superconducting magnets

Superconducting magnets Ezio Todesco Accelerator Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Superconducting magnets Ezio Todesco Accelerator Technology Department Accelerator Technology Department European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) 2008 Summer Student Lectures FOREWORD The science of superconducting magnets is a

  1. Superconducting magnets Ezio Todesco Accelerator Technology Department Accelerator Technology Department European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  2. FOREWORD The science of superconducting magnets is a exciting, fancy and dirty mixture of physics, engineering, and chemistry d di t i t f h i i i d h i t Chemistry and material science: the quest for superconducting materials with better performances ate a s t bette pe o a ces Quantum physics: the key mechanisms of superconductivity Classical electrodynamics: magnet design Mechanical engineering: support structures Electrical engineering: powering of the magnets and their protection Cryogenics: keep them cool Cryogenics: keep them cool … The cost optimization also plays a relevant role The cost optimization also plays a relevant role Keep them cheap … E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 2 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  3. FOREWORD An example of the variety of the issues to be taken into account The field of the LHC dipoles (8 3 T) is related to the critical field of The field of the LHC dipoles (8.3 T) is related to the critical field of Niobium-Titanium (Nb-Ti), which is determined by the microscopic quantum properties of the material Quantized fluxoids penetrating a superconductor A 15m truck unloading a 27 tons LHC dipole used in accelerator magnets The length of the LHC dipoles (15 m) has been determined by the maximal dimensions of (regular) trucks allowed on European roads This makes the subject complex, challenging and complete for the j p g g p formation of a (young) physicist or engineer E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 3 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  4. FOREWORD The size of our objects Length of an high energy physics accelerator: ∼ Km 40 ° 53’ 02” N – 72 ° 52’ 32” W 41 ° 49’ 55” N – 88 ° 15’ 07” W 1 Km 1.9 Km 1.9 Km RHIC ring at BNL, Long Island, US Main ring at Fermilab, Chicago, US E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 4 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  5. FOREWORD The size of our objects Length of an accelerator magnet: ∼ 10 m Diameter of an accelerator magnet: ∼ m Beam pipe size of an accelerator magnet: ∼ cm Beam pipe size of an accelerator magnet: ∼ cm Unloading a 27 tons dipole 46 ° 14’ 15” N – 6 ° 02’ 51” E 15 m 6 cm 0 6 m 0.6 m A stack of LHC dipoles, CERN, Geneva, CH Dipoles in the LHC tunnel, Geneva, CH E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 5 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  6. CONTENTS Introduction: the synchrotron and its magnets Why do we need Km long accelerators to get TeV energies ? What are the physical limits to create strong magnetic fields ? Hints on coil lay-out and normal conducting electromagnets Advantages of superconducting magnets, and basics of superconductivity (Nb-Ti limit: 13-14 T) What are the practical limits imposed by magnet design and operation ? Coil lay-out and operational margins (Nb-Ti limit: 8-9 T) Hints on Nb Sn: towards 15 17 T ? Hints on Nb 3 Sn: towards 15-17 T ? Cables Some features of magnets for detectors E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 6 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  7. 1. INTRODUCTION: PRINCIPLES OF A SYNCHROTRON NC LES O S NC O ON Electro-magnetic field accelerates particles Magnetic field steers the particles in a closed ( ∼ circular) orbit M ti fi ld t th ti l i l d ( i l ) bit To drive particles through the same To drive particles through the same accelerating structure several times As the particle is accelerated, its energy increases and the magnetic field is increased ( “ synchro ” ) to keep the particles on the same orbit What are the limitations to increase the energy ? What are the limitations to increase the energy ? Proton machines: the maximum field of the dipoles (LHC, Tevatron, SPS …) Electron machines: the synchrotron radiation due to bending trajectories (LEP) (LEP) E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 7 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  8. 1. INTRODUCTION: NEEDED M GNE NEEDED MAGNETIC FIELDS C ELDS The arcs: region where the beam is bent LSS Arc Arc LSS LSS Arc Arc LSS Dipoles for bending Quadrupoles for focusing A schematic view of a synchrotron Sextupoles octupoles Sextupoles, octupoles … for correcting for correcting [see talk about accelerator physics by S. Gilardoni and E. Metral] Long straight sections (LSS) Interaction regions (IR) housing the experiments Solenoids (detector magnets) acting as spectrometers Solenoids (detector magnets) acting as spectrometers Regions for other services The lay-out of the LHC Beam injection and dump (dipole kickers) Accelerating structure (RF cavities) and beam cleaning (collimators) A l ti t t (RF iti ) d b l i ( lli t ) E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 8 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  9. CONTENTS Introduction: the synchrotron and its magnets Why do we need Km long accelerators to get TeV energies ? What are the physical limits to create strong magnetic fields ? Hints on coil lay-out and normal conducting electromagnets Advantages of superconducting magnets, and basics of superconductivity (Nb-Ti limit: 13-14 T) What are the practical limits imposed by magnet design and operation ? Coil lay-out and operational margins (Nb-Ti limit: 8-9 T) Hints on Nb Sn: towards 15 17 T ? Hints on Nb 3 Sn: towards 15-17 T ? Cables Some features of magnets for detectors E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 9 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  10. 2. WHY DO WE NEED MANY Km TO GET A FEW TeV ? M N O GE EW eV ? r Kinematics of circular motion 2 d v v = r r ρ ρ dt dt Relativistic dynamics = γ p m v 1 γ = 2 v v Lorentz (?) force − 1 2 c r r r r r = × F e v B Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Dutch (18 July 1853 – 4 February 1928), painted by Menso Kamerlingh Onnes, brother of Heinke, who discovered superconductivity d ti it r r d d d 2 ( ) d v v F = evB = = γ ∼ γ F p m v m v = γ = γ F m m dt dt dt ρ ρ dt v p p = p = ρ ρ eB eB = γ γ = eB eB m m ρ ρ E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 10 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  11. 2. WHY DO WE NEED MANY Km TO GET A FEW TeV ? M N O GE EW eV ? p = ρ Relation momentum-magnetic field-orbit radius eB P Preservation of 4-momentum ti f 4 t 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 − = = + E p c m c E m c p c Ultra-relativistic regime 2 pc >> mc E ∼ pc E = ρ E ceB B Using practical units for a proton/electron, one has g = × × ρ E [ GeV ] 0 . 3 B [ T ] [ m ] r [m] B [T] E [TeV] FNAL Tevatron 758 4.40 1.000 Remember 1 eV=1.602 × 10 -19 J DESY HERA 569 4.80 0.820 IHEP UNK 2000 5.00 3.000 Remember 1 e= 1.602 × 10 -19 C SSCL SSC 9818 6.79 20.000 BNL RHIC 98 3.40 0.100 The magnetic field is in Tesla … Th ti fi ld i i T l CERN CERN LHC LHC 2801 2801 8.33 8 33 7 000 7.000 CERN LEP 2801 0.12 0.100 E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 11 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  12. TESLA INTERLUDE Nikolai Tesla (10 July 1856 - 7 January 1943) Born at midnight during an electrical storm in Smiljan Born at midnight during an electrical storm in Smiljan near Gospi ć (now Croatia) Son of an orthodox priest A national hero in Serbia A ti l h i S bi Career Polytechnic in Gratz (Austria) and Prague Emigrated in the States in 1884 Electrical engineer Electrical engineer Inventor of the alternating current induction motor (1887) Author of 250 patents A rather strange character, a lot of legends on him … E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 12 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  13. 2. WHY DO WE NEED MANY Km TO GET A FEW TeV ? M N O GE EW eV ? Relation momentum-magnetic field-orbit radius Having 8 T magnets, we need 3 Km curvature radius to have 7 TeV d d h If we would have 800 T magnets, 30 m would be enough … We will now show why 8 T is the present limit We will now show why 8 T is the present limit ρ =10 km 100.00 ρ =3 km = × × ρ ρ E [ [ GeV ] ] 0 . 3 B [ [ T ] ] [ [ m ] ] ρ =1 km 10.00 (TeV) ρ =0.3 km Energy 1.00 Tevatron HERA SSC RHIC 0.10 UNK LEP LHC 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 Dipole field (T) Dipole field (T) E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 13 2008 Summer Student Lectures

  14. CONTENTS Introduction: the synchrotron and its magnets Why do we need Km long accelerators to get TeV energies ? What are the physical limits to create strong magnetic fields ? Hints on coil lay-out and normal conducting electromagnets Advantages of superconducting magnets, and basics of superconductivity (Nb-Ti limit: 13-14 T) What are the practical limits imposed by magnet design and operation ? Coil lay-out and operational margins (Nb-Ti limit: 8-9 T) Hints on Nb Sn: towards 15 17 T ? Hints on Nb 3 Sn: towards 15-17 T ? Cables Some features of magnets for detectors E. Todesco - Superconducting magnets 14 2008 Summer Student Lectures

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