stein couplings for concentration of measure

Stein Couplings for Concentration of Measure Jay Bartroff, Subhankar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Stein Couplings for Concentration of Measure Jay Bartroff, Subhankar Ghosh, Larry Goldstein and Umit I slak University of Southern

  1. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Stein Couplings for Concentration of Measure Jay Bartroff, Subhankar Ghosh, Larry Goldstein and ¨ Umit I¸ slak University of Southern California [arXiv:0906.3886] [arXiv:1304.5001] [arXiv:1402.6769] Borchard Symposium, June/July 2014

  2. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary

  3. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Concentration of Measure Distributional tail bounds can be provided in cases where exact computation is intractable. Concentration of measure results can provide exponentially decaying bounds with explicit constants.

  4. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Concentration of Measure Distributional tail bounds can be provided in cases where exact computation is intractable. Concentration of measure results can provide exponentially decaying bounds with explicit constants.

  5. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Bounded Difference Inequality If Y = f ( X 1 , . . . , X n ) with X 1 , . . . , X n independent, and for every i = 1 , . . . , n the differences of the function f : Ω n → R | f ( x 1 , . . . , x i − 1 , x i , x i +1 , . . . , x n ) − f ( x 1 , . . . , x i − 1 , x ′ sup i , x i +1 , . . . , x n ) | x i , x ′ i are bounded by c i , then t 2 � � P ( | Y − E [ Y ] | ≥ t ) ≤ 2 exp − . 2 � n k =1 c 2 k

  6. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Self Bounding Functions The function f ( x ) , x = ( x 1 , . . . , x n ) is ( a , b ) self bounding if there exist functions f i ( x i ) , x i = ( x 1 , . . . , x i − 1 , x i +1 , . . . , x n ) such that n � ( f ( x ) − f i ( x i )) ≤ af ( x ) + b i =1 and 0 ≤ f ( x ) − f i ( x i ) ≤ 1 for all x .

  7. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Self Bounding Functions For say, the upper tail, with c = (3 a − 1) / 6, Y = f ( X 1 , . . . , X n ), with X 1 , . . . , X n independent, for all t ≥ 0, t 2 � � P ( Y − E [ Y ] ≥ t ) ≤ exp − . 2( a E [ Y ] + b + c + t ) Mean in the denominator can be very competitive with the factor � n i =1 c 2 i in the bounded difference inequality. If ( a , b ) = (1 , 0), say, the denominator of the exponent is 2( E [ Y ] + t / 3), and as t → ∞ rate is exp( − 3 t / 2) .

  8. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Self Bounding Functions For say, the upper tail, with c = (3 a − 1) / 6, Y = f ( X 1 , . . . , X n ), with X 1 , . . . , X n independent, for all t ≥ 0, t 2 � � P ( Y − E [ Y ] ≥ t ) ≤ exp − . 2( a E [ Y ] + b + c + t ) Mean in the denominator can be very competitive with the factor � n i =1 c 2 i in the bounded difference inequality. If ( a , b ) = (1 , 0), say, the denominator of the exponent is 2( E [ Y ] + t / 3), and as t → ∞ rate is exp( − 3 t / 2) .

  9. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Use of Stein’s Method Couplings • Stein’s method developed for evaluating the quality of distributional approximations through the use of characterizing equations. • Implementation of the method often involves coupling constructions, with the quality of the resulting bounds reflecting the closeness of the coupling. • Such couplings can be thought of as a type of distributional perturbation that measures dependence. • Concentration of measure should hold when perturbation is small.

  10. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Use of Stein’s Method Couplings • Stein’s method developed for evaluating the quality of distributional approximations through the use of characterizing equations. • Implementation of the method often involves coupling constructions, with the quality of the resulting bounds reflecting the closeness of the coupling. • Such couplings can be thought of as a type of distributional perturbation that measures dependence. • Concentration of measure should hold when perturbation is small.

  11. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Use of Stein’s Method Couplings • Stein’s method developed for evaluating the quality of distributional approximations through the use of characterizing equations. • Implementation of the method often involves coupling constructions, with the quality of the resulting bounds reflecting the closeness of the coupling. • Such couplings can be thought of as a type of distributional perturbation that measures dependence. • Concentration of measure should hold when perturbation is small.

  12. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Use of Stein’s Method Couplings • Stein’s method developed for evaluating the quality of distributional approximations through the use of characterizing equations. • Implementation of the method often involves coupling constructions, with the quality of the resulting bounds reflecting the closeness of the coupling. • Such couplings can be thought of as a type of distributional perturbation that measures dependence. • Concentration of measure should hold when perturbation is small.

  13. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Stein’s Method and Concentration Inequalities • Raiˇ c (2007) applies the Stein equation to obtain Cram´ er type moderate deviations relative to the normal for some graph related statistics. • Chatterjee (2007) derives tail bounds for Hoeffding’s combinatorial CLT and the net magnetization in the Curie-Weiss model from statistical physics based on Stein’s exchangeable pair coupling. • Goldstein and Ghosh (2011) show bounded size bias coupling implies concentration. • Chen and R¨ oellin (2010) consider general ‘Stein couplings’ of which the exchangeable pair and size bias (but not zero bias) are special cases; E [ Gf ( W ′ ) − Gf ( W )] = E [ Wf ( W )]. • Paulin, Mackey and Tropp (2012,2013) extend exchangeable pair method to random matrices.

  14. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Stein’s Method and Concentration Inequalities • Raiˇ c (2007) applies the Stein equation to obtain Cram´ er type moderate deviations relative to the normal for some graph related statistics. • Chatterjee (2007) derives tail bounds for Hoeffding’s combinatorial CLT and the net magnetization in the Curie-Weiss model from statistical physics based on Stein’s exchangeable pair coupling. • Goldstein and Ghosh (2011) show bounded size bias coupling implies concentration. • Chen and R¨ oellin (2010) consider general ‘Stein couplings’ of which the exchangeable pair and size bias (but not zero bias) are special cases; E [ Gf ( W ′ ) − Gf ( W )] = E [ Wf ( W )]. • Paulin, Mackey and Tropp (2012,2013) extend exchangeable pair method to random matrices.

  15. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Stein’s Method and Concentration Inequalities • Raiˇ c (2007) applies the Stein equation to obtain Cram´ er type moderate deviations relative to the normal for some graph related statistics. • Chatterjee (2007) derives tail bounds for Hoeffding’s combinatorial CLT and the net magnetization in the Curie-Weiss model from statistical physics based on Stein’s exchangeable pair coupling. • Goldstein and Ghosh (2011) show bounded size bias coupling implies concentration. • Chen and R¨ oellin (2010) consider general ‘Stein couplings’ of which the exchangeable pair and size bias (but not zero bias) are special cases; E [ Gf ( W ′ ) − Gf ( W )] = E [ Wf ( W )]. • Paulin, Mackey and Tropp (2012,2013) extend exchangeable pair method to random matrices.

  16. Background Stein and Pair Couplings Size Bias Applications Zero Bias Matrix Concentration Summary Stein’s Method and Concentration Inequalities • Raiˇ c (2007) applies the Stein equation to obtain Cram´ er type moderate deviations relative to the normal for some graph related statistics. • Chatterjee (2007) derives tail bounds for Hoeffding’s combinatorial CLT and the net magnetization in the Curie-Weiss model from statistical physics based on Stein’s exchangeable pair coupling. • Goldstein and Ghosh (2011) show bounded size bias coupling implies concentration. • Chen and R¨ oellin (2010) consider general ‘Stein couplings’ of which the exchangeable pair and size bias (but not zero bias) are special cases; E [ Gf ( W ′ ) − Gf ( W )] = E [ Wf ( W )]. • Paulin, Mackey and Tropp (2012,2013) extend exchangeable pair method to random matrices.


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