stationary rational bubbles in non linear business cycle

Stationary Rational Bubbles in Non-Linear Business Cycle Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Stationary Rational Bubbles in Non-Linear Business Cycle Models Robert Kollmann Universit Libre de Bruxelles & CEPR June 17, 2019 Main result: non-linear DSGE models have more stationary equilibria than you think! Blanchard & Kahn

  1. Stationary Rational Bubbles in Non-Linear Business Cycle Models Robert Kollmann Université Libre de Bruxelles & CEPR June 17, 2019

  2. Main result: non-linear DSGE models have more stationary equilibria than you think! Blanchard & Kahn (1980): conditions for existence of unique stable solution of linear(ized) models are IRRELEVANT for non- linear models This paper shows: standard non-linear DSGE models have MULTIPLE stable equilibria, even when the linearized versions of these models have unique solution ⇒ DSGE models may have multiple sunspot equilibria, if non-linearity taken into account

  3. Sunspot equilibria look like ‘bubbles’: Economy temporarily diverges from no-sunspots trajectory, before reverting abruptly towards no-sunspots trajectory Key ingredient: heteroskedastic sunspots The further the system has diverged from ‘fundamental’ (stable) solution, the bigger the subsequent ‘correction’ ⇒ Conditional variance of future state is greater, the farther system has deviated from ‘fundamental’ solution. Heteroskedasticity stabilizes the system!

  4. ● “Divergent behavior”: similar to ‘rational’ bubbles in linear models (Blanchard (1979)) ● Big difference compared to Blanchard bubbles: bubbles here are STATIONARY.

  5. + = ⋅ λ λ > ; E y y y : scalar jump variable , 1 t t t t 1 y = Unique stable solution: 0 t Blanchard (1979), Blanchard & Watson (1982) + = λ − π ⋅ with probability 1 π − y y Bubble: 1 ( /(1 )) t t y + = with probability π 1 0 t + = ±∞ if y ≠ E y lim s 0 →∞ t t s t expected path of bubble diverges to ± ∞ Big influence on financial economics BUT little influence on structural (DSGE) macro Expected path of bubbles in non-linear DSGE described here do NOT diverge to ± ∞

  6. Note: Can construct DSGE models whose linearized versions have stable sunspots: λ ≤ . ⇒ + = ⋅ need | | 1 λ = ⋅ + λ ε is stationary E y y y y + + t t t t t t 1 1 1 ε + E ε + = solution for any with { } 1 0 t t t 1 Needed ingredients: ● Increasing returns, externalities (e.g., Schmitt-Grohé (1997), Benhabib and Farmer (1999)) ● Financial frictions (e.g., Martin and Ventura (2018)) ● Overlapping generations (e.g., Galí (2018)) λ < can be Specific assumptions & calibrations that deliver | | 1 debatable & fragile (e.g. in standard OLG model: need dynamic inefficiency, r ≤ g) By contrast, paper here argues that very standard λ > can deliver stationary DSGE models with | | 1 sunspot equilibria, if non-linearities are considered.

  7. Basic intuition I: Consider non-linear model with just 1 non- predetermined variable (no exogenous driver) = E G Y Y ( , ) 0 + t t t 1 Linearization (around steady state) gives: ≡ − + = λ ⋅ SS , y Y Y E y y t t t t t 1 Linearized model has unique non-explosive λ > . That unique solution is: y = solution iff | | 1 0 t (Blanchard & Kahn (1980), Prop. 1)

  8. λ > , the non-linear I show: even when | | 1 model can have stationary sunspot equilibrium = ⇔ = ε E ε + = E G Y Y G Y Y with ( , ) 0 ( , ) 1 0 + + + t t t t t t t t 1 1 1 =Λ Y ε ε + ⇒ Y . : “sunspot shock” ( , ) + + t t t t 1 1 1 Λ > ε + Even if | there may exist process | 1, { } Y t 1 E ε + = with such that is stationary. Y + 1 0 { } t t t 1 ε + is fed into Note: when white noise { } t 1 Λ > =Λ Y ε , then diverges if | Y Y + | 1. ( , ) { } + + t t t t Y 1 1 1

  9. Key requirements for stationary solution: =Λ Y ε ε + ● has to be NON-LINEAR in Y ( , ) + + t t t t 1 1 1 ε + ● Distribution of has to depend on Y t t 1 ≅Λ +Λ ⋅ ε + Λ ⋅ ε Y Y Y Y 2 ( ,0) ( ,0) 1 ( ,0)( ) + ε + εε + t t t t t t 1 1 1 2 ≅Λ + Λ ⋅ ε E Y Y Y E 2 1 ( ,0) ( ,0) ( ) + εε + t t t t t t 1 1 2 ε + = ≥ Λ ≠ Let E f Y If then can set 2 Y ( ) ( ) 0. ( ,0) 0 εε t t t t 1 ε + = < : E 2 f Y such that dE Y dY ( ) ( ) | / | 1 + t t t t t t 1 1 “MEAN REVERSION” Λ > Λ < Example: Then need Y Y ( ,0) 1, ( ,0) 0. εε Y t t f Y > E ε + for mean reversion: 2 must be '( ) 0 ( ) t t t 1 increasing in Y . t

  10. Basic intuition II: RBC model + = = F > F < C K Y Y F K ; ( ), ' 0, '' 0 + t t t t t 1 β ⋅ = ; assume ''' 0 u > (CRRA) E u C u C F K { [ '( )]/ '( )} '( ) 1 + + t t t t 1 1 K + ↑ ⇒ ↓ '( u C ↑ F K + ↓ Sunspot: assume C ) , '( ) t t t t 1 1 ↑ = − Euler eqn requires: E u C E u F K K '( ) '( ( ) ) + + + t t t t t 1 1 2 ↑ C + ↓ & ● In deterministic economy: need K + t t 1 2 K + ! ⇒ K diverges K + has to rise more than t t 2 1 K + ● With stochastic sunspot: random. t 2 u C + K + ⇒ if is convex in Var K + rises, '( ) ( ) t t t t 2 1 2 ↑ ⇒ E K + can rise less than ! E u C + K + '( ) t t t t t 2 1 1 ⇒ possibility of mean reversion

  11. Bursting bubble: sudden, unexpected drop of K towards ‘fundamental’ (no-sunspots) level. The further K has diverged from ‘no-sunspot path’, the sharper the ‘correction’ K + ↑ ⇒ ↑ Var K + ( ) t t t 1 2 Heteroskedasticity can stabilize the system!

  12. Several of the models considered below are usually presented as outcome of decision problem of an infinitely-lived representative agent. Bubbles violate the transversality condition (TVC) of infinitely lived household: τ β + + > E u C K lim '( ) 0 τ →∞ + τ τ t t t 1 This paper disregards TVC: 1) Lansing (2010) disregards the TVC in a Lucas- style asset pricing models with bubbles, arguing that “agents are forward-looking but not to the extreme degree implied by the transversality condition”

  13. 2) In richer models with heterogeneous agents and distortions: equilibrium is not solution of decision problem of representative agent. Detection of TVC violations in stochastic economies: virtually impossible, even with very long simulation runs (billions of periods): States with very low consumption might only occur with extremely small probabilities. 3) Assume OLG population structure with agents who live N< ∞ periods: then the TVC (infinite horizon) does not hold

  14. Novel result about OLG economy: (i) if there is a complete financial market that allows all generations alive at both dates t and t +1 (ii) if the generation born at date t receives a wealth endowment that is a constant share 1/N of aggregate date t wealth (across all generations) THEN an ‘aggregate’ Euler equation holds that is identical to the Euler equation of a representative infinitely lived household: β + = E u C u C MPK { '( )/ '( )} 1 + t t t t 1 1 BUT: there is no TVC in the OLG economy!

  15. OLG structure with efficient intergenerational risk sharing: justification for considering macro models that lack a TVC, but whose other equilibrium conditions are identical to those of standard business cycle models (that assume infinitely lived agents)

  16. Detailed Example I: Long-Plosser RBC model with sunspots α = = ≡ + = < < α u C C ; C K Y Y F K K , 0 ( ) ln( ) ; ( ) ( ) 1 + t t t t t t 1 β ⋅ = Euler equation: E u C u C F K { '( )/ '( )} '( ) 1 + + t t t t 1 1 ⇒ β ⋅ α = E C C Y K { / } / 1 + + + t t t t t 1 1 1 ⇒ β − − ⋅ α = E Y K Y K Y K {( )/( )} / 1 + + + + + t t t t t t t 1 1 2 1 1 ⇒ αβ ⋅ − − ⋅ = E K Y K Y Y K {(1 / )/(1 / )} / 1 + + + + t t t t t t t 1 2 1 1 αβ ⋅ − − = , ⇒ E Z Z Z {(1 )/(1 )}/ 1 + t t t t 1 ≡ Z K Y : investment/output ratio 1 / + t t t = αβ Z Textbook solution: t

  17. αβ ⋅ − − = E Z Z Z {(1 )/(1 )}/ 1 + t t t t 1 Linearization around Z αβ = : + = ⋅ λ ≡ − λ ≡ αβ > . E z z z Z Z , ; 1/( ) 1 t t t t t 1 z = ⇒ is unique non-explosive solution of 0 t linearized model. But: non-linear model has other stationary solutions. αβ ⋅ − − = + ε E ε + = Z Z Z , {(1 )/(1 )}/ 1 1 0 + + t t t t t t 1 1 ⇒ = Λ ε ≡ − αβ − + ε Z Z Z ( , ) 1 (1/ 1)/(1 ). + + + t t t t t 1 1 1

  18. Fig.1. Long & Plosser model: investment/output ratio at ε + ∈ − t+1, Z + as function of Z for { 0.5;0;0.5} 1 , t t t 1 ; =Λ ε ≡ − αβ − + ε Z Z Z α = β = ( , ) 1 (1/ 1)/(1 ) 0.35, 0.99. + + + t t t t t 1 1 1


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