SUN HORIZON PROJECT Executive Presentation HP FORUM – 15 th May 2019 Brussels Sun Horizon Sun Coupled Innovative Heat Pumps This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 818329
Our Vision TRL 7 – Sun and HP as baseload of EU H&C systems THE MOST SOCIALLY ACCEPTED RES IN EU PLAYING TOGETHER 6 Technologies to be integrated – 5 Technology Packages – 7 Demos 3 Research Pillars based on Functional Monitoring Data exploitation DESIGN – MANUFACTURE - CONTROL 2 This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
Our Vision Key Message: As stated in EU Strategy for H&C, “large-scale demonstration projects of energy-efficient and low/zero-carbon technologies are needed to help reduce technical and market barriers by providing robust data to evaluate their performance in each market segment”. At this purpose SunHorizon aims to be a breakthrough demonstration to market project involving 21 partners’ expertise and 8 Demonstration Sites all around EU, focusing its activities on “reducing system costs and improving performance as well as optimising existing technologies for H&C applications and for some of the most promising market segments” 3 This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
SunHorizon Technologies N U S T L I E A N U E D R H A F A T E M A E R H E T H S T O R O D B B R M A L R O E S H T P O V I T T A R 4 This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
SunHorizon TPs Solar-HP SunHorizon TP integration Description concept TP1 TVP+BH Parallel integration TVP for space heating + DHW; BH to cover non solar periods Mixed solar- BH for space heating + DHW support; DS PV-T thermal output to TP2 DS+BH assisted/ parallel cover as much heat demand as possible + excess electricity integration production for appliances Solar-driven HP for TVP for space heating + DHW in winter + activation of the thermal TP3 TVP+FAHR cooling compressor of the adsorption chiller (FAHR) DS PV-T thermal output to cover part of SH and DHW heat demand TP4 DS+BDR Parallel integration + electricity production to cover reversible HP electricity consumption TVP+BH+ Mixed solar-driven/ TVP for space heating + DHW; BH to cover non solar periods; FAHR TP5 FAHR parallel integration adsorption chiller activated only by BH or also by TVP 5 This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
SunHorizon: A demonstration to Market Project Nº Location Climate Building type SunHorizon TP Climate and local energy market challenges Berlin Small Cold continental climate with harsh winters and warm summers, 1 Cold TP1: TVP+BH presences of local gas grid and DHN (increasing number of (Germany) residential disconnections), high penetration of RES and distributed Nürnberg Large 2 Cold TP2: DS+BH generation in the local energy market, considerable price of (Germany) residential electricity (0,15-20 €/kWh) Good solar irradiation, municipalities looking for new reliable Saint Cugat Tertiary (Civic 3 Warm TP3: TVP+FAHR technologies to save money, achieve SEAP objectives and to be (Spain) centre) promoted among their citizens Cold winter and hot summers, good solar potential, social Madrid Large 4 Average TP4:DS+BDR housing needs renovation both at envelope and H&C level also to (Spain) residential reduce their OPEX and rental fees Good solar potential, significant summer cooling demand during S. Lorenzo Small 5 Warm TP4:DS+BDR sunny periods, single houses can become active players on the (Spain) residential energy market thanks to Power-to-Heat (P2H) schemes Verviers Tertiary (Sport Sport facilities are often not well energy managed all around EU, 6 Average TP1: TVP+BH even if heated volumes are considerable. Promote coupling of (Belgium) Centre) Verviers Tertiary (Swim. solar + HP for low temperature usage such as DHW and 7 Average TP2: DS+BH (Belgium) pool) swimming pool water. Small Scandinavian country with the higher penetration of gas grid, 8 Riga (Latvia) Cold TP2: DS+BH residential robust presence of HP -smart systems, harsh winters DEMONSTRATION IS CRUCIAL IN SunHorizon – let’s define details Riga Berlin ASAP (logistic responsibilities, calendar, costs, permitting…) V erviers Le Bourget-du-Lac Nürnberg Collaboration between TPs/Demos responsible is crucial San Lorenzo de Hortóns Madrid Sant Cugat 6 This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
SunHorizon: A demonstration to Market Project 7 This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
SunHorizon Challenges High TRL to be achieved of integrated TPs: TRL 7 • A pre-industrial project • Demonstration in different climates and type of building • Cruciality of Data Monitoring to drive the three research pillars • Dissemination and Stakeholders’ engagement is crucial: we’re all committed! • A long but well structured project both in terms of responsibilities and timing: • partners have to keep themselves updated even if not so much involved! - Details and responsibilities have to be properly taken into account! - This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
Project Team An Industry Driven Consortium § 5 top level Academic Polytechnic Institutions (RTOs) § 12 industrial partners: ü 5 Large Enterprise (LE) ü 7 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) § 4 association and stakeholders acting as demosite 9 This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
SunHorizon Stakeholders group SUN HORIZON NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT IN SunHorizon an Industrial stakeholder group will be established starting from EHPA Network – Partners to be involved: ESCOs, energy utility, building owners/ Managers, HP, solar and H&C technology manufacturers. Energy agencies,etc. Their support is crucial to foster replication and marketability. Main targets: within M12: Analyze current bottlenecks/challenges towards SunHorizon TPs implementation – presentation of - SunHorizon tools and guidance towards their specification refinement Final Event: promotion of demonstration results and engagement for replication - This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N818329
THANKS FOR YOUR TIME!!! Please follow us on FB, Twitter, Linkedin RINA Consulting SpA Stefano Barberis – This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 818329
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