structural tractability of constraint optimization

Structural Tractability of Constraint Optimization Gianluigi Greco - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

17th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming Perugia, Italy, September 2011 Structural Tractability of Constraint Optimization Gianluigi Greco and Francesco Scarcello University of Calabria, Italy Constraint Optimization

  1. 17th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming Perugia, Italy, September 2011 Structural Tractability of Constraint Optimization Gianluigi Greco and Francesco Scarcello University of Calabria, Italy

  2. Constraint Optimization Problems Classically, CSP: Constraint Satisfaction Problem However, sometimes a solution is enough to “satisfy” (constraints), but not enough to make (users) “happy” Any best Any solution (or at least good) solution Hence, several variants of the basic CSP framework: E.g., fuzzy, probabilistic, weighted, lexicographic, penalty, valued, semiring- based, …

  3. Classical CSPs r 1h (X 1 , X 2, X 3, X 4, X 5 ) P A R I S r 1h : P A N D A L A U R A A N I T A L I M B O r 1v : L I N G O P E T R A P A M P A P E T E R r 1v (X 1 , X 7, X 11, X 16, X 20 ) Set of variables {X 1 ,…,X 26 } Set of constraint relations   Set of constraint scopes 

  4. Puzzles for Expert Players… The puzzle in general admits more than one solution... E.g., find the solution that minimizes the total number of vowels occurring in the words

  5. Typical Constraint Optimization Problems Each mapping variable-value has a cost. 1 2 3 4 5 Then, find an assignment: P A R I S Satisfying all the constraints, and P A N D A Having the minimum total cost. L A U R A A N I T A

  6. Typical Constraint Optimization Problems Each mapping variable-value has a cost. Then, find an assignment: Satisfying all the constraints, and Having the minimum total cost. 1 2 3 4 5 Each tuple has a cost. P A R I S Then, find an assignment: P A N D A Satisfying all the constraints, and L A U R A Having the minimum total cost. A N I T A Tuple-oriented problems (weighted CSPs) may be transformed easily to variable-value problems, without altering structural properties

  7. From WCSP to CSOP instances 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 P A R I S P A R I S P A N D A P A N D A L A U R A L A U R A A N I T A A N I T A

  8. From WCSP to CSOP instances 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 P A R I S P A R I S PARIS P A N D A P A N D A PANDA L A U R A L A U R A LAURA A N I T A ANITA A N I T A Is feasible in linear time The mapping: Preserves the solutions Preserves structural properties (any fresh variable occurs just once)

  9. Another Example: Combinatorial Auctions

  10. Combinatorial Auctions 57

  11. Combinatorial Auctions 50 57 105 40 35 38

  12. Combinatorial Auctions 50 57 105 40 35 38 Winner Determination Problem Determine the outcome that maximizes the sum of accepted bid prices

  13. Combinatorial Auctions 50 57 105 40 35 38 Total € 180.--

  14. Combinatorial Auctions Note that there are two possible encodings: Items as variables (as previous pictures suggest) Bids as variables, and constraint scopes associated with items (the bids where they occur) Note that the latter encoding yields a natural example of Constraint Optimization Formula Costs are assigned to bids This is the only encoding with nice structural tractability properties

  15. Constraint Formulas: Formal Framework Evaluation Functions Monotone Functions

  16. Lists of evaluation functions We often want to express more preferences, e.g., minimize cost, then minimize total time, or maximize the profit, then minimize the number of different buyers, or transactions Formally, Compare vectors by the lexicographical precedence relationship (Cascade of preferences)

  17. Example

  18. Example (cont’d)

  19. Linearization (following [Brafman et al’10]) Define the total order In our example

  20. Problems Input: Min : Compute the best solution (if any) Top-K : Compute the K -best solutions, K is a natural number additionally given in input Next : Compute the best solution following θ θ is a solution additionally given in input

  21. Objectives Find efficient algorithms for all these problems In this paper: exploit structural properties Identify large islands of tractability Chart the tractability frontier (at least for bounded arity instances)

  22. Known Good Results Min is feasible in polynomial-time (P) and Top-K with polynomial delay (WPD) for formulas equipped with monononic functions and whose structures are Acyclic hypergraphs [Kimelfeld and Sagiv‘06] Bounded treewidth [S. de Givry et al’06, Flerova and Dechter’10] Bounded hypertree-width [S. Ndiaye et al’08, Gottlob et al’09] Proof hint : dynamic programming by exploiting the decomposition tree (and monotonicity)

  23. CSP Structures Variables map to nodes  Scopes map to hyperedges 

  24. Structurally Restricted CSPs

  25. Structurally Restricted CSPs

  26. Structurally Restricted CSPs The hypergraph is acyclic Acyclicity is efficiently recognizable Acyclic CSPs can be efficiently solved Generalized arc consistency  Global consistency

  27. Tractability of acyclic Instances Adapt the dynamic programming approach in (Yannakakis’81) A B H A1 B1 H1 A1 B1 H2 A B E F A B C D A1 B1 E1 F1 A1 B1 C1 D1 A1 B1 E2 F2 A2 B1 C2 D2

  28. Tractability of acyclic Instances (Monotone) Adapt the dynamic programming approach in (Yannakakis’81) With a bottom-up computation: Filter the tuples that do not match A B H A1 B1 H1 A2 B1 H2 A B E F A B C D A1 B1 E1 F1 A1 B1 C1 D1 A1 B1 E2 F2 A2 B1 C2 D2

  29. Tractability of acyclic Instances (Monotone) Adapt the dynamic programming approach in (Yannakakis’81) cost(A/A1)+ With a bottom-up computation: cost(B/B1)+ Filter the tuples that do not match cost(H/H1)+ A B H cost(C/C1)+ Compute the cost of the best partial A1 B1 H1 cost(D/D1)+ solution, by looking at the children A2 B1 H2 cost(E/E1)+ cost(F/F1) cost(C/C1)=cost(D/D1)=0 A B E F cost(C/C2)=cost(D/D2)=1 A B C D A1 B1 E1 F1 cost(E/E1)=cost(F/F1)=0 A1 B1 C1 D1 A1 B1 E2 F2 cost(E/E2)=cost(F/F2)=1 A2 B1 C2 D2

  30. Tractability of acyclic Instances (Monotone) Adapt the dynamic programming approach in (Yannakakis’81) With a bottom-up computation: Filter the tuples that do not match A B H C D E F Compute the cost of the best partial A1 B1 H1 C1 D1 E1 F1 solution, by looking at the children A2 B1 H2 Propagate the best partial solution (resolving ties arbitrarily) A B E F A B C D A1 B1 E1 F1 A1 B1 C1 D1 A1 B1 E2 F2 A2 B1 C2 D2

  31. Tractability of acyclic Instances (Monotone) Adapt the dynamic programming approach in (Yannakakis’81) Over “nearly - acyclic” instances…

  32. Tractability of acyclic Instances Adapt the dynamic programming approach in (Yannakakis’81) Over “nearly - acyclic” instances… Apply “acyclicization” via decomposition methods Bounded Hypertree Width Instances are Tractable

  33. Decomposition Methods

  34. Decomposition Methods Transform the hypergraph into an acyclic one: Organize its edges (or nodes) in clusters Arrange the clusters as a tree, by satisfying the connectedness condition

  35. Generalized Hypertree Decompositions Transform the hypergraph into an acyclic one: Organize its edges (or nodes) in clusters Arrange the clusters as a tree, by satisfying the connectedness condition

  36. Generalized Hypertree Decompositions Each cluster can be seen as a subproblem Transform the hypergraph into an acyclic one: Organize its edges (or nodes) in clusters Arrange the clusters as a tree, by satisfying the connectedness condition

  37. Generalized Hypertree Decompositions Each cluster can be seen as a subproblem Transform the hypergraph into an acyclic one: Organize its edges (or nodes) in clusters Arrange the clusters as a tree, by satisfying the connectedness condition

  38. Generalized Hypertree Decompositions Each cluster can be seen as a subproblem Transform the hypergraph into an acyclic one: Organize its edges (or nodes) in clusters Arrange the clusters as a tree, by satisfying the connectedness condition

  39. Tractable Combinatorial Auctions [Gottlob & Greco ’07] Theorem: The Winner Determination Problem is in P for classes having bounded hypertree-width hypergraphs (bid-vertices encoding) Theorem: The Winner Determination Problem is NP-hard even for acyclic instances (item-vertices encoding)

  40. Learning from Negative Results Simple structures are not enough: Next is NP-hard even for acyclic formulas with monotone evaluation functions [Brafman et al’10] Proof exploits large values Moreover, we show that Min, Top-K, and Next are NP-hard even for acyclic formulas, even if the domain contains three elements at most and function images contain two small values at most (-1,1) Proof exploits non-monotonicity, and lists of evaluation functions (whose size is not fixed---depends on the input)

  41. Directions Multi-objective Optimization , through lists of preference functions Not only acyclicity , but any (purely) structural decomposition method Not only monotone functions , but also non-monotone ones

  42. Smooth Functions Manipulate small (polynomially bounded) values Occur in many applications (for instance, in counting- based optimizations) May be non-monotonic

  43. Example 1. Finding solutions minimizing the number of variables mapped to certain domain values It is smooth and monotone 2. Finding solutions with an odd number of variables mapped to certain values (e.g. switch variables) It is smooth and non-monotone [2,1] (or viceversa) is a smooth list of evaluation functions


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