steven covey seek to understand than to be understood

Steven Covey - "Seek to Understand, than to be understood" - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

By Dr Thabi Luthuli How to Un Understan stand d Other ers s by Un Under erstan standi ding ng Yoursel elf Steven Covey - "Seek to Understand, than to be understood" Definition - the combination of characteristics or qualities

  1. By Dr Thabi Luthuli How to Un Understan stand d Other ers s by Un Under erstan standi ding ng Yoursel elf Steven Covey - "Seek to Understand, than to be understood" Definition - the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individuals distinctive character (make up, blue print) None of these types is specifically described as being positive or negative - hence the combination of positive and negative adjectives. They each have upsides and downsides. The characteristics are for observing and identifying, rather than judging. ##understanding what makes your CHILD tick ~ gives us grace in parenting! ##understanding people around you, includes Work environment, Church members , Counselling , etc. !!! Spouses

  2. PERSONALITY GROUPS ▪ Power werful ful Cholerics ics Conside idered red to be l leader r and commande ander r types, s, being dominant inant, , strong, g, decisiv sive, , and occasio ionall nally y arrogant. ant. They tend to be g good leaders because se they are driven n to get et things ngs done, , howe wever r they might ht offend d some people along the wa way Always ys ri right ht , can be c controlling ling, , strong charac racter er, , bra rave, , speak ak out out e.g. The Preside ident nts.

  3. POPU PULAR LAR SA SANG NGUI UINES NES are a social al personal nality ty type, e, displaying ying chara ract cteri eristi tics cs such as a predispos position ition to social alize ize and d enter erta tain in. They enjoy y fun, n, chat atting ting, , telling ng stories es - and nd are fond of promising ising the world, d, because ause that t is the friendly ndly thing ng to do, get et on well with people e and d can an get et ot others excit ited ed about ut issues, but can anno not t always ys be relied ed upon n to get et thing ngs s done. e. They love interact eractin ing with ot others s and d play y the role of the enter erta tainer iner or cent nter of atten enti tion on in group up intera ract ction ons. They have a tende denc ncy y to over-prom omise ise and d und nder er-deli deliver er. . Sang nguines uines are e also known wn as the "Popula ular" r" type. e. Some fa famous ous examples mples are Bill Clinton, on,

  4. PEACEFU CEFUL L PHL HLEGM GMATIC TICS have e a rel elax axed ed personality sonality, , being ing laid back k and desiring siring a peacefu ceful l envir viron onme ment nt above e all else. se. They y are easy y going, ng, nonc nchalan lant, t, un unexci cita table. ble. They y tend nd not t to actively ely up upset et people, le, but ut their eir indifferenc rence may frus ustrat trate e peop ople. le. They y also have a "dry" y" and qui uick sense nse of hum umor or. Mediat ediator ors! s! "Chol holeric eric's 's drea eam m is s to own wn a Phlegma egmatic" tic"

  5. PERFECT FECT MELAN LANCHOL HOLY Ther er personality sonality displa playi ying ng a strong ong empha mphasis is on think inking, ing, evalua uati tion, on, and assess ssmen ent. t. Thei eir r typical cal beha havi viou our involv olves es thinki nking, ng, ass sses essing, ng, maki king ng list sts, , evaluati uating ng the e positi tives es and negat atives, es, and gene neral al analys ysis s of fa facts ts. They y love e maps, s, charts ts and d graphs hs. . They y are us usua ually y the e most st intelligent elligent of the e four ur types, es, however er they y tend nd to dwell ell on det etails. ails. A Me A Melanc ncho holy ly is a planner ner, , making ing sur ure e things ngs happen, pen, some meti time mes s they y can paralyze yze themse emselves es with h over er-ana analy lysi sis. s. . Eg Eg.- Health th and Safety ty officer icers, s, Pilots ts, , Ar Army y officer icers s et etc,

  6. SCRIPTURES- PERSONALITY THROUGH THE LENS OF SCRIPTURE? 1. 1. Sanguin ine – A Trust t me! It'll work out! Proverbs 15:13 13 "A happy y heart t make e the fa face e cheer erfu ful, but t hearta tache che crushes hes the spirit. t." Proverbs 15:15 "" "" Jesus us enjoyed ed eating ng and drinkin ing g with h friends nds and sinners ers and telling ng parables. es. Pet eter-- --ATrust rust Me type. e. He He was very dra ramati tic, c, often en speaking king up for r the re rest of the disci cipl ples. es. John Mark-- --sta tarted ed well but t then n qui quit t (Ac Acts ts 15:37-39). 9). King David, d, Samson, son, Barnabas, abas, Mary (Martha tha's 's Sister er-prob obably ably sanguine/p guine/phlegmat hlegmatic, ic, people e ori rient nted, ed, somewh what t passiv sive). e). Many evangelis ngelists ts are sangui guine ne.

  7. Proverb rbs s 27:12 12 The e prude dent nt see danger and take refuge, e, but the simp mple le keep going ng and suffer for it. Jesus s taught the lost about the kingdom ngdom of God. Moses-- --A A Do it Right kind nd of guy. . Wanted ed to know w the det etails s of how God wa was going ng to help p him lead the peopl ople out of Egypt. . Prob obabl bly y Moses s wa was a m melanch ncholy oly/p /phle legma gmatic Apoll ollos os-- --Acts 18 18:24-28 28 Proba bably ly melanc ncholy ly and choler leric. Mary, , the Mot other of Jesus-- --An Analy lytica cal: l: She wonder ered d what sort of greet eting ng this might be. Luke 2: 19 "Mary kept all these things ngs, , pond nder ering ng them in her heart." Be it done unto o me according to all you have said. Likel ely y melanch ncholy oly/p /phleg legma matic. Judas s Iscariot, , Jose seph ph (O.T .T.), .), Thoma omas-- --he doubted Christ's resurrecti ection on. Jesus s gave him the evidence nce Thomas omas needed to believe. . Esther the Queen n wa was willi ling ng to compl ply y with the rules s and requi quire rement ments s of her position. on. Many y teachers s and interce cessor ssors have melancholy ncholy person onali litie ies. s.

  8. 2. MELANCHOLY-- HOW WAS IT DONE IN THE PAST? 3. Chole leric ic-- -- Let et's 's do it now! Galati latian ans 1:10 Am I no now w seek eking ing human an approval, l, or God's d's approval? al? Or am I t tryin ing to please ease peop ople le? If I wer ere e still l pleasin asing peop ople le, , I would would not ot be a servant t of Christ ist. Proverbs 11:1 :14 For lack of guida dance e a natio ion fa falls, ls, but many advi dvise sers s make vic ictor ory sure. e. Jesus sus argued ed with h the scrib ibes s and Pharisee isees s about bout the Law. Paul-- --A A Do it Now! w! temp mperamen ment. He was as left for dead, ead, imp mprisoned isoned, , stoned ed, , forsak saken en and d forgott tten en, , yet et he pres esse sed d on towar ard d the high calli lling of God. d. Elija jah stood od agains inst the priest iests s of Baal. al. Josh shua, a, Rebe bekah, , Prisci scilla lla, John the Baptist tist, , Martha tha Many apost ostle les/ s/proph ophets ts are e Chole leric. ic.

  9. 4. PHLEGMATIC-- LET'S KEEP THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE! Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.“ Proverbs rbs 15:18 18 "A h hot ot-tem empe pere red d man stirs rs up diss ssens nsion, n, but a pati tient nt man calms s a q quarre rel. Jesus us spoke to the deepest st needs s of the woman at the well and the woman caught ht in adultery. Barnaba abas-- --pr probably y phleg egmat matic and sanguine, guine, Ac Acts s 15:37-39 39. Nehemia miah — A Status tus Quo and Conse sens nsus us builder der, good admini nistrati trative ski kills to accomp mplish sh a task sk. Isaac, , Joseph eph (N.T.), ), Hannah-- --sh she was was submi miss ssive and remained ned fa faithf thful, ul, even though ugh her dreams ms were not ot fulfilled. d. She may have appeare ared unstab stable when n she prayed ed in the temple mple. . He Her reacti tion n after r she prayed ed shows s she was very stable le. Many pastor ors and int ntercessor cessors s are phleg egmat matic

  10. UNDERSTAND/IDENTIFYING PARENT PERSONALITIES ~ ~ underst standi nding g what t makes es your CHILD D tick k ~ gives es us grace e in parent nting! ng! Sangui uine e (Popul ular) ar) Pa Parent “The popular parent lives to have fun and thrives on an audience. Sangui uine e pare rent t would like to have e the starr rrin ing g role and an et etern rnal posit ition on on center er stage age withou hout t the responsibil onsibility ty for any of the hard work or details.” sense se of humor or and spont ntane neous ous actio tions ns are embarrass assing ng * they y would d choose se to be inconven enie ienced nced instea ead d of publicly icly re repri rimande nded for r not ot followin wing g ru rules * creati tivit ity sometimes times humiliat iates es them * forgetf getfulne ness ss often en creates es a scare e for Ph Ph kids


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