structure structure

STRUCTURE STRUCTURE Highlight the structure of Highlight the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

STRUCTURE STRUCTURE Highlight the structure of Highlight the structure of material material Decide on main point/message Decide on main point/message State theme/purpose and State theme/purpose and explain plan explain plan

  1. STRUCTURE STRUCTURE  Highlight the structure of Highlight the structure of material material  Decide on main point/message Decide on main point/message  State theme/purpose and State theme/purpose and explain plan explain plan


  3. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION  Introduce yourself Introduce yourself  Involve the Involve the audience audience  Give relevant Give relevant background background information information  State topic and State topic and purpose purpose  Provide overview Provide overview of contents of contents

  4. BODY BODY  STRATEGIC ORGANISING STRATEGIC ORGANISING PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES  Rhetorical Sequence Rhetorical Sequence  Comparison and Contrast Comparison and Contrast  Problem and Recommendation Problem and Recommendation  Deductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning  Inductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning

  5. BODY BODY  Stick to 3-5 main points Stick to 3-5 main points  Signpost the route Signpost the route  Use supporting materials Use supporting materials  Involve the audience Involve the audience

  6. INVOLVING THE AUDIENCE INVOLVING THE AUDIENCE  Present key points Present key points at beginning or at beginning or end end  Use 1st/2nd Use 1st/2nd person pronouns person pronouns  Rhetorical Rhetorical questions questions  Anticipate Anticipate questions questions  Ask audience to do Ask audience to do something something

  7. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION  Summary Summary  Conclusions Conclusions  Recommendation Recommendation

  8. STYLE STYLE  Convey Convey enthusiasm and enthusiasm and interest interest  Discuss pros and Discuss pros and cons cons  Explain Explain advantages, and advantages, and present present risks/challenges risks/challenges  Compose for the Compose for the Ear not the Eye Ear not the Eye

  9. DISCUSSION DISCUSSION  Anticipate Anticipate questions questions  Make sure you Make sure you understand the understand the question question  Have additional Have additional data available data available  Don’t digress Don’t digress  Be honest Be honest  Joke questions Joke questions  Take control Take control


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