states of convex sets

States of Convex Sets Bart Jacobs Bas Westerbaan Bram Westerbaan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

States of Convex Sets Bart Jacobs Bas Westerbaan Bram Westerbaan Radboud University Nijmegen June 29, 2015 States of Convex Sets Bart Jacobs Bas Westerbaan Bram Westerbaan

  1. States of Convex Sets Bart Jacobs Bas Westerbaan Bram Westerbaan Radboud University Nijmegen June 29, 2015

  2. States of Convex Sets Bart Jacobs Bas Westerbaan Bram Westerbaan Radboud University Nijmegen June 29, 2015

  3. The categorical quantum logic group in Nijmegen

  4. The categorical quantum logic group in Nijmegen

  5. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation .

  6. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...)

  7. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) In contrast to the friendly competition at Oxford: they emphasize to axiomatize what is unique and non-classical about quantum mechanics.

  8. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) 3. Identify relevant structure (Effect algebras, ...)

  9. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) 3. Identify relevant structure (Effect algebras, ...) 4. Organise it with category theory and formal logic.

  10. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) 3. Identify relevant structure (Effect algebras, ...) 4. Organise it with category theory and formal logic. 5. Ambition: to make quantum computation more accessible to existing methods and techniques (of categorical logic, ...)

  11. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) 3. Identify relevant structure (Effect algebras, ...) 4. Organise it with category theory and formal logic. 5. Ambition: to make quantum computation more accessible to existing methods and techniques (of categorical logic, ...) 6. On the horizon: a categorical toolkit including a type theory to formally verify quantum programs.

  12. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) 3. Identify relevant structure (Effect algebras, ...) 4. Organise it with category theory and formal logic. 5. Ambition: to make quantum computation more accessible to existing methods and techniques (of categorical logic, ...) 6. On the horizon: a categorical toolkit including a type theory to formally verify quantum programs. 7. In this paper ...

  13. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) 3. Identify relevant structure (Effect algebras, ...) 4. Organise it with category theory and formal logic. 5. Ambition: to make quantum computation more accessible to existing methods and techniques (of categorical logic, ...) 6. On the horizon: a categorical toolkit including a type theory to formally verify quantum programs. 7. In this paper ... some advances on state spaces

  14. What we do in Nijmegen 1. The semantics and logic of quantum computation . 2. Focus on the common ground between the classical, probabilistic and quantum setting (States, predicates, ...) 3. Identify relevant structure (Effect algebras, ...) 4. Organise it with category theory and formal logic. 5. Ambition: to make quantum computation more accessible to existing methods and techniques (of categorical logic, ...) 6. On the horizon: a categorical toolkit including a type theory to formally verify quantum programs. 7. In this paper ... some advances on state spaces, but we’ll come to that!

  15. Oxford & Nijmegen

  16. Setting Classical : Probabilistic : Quantum

  17. Setting Classical : Probabilistic : Quantum vN op Sets : K ℓ ( D ) :

  18. Setting Classical : Probabilistic : Quantum vN op Sets : K ℓ ( D ) : sets with maps sets with von Neumann algebras probabilistic maps with c.p. unital normal linear maps

  19. Logic? vN op Sets K ℓ ( D ) classical probabilistic quantum topos? �

  20. Logic? vN op Sets K ℓ ( D ) classical probabilistic quantum topos? � ✗ ✗

  21. Logic? vN op Sets K ℓ ( D ) classical probabilistic quantum topos? � ✗ ✗ CCC? � ✗ ✗

  22. Logic? vN op Sets K ℓ ( D ) classical probabilistic quantum topos? � ✗ ✗ CCC? � ✗ ✗ effectus * � � � * see next page

  23. *Effectus An effectus is a category with finite coproducts and 1 such that

  24. � � � � � *Effectus An effectus is a category with finite coproducts and 1 such that ◮ these diagrams are pullbacks: id + g � id A + X A + Y A A κ 1 κ 1 f + id f + id � B + Y � A + Y A + X B + X id + f id + g

  25. � � � � � � *Effectus An effectus is a category with finite coproducts and 1 such that ◮ these diagrams are pullbacks: id + g � id A + X A + Y A A κ 1 κ 1 f + id f + id � B + Y � A + Y A + X B + X id + f id + g ◮ these arrows are jointly monic: [ κ 1 ,κ 2 ,κ 2 ] X + X + X � X + X [ κ 2 ,κ 1 ,κ 2 ]

  26. � � � � � � *Effectus An effectus is a category with finite coproducts and 1 such that ◮ these diagrams are pullbacks: id + g � id A + X A + Y A A κ 1 κ 1 f + id f + id � B + Y � A + Y A + X B + X id + f id + g ◮ these arrows are jointly monic: [ κ 1 ,κ 2 ,κ 2 ] X + X + X � X + X [ κ 2 ,κ 1 ,κ 2 ] (Rather weak assumptions!)

  27. Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs

  28. Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs 1 (final object) singleton/unit type

  29. Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs 1 (final object) singleton/unit type ω � X 1

  30. Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs 1 (final object) singleton/unit type ω � X 1 state

  31. Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs 1 (final object) singleton/unit type ω � X 1 state p � 1 + 1 X

  32. Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs 1 (final object) singleton/unit type ω � X 1 state p � 1 + 1 X predicate

  33. � Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs 1 (final object) singleton/unit type ω � X 1 state p � 1 + 1 X predicate p � 1 + 1 ω � 1 X validity ω � p

  34. � Internal logic effectus meaning objects types arrows programs 1 (final object) singleton/unit type ω � X 1 state p � 1 + 1 X predicate p � 1 + 1 ω � 1 X validity ω � p λ � 1 + 1 1 scalar

  35. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1

  36. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1 classical element Sets ω ∈ X

  37. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1 classical element subset Sets ω ∈ X p ⊆ X

  38. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1 classical element subset Sets ω ∈ X p ⊆ X ω ∈ p { 0 , 1 }

  39. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1 classical element subset Sets ω ∈ X p ⊆ X ω ∈ p { 0 , 1 } probabilistic distribution K ℓ ( D ) ω ≡ � i s i | x i �

  40. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1 classical element subset Sets ω ∈ X p ⊆ X ω ∈ p { 0 , 1 } fuzzy subset probabilistic distribution p K ℓ ( D ) ω ≡ � i s i | x i � X → [0 , 1]

  41. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1 classical element subset Sets ω ∈ X p ⊆ X ω ∈ p { 0 , 1 } fuzzy subset probabilistic distribution p K ℓ ( D ) ω ≡ � i s i | x i � X → [0 , 1] � i s i p ( x i ) [0 , 1]

  42. Examples of states and predicates State Predicate Validity Scalars p 1 ω → X X → 1 + 1 ω � p 1 → 1 + 1 classical element subset Sets ω ∈ X p ⊆ X ω ∈ p { 0 , 1 } fuzzy subset probabilistic distribution p K ℓ ( D ) ω ≡ � i s i | x i � X → [0 , 1] � i s i p ( x i ) [0 , 1] quantum normal state vN op ω : X → C


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