su successf essful ul introdu troduction ction of ful ull

Su Successf essful ul introdu troduction ction of ful ull l - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Su Successf essful ul introdu troduction ction of ful ull l dev evice e integr tegrat atio ion n into to clinical ical car are Patricia Liebke eHealth Learning and Change Manager, UnitingCare Health @tliebke March 24, 2010

  1. Su Successf essful ul introdu troduction ction of ful ull l dev evice e integr tegrat atio ion n into to clinical ical car are Patricia Liebke eHealth Learning and Change Manager, UnitingCare Health @tliebke March 24, 2010

  2. UnitingCare Health  The Wesley Hospital  536 overnight beds  24 operating theatres UnitingCare Queensland  19 ICU beds  St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital  UnitingCare Health  250 beds  UnitingCare Communities  15 operating theatres (Lifeline)  15 ICU beds  BlueCare  The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital  190 beds  8 operating theatres  12 ICU/CCU beds  St Stephen’s Hospital Hervey Bay  5 operating theatres 2

  3. St Stephens Hospital Hervey Bay 3

  4. St Stephen’s Hervey Bay New Digital Hospital • Federal Government sought submissions via Health and Hospitals Fund for projects to improve access to July regional and rural health services 2010 10 • Government announced $47.1M grant to UCH towards developing Australia’s first fully integrated digital hospital • $25.9M towards construction costs May • $21.2M for eHealth 2011 • Contract signed with Federal Government June ne 2012 12 • Project Director for eHealth appointed – Connie Harmsen July y •Australia’s first CMIO appointed – Dr Monica Trujillo 2012 12 •St Stephen’s Hospital Hervey Bay takes its first patient 13 13 Octob ober er 2014 2014 •St Stephen’s hospital is the first in Australia to achieve HIMSS Level 6 December 2014 4

  5. 5

  6. Digital Elements 29 Cerner er Millenn llennium ium Applicatio lications s eg: • PowerChart • Medications Management • Surginet • Anaesthesia 20 Devi vices es eg: Exter ernal al Service ice Provi vider ders s and Syst stems ms and Inter erfac aces eg: • Laboratory • Radiology • Food management system Neces essar ary ICT infrastr rastructu ture re eg: • Remote Hosting Option (RHO) • Local ICT and IT peripherals (Workstations, Scanners, etc.) • Networks 6

  7. Laboratory and Radiology Interfaces QML  Bidirectional interface  Orders and results correlate in the eMR eMR  Radiology report is displayed with hyperlink to image QMI SNP 7

  8. Closed Medication Management Loop: Integration and Interfaces 8

  9. ADC  Automatic Dispensing Cabinet  Part of closed loop medication system  Uses bar code scanning and also finger print identification 9

  10. Practical technology integration: Medications management process 10

  11. Meal management  Diet order and allergies documented in the electronic medial record  Interfaces to the electronic patient meal ordering system  Patient uses the patient entertainment system to order their desired meal 11

  12. Infusion Management  Infusion pumps are barcode associated to a IV fluid order  Carefusion server and Cerner iBus connectivity  Currently one direction but has potential for bidirectional integration 12

  13. Documentation of vital signs Health organisation case study (Florida, USA) Total time spent on vitals assessments per 12-hour shift across all 5 hospitals fell from 6,074.8 to 1,581,minutes through the use of Cerner iBus Lee, J., Kuo, Y. & Goddwin, J. (2013) The effect of eMR adoption on outcomes in US hospitals, BMC health services research found at 13

  14. Capturing of ECG 14

  15. Capturing Clinical Images to EMR 15

  16. Hands free communication devices  One of our favorite gadgets  Works on WIFI network  Enables instant communication  Linked to nurse call system 16

  17. 17

  18. Real time patient and equipment tracking  Real time location system (RTLS)  Relies on radiofrequency  Integrates with Cerner Capacity Management 18

  19. Real time patient and equipment tracking 19

  20. W.O.W 20

  21. Where to from here? 21

  22. Thank you 22

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