STRUCTURE STRUCTURE Highlight the structure of Highlight the structure of material material Decide on main point/message Decide on main point/message State theme/purpose and State theme/purpose and explain plan explain plan
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Introduce yourself Introduce yourself Involve the Involve the audience audience Give relevant Give relevant background background information information State topic and State topic and purpose purpose Provide overview Provide overview of contents of contents
BODY BODY STRATEGIC ORGANISING STRATEGIC ORGANISING PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES Rhetorical Sequence Rhetorical Sequence Comparison and Contrast Comparison and Contrast Problem and Recommendation Problem and Recommendation Deductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning
BODY BODY Stick to 3-5 main points Stick to 3-5 main points Signpost the route Signpost the route Use supporting materials Use supporting materials Involve the audience Involve the audience
INVOLVING THE AUDIENCE INVOLVING THE AUDIENCE Present key points Present key points at beginning or at beginning or end end Use 1st/2nd Use 1st/2nd person pronouns person pronouns Rhetorical Rhetorical questions questions Anticipate Anticipate questions questions Ask audience to do Ask audience to do something something
CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Summary Summary Conclusions Conclusions Recommendation Recommendation
STYLE STYLE Convey Convey enthusiasm and enthusiasm and interest interest Discuss pros and Discuss pros and cons cons Explain Explain advantages, and advantages, and present present risks/challenges risks/challenges Compose for the Compose for the Ear not the Eye Ear not the Eye
DISCUSSION DISCUSSION Anticipate Anticipate questions questions Make sure you Make sure you understand the understand the question question Have additional Have additional data available data available Don’t digress Don’t digress Be honest Be honest Joke questions Joke questions Take control Take control
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