50% 60% 50% 35,9% 40% 28,2% 40% 50% 28,2% 30% 30% 15,4% 17,9% 40% 30,8% 20% 10,3% 20% 7,7% 30% 10% 10% 0% 20% 0% 7,7% 10% 0,0% 0%

  15. Treatment Q29: Who is treati ating ng patients nts with h combi bined ed TB/HIV IV disea ease when the patient nt is on ambul ulatory tory TB/HIV IV treatm tmen ent t (most t common n pathway ay)? (n=39) Q27: Where are TB/HIV patien ents ts hospi pital taliz ized ed? (n=38) 8) 1 country 2,6% 1 country, TB is treated by the TB 7 countries, 2,6% specialist. HIV is treated 18,4% by the HIV/infectious 13 countries , disease specialist In specialised TB 33,3% Both diseases (TB/HIV) hospitals/department are treated by the TB for entire duration of specialist TB treatment Starting in TB Both diseases (TB/HIV) hospital/department, 30 countries, are treated by the and ambulatory as 78,9% HIV/infectious disease soon as possible specialist TB/HIV patients are 23 countries, Other (jointly) generally not 2 countries, 59,0% hospitalized 5,1%

  16. Other Q30: Where do patients get their TB and HIV medication? • 22 countries: always or frequently in the same facility/hospital • 11 countries: frequently or always in a different facility/hospital Q31: Where are both diseases monitored, e.g. CD4 counts and sputum examination? • 28 countries: always or frequently in the same facility/hospital • 8 countries: frequently or always in a different facility/hospital Q32: Is opiate substitution therapy (OST) available for TB/HIV patients with IDU dependency? • 22 countries: unlimited for all in need; 10 countries limited, e.g. in research projects, and 7 don’t know Q33: Where do TB/HIV patients receive OST? • 22 countries: in the OST departments/community pharmacies • 5 countries at TB hospital/department and 1 country at HIV department/hospital • Remaining countries: elsewhere or don’t know

  17. Q34: What support (other than for non-HIV co-infected TB patients) is given to TB/HIV patients to adhere to treatment? (Tick all options that apply) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Counselling Social-economic Health education No additional Other – specify services (psycho- (material) support support emotional support)

  18. Surveillance Q35: What is the coverage of LTBI testing among PLHIV newly enrolled in care in 2015? • 77% of responding countries didn’t know the coverage. • 8 responding countries (23%) knew the (estimated) coverage, varying from 0%, 80% to more than 90% in 5 countries. Q36: What is the proportion of LTBI among PLHIV newly enrolled in care in 2015 and tested for LTBI? • 5 countries knew the (estimated) proportion of testing: 0%, 0%, 30%, 50% and 100%. Q37: What is the proportion of PLHIV (newly enrolled in care) and tested positive for LTBI in 2015 starting TB preventive treatment? • 7 countries knew the (estimated) proportion of starting treatment: 0%, <10%, 25%, 50%, 90%, 100% and 100%.

  19. Conclusions 1. Almost all countries had guidelines (national or based on WHO guidelines), which includes • screening TB patients for HIV, • treating HIV-infected TB patients with ARVs, and • screen PLHIV for TB and HIV • In most countries this is done by the diagnosing physician • and in 90% of the countries frequently or always at the same facility/hospital.


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