Sterile analysis status and plans stefania bordoni NuPRISM workshop 21-24 April 2016
Analysis status (I) Short reminder of the analysis: • ν e appearance with the 3+1 model • 4m radius detector • shape + rate analysis based on both the reconstructed energy and the off-axis • signal events are calculated by re-weighting the ν e background according to the ν e / ν µ flux ratio • Apply the oscillation probability • Build of a χ 2 estimator for correlated Gaussian distributions with a covariance matrix : T2K-II statistics Analysis still based on the expected performances of NuPRISM extrapolated from SK A sample of muon neutrino is also considered but ν µ disappearance probability is considered uInt15, Osaka 13 negligible Stefania Bordoni (CERN / IFAE) 2
Analysis status (II) • A further step was done to allow for possible muon neutrino disappearance • Need to develop the analysis in terms of the effective mixing angle 2 = sin 2 ( 2 θ μ e )/∣ U e 4 ∣ 2 4 ∣ U μ 4 ∣ • Marginalisation over |U 𝜈 4 | 2 to produce the usual sin 2 2 𝜄 - Δ m 2 contours � • John’s results were promising and interesting but needed to be validated with dedicated 2 : 𝑉 𝜈4 studies 2 𝑉 𝜈4 2 𝑉 𝜈4 • After John’s departure a part of the code is sin 2 (𝜄 𝜈𝑓 ) no more available and need to be re- implemented 2 ≈ (0,0.02) 𝑉 𝜈4 Stefania Bordoni (CERN / IFAE) 3
Next developments 1. The new reconstruction and nue-selection has recently become available • My idea is first start using it out-of the box as was done for the current analysis. • Possible optimisation of the selection can be studied on a second time as well as the use of constraints (nue-background, ND280..) • I need to better understand how to use the selection and how to apply systematics to be able to provide a new sensitivity estimation for the June PAC meeting • Are now MC files produced for all off-axis position? • Even remotely, I hope to profit of the workshop to progress on how to run the new jobs 2. I am working on recovery the developments done by John to consider also the muon neutrino disappearance and marginalise over it • Small progresses on the re-implementation but still under development Stefania Bordoni (CERN / IFAE) 4
Commitment to the analysis • I have recently changed institution and I am no more (100%) T2K • Synergies with T2K are very well considered and I am encouraged to continue work in T2K • Negotiations on the way to do this are on-going • My activities in NuPRISM are also supported (NuPRISM possibly related to T2K-II or DUNE? ) In practice: • it is still difficult to estimate the time I will be able to commit on the further developments of this analysis • I will do my best to apply at least out-of-the-box the new nue-selection based on the reconstruction and see how the sensitivity • I am looking forward to find someone to share the work for those developments or to take over to ensure regular progresses and delivery of new results. Stefania Bordoni (CERN / IFAE) 5
Supplementary Stefania Bordoni (CERN / IFAE) 6
Some numbers Background events Signal events signal ν µ to oscillate Bkg intrinsic ν e from ν µ (sin 2 2 ϑ = 0.002, Δ m 2 =3.14 ) 5893 5574 661694 676.4 1.1 < OAA ≤ 1.8 1.8 < OAA ≤ 2.5 2.5 < OAA ≤ 3.2 3.2 < OAA ≤ 3.9 K + 427 450 388 346 Intrinsic ν e background 1152 970 677 429 µ + composition K 0 170 128 160 130 18 23 22 11 π + 1.1 < OAA ≤ 1.8 1.8 < OAA ≤ 2.5 2.5 < OAA ≤ 3.2 3.2 < OAA ≤ 3.9 CCQE 309 180 85 49 ν µ background 74 28 18 7 CC π 0 NC π 0 1407 586 229 145 composition 340 128 31 18 CCOthers NCOthers 1017 395 181 113 Stefania Bordoni (CERN / IFAE) 7
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